1989/02/21APPROVED February 2I, 1989 Mayor Pe?ers called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm, Present was Deputy Mayor Karen McQuade. Deputy Mayor J~s McNair was not present due to illness. Executive Session Mayor Peters n~ved to enter E~ecutive Session at 7:00 ~n to discuss land for the ~mbile hone park, ~ by Deputy Mayor McQuade, Mayor Peters moved to exit Executive Session at 7:19 ~m, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~a_a_e, passed ~ly. NO action taken. A~Droval of Minutes Mayor Peters moved to appxove the minutes of February 14, 1989 as written, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~_,__~_de, passed unanimously. Audience of citizens Recapitulation of Minutes OSHA-Fire Depa= b,=nt Inspections: Mayor Peters sa{d that all of the fire houses had been inspected. Mik~ Casper, OSHA Inspector, met eight have said that they would shave, two are undecided. Mayor Peters said that any fireman wishing to retain a beard can remain a fireman but cannot respond to a fire. Old B~siness Ne~ susiness ADDoin~ents to Boards and/or Oa.,,.{ssio~ Mayor Peters moved to accept, with regret, the resignati~ of Edward Gentile frcm the EcoD~mic Development Commission, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~a_~_e, passed unanimously. This resignation is effective ~te~y. Morgan Seelye, Director of Public 'Works, came intO the E~ecutive Board tO review bi~s r~ei~ on several ~_er and sewer contracts and Board awarded the following contracts: Cc~tract WS89-02-Ductile Iron Water Pipe: Mayor Peters moved tO award the contract to United States Pipe & Foundry Cc~, I~ bidd-~, in the amount of $59,961.00, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed Contract WS85-02K: 12" Ductile Iron Water Main for Kensington Boad and New Britain Boad: Mayor Pe~_-_-rs moved to award the contract to K. & E. Cianci Cons~on Cu,pany, Iow bidder, in the amount of $172,265.00, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unan/mously. Massirio Drive-SeMxmr m~ad Project: (bntra~t WS88-05B-Sanitary Sea. rs ~n Massirio Drive & Se1~ur Road: Mayor Pet-rs moved to award the ccmtract to VMS Construction, low bi~-~, in the amount of $29,965.00, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~_,_a_~_e, passed unanimously. This is the third and final phase of this proj~t. ~ Acce~e: Wildwood Lane Mayor Peters moved to place the acceptance of Wildwood Lane on the ag~r~__a for the Special Town Meeting scheduled for February 28, 1989, Mayor Peters moved tO add discussion of an auction tO the agenda, seconded by Deputy Mayor McO_,_a~e, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters said that he b~d toured the Cc~ty Center and that there were several items that could be auctioned. He said that he would ask Jim D'Errico to contact the Junior Wc~en's Club to see if the end of March. Also, several depa~ ~,~nts in the Town may have items that could be brought tO the Center for an auction. Mayor Peters moved to a_~d_ to the agenda a discussion of the CT Housing Partnership Progr~, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed Mayor Peters explained that the State Legislature had approved a statute in 1988 that allows towns to foxm ccmnissions called local Housing Partnersb/p C~,,,.~ssions to enter into partnership with the state on housing. C~,~.{t local reserves to develop local affordable housing. The benefit to the towns ~ be a 25% increase in 0 in~ grants for local roads and bridges, a percentage incre~__.~ in funding for open spaces, parks and recreation for towns, plus others. This is an attempt to solve the housing problem in the state through oooperative efforts. Tb~ Mayor said that eventually, if towns do not cooperate in providing affordable housing, the State will begin to dictate where and to what extent each ~ust provide such Based ~n this Mayor Peters moved that the Executive Board give serious ~mide~ti~ to joining the CT roaming P~p P~gr~, ~ The Executive Board and Atty. SUllivan discussed several cases involvin~ zoning regulations including the Cross Street area and properties of T~ Gerdis. Mayor Peters asked Atty. Sullivan to infozm the violators in his letters that if they do not respond within three days oourt actic~ will be taken. His feeling is that if we are stronger with cur actions ~ might get better results frcm those in violation. At 8:30 ~ Steve Fox fr~ the Herald and John Maso~ of the Hartford cour~nt ~o' _z.~___ the Deputy Mayor MeO3___~__e said she has observed two ar~- that are ~eing littered with unsightly debris and should be cleaned. ~hese are Christian Lane between Deming Boad and the New Britain line and the east side of High ~oad between Alling Street and Gladding Place. Mayor Peters said that he would send a m~o ~ ~3er Gaudio, Zo~dr~ ~m~or, asking him to c~tact adjacent p~ owners to voluntarily clean up these areas. If this ls not possible or thsre are no abutting prop~ owners, Town crews would cl_~_n the areas in Also, Deputy Mayor McQuade asked that a me~n be sent to Nick Ch{rico, Building Inspector, to request an update on the situation of the abandoned house across fr~n the Kensington Post office and the former model buildings next to the driving range on Rt. 5. Mobile Hc~ Trailer Park Mayor Peters sa{d that he was ready to give the reporters an update a proposed site for the mobile h~e park. He sa{4 that the was setting their aim on a Town owned site that was not the Police Pistol P~n~e nor was it in any park in Town. He ~ed that while this location has definite merits there are still sc~e questions to be The Mayor said that after studying at least t~nty seven sites all efforts will now be aimed at this parcel. ~ said that before presenting it at a Town Meeting he planned to have an infozmational O l(n~ for a Town Meeting by the end of March. John Mason, Hartford Oourant, asked the Mayor where this site was located. Mayor Peters said that it ~ms off of Woodlawn Road, behind scme small industrial bui~. The Town owns approX/mately 47 acres, with roughly six, the amount needed for a mobile h~me park, being out of inland wetlands and the flood plain. The Mayor said that he felt this location would satisfy the h~meowners without disturbing any lands set aside in perpetuity. He added that the State was ready to move, Wh~/% the Tow~ has received all ap~>~ovals, to establish a 'model park that the Town will be proud of. Cancellation of Executive Board Meeting Mayor Peters moved to canoe1 the Executive Board Meeting scheduled for Feh~,~y 27, 1989, seczmded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed l~.~cutive Sessi~ Mayor Peters moved to enter Exeouti~e Session at 9:00 ~m to discuss ].~nd acquisition and a matter of .possible litigation, seconded by Deputy Mayor McQuade, passed unanumously. Mayor Peters asked that the and Atty. Sullivan. Mayor Peters moved to exit Executive Session at 9:30 ~, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mc~-, passed unanimously. No actio, take,. Mayu~ Peters moved to adjourn the m~eting at 9:32 ~m, D~uty Mayor ~, ~ ~ly. O