1989/01/03APPROVED AS AMENDED EX~CUTI~EBOA~D~ January 3, 1989 Mayor Pet_ers called the meeting to order at 7:00 ~. Present w~re Deputy Mayor Karen McQuade, Dr. John P. McIntosh, Jim D'Errico, reporters. ADDxoval of Minutes Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes of ~ 20, 1988 as written, seconded by Karen McQua~-. The vote was t~o in favor, with Deputy Mayor M~Nair absent. Audience of citizens Recapi~tio~ of Minutes Aband~m~nt of Ancient Highway: Mayor Peters said that h~ wa~ going to confer with ~orporatio~ Counsel Sullivan on an alternative plan to the original abandom~ent. Oa,,,unity Center: The Conn-0S~A Oonsultant's ~eport on the Ommmity Center has been received. The report found asbestos levels to be within acceptable levels, there are ~ areas with lead paint that will have to be taken care of, and some other minor repairs to stairs, railings etc. Mayor Peters said that he felt the Town would be able to put the building in shape to be used for the next couple of years until the Town is ready to build a new Center. O~ handicapped access, the Mayor said that he had spoken with the Building Inspector and that as long as not more than 25% of the total amount n~- ~ccled to renovate the building is spent then there is no need to cc~ply. Personal Mayor Peters moved to enter Executive Session to discuss Personnel matters at 7:11 ~m, ~ by Karen McQuade. Present were Mayor Peters, Deputy Mayor Mc~_,_ade and James D' Errico, Personnel Director. Tim Sullivan, Corporation Counsel, entered the Executive Session at 7:20~n. Jim D'Errico, Personnel Director, came out of the Sessio~ at 7:30 ~m to allow the E~outive Board to discuss p~l{ng legal cases with Atty. Sullivan. Mayor Peters moved to exit Executive Session at 7:45 ~m, seconded by Karen Mc~_,_a__ae. O Mayor Pet_ers moved to authorize CDrporatio~ Counsel Sullivan to file suit against the third party in Police Depa~-b;-~nt case number 88-14240 involving Car 24 for full and cc~let~ restitution, in an an~unt to be detezmine~ pen~,_'ng om~on of reports, seconded by Karen McQuade. The vote was two in favor with Deputy Mayor McRair absent. Mayor Peters moved to approve a resolution, and place it on the agenda for a Special Town Meeting, with the ~ristol Besource Recovery Facility that would designate the Operating C~,.Jttee of the facility to act as the Town's agent in applying for a rebate frcm the State under Public Act No. 88-352 and assign its interest therein to the Ccemit~, who shall apply the retained monies towards m~{ntaining the "tipping fee" at the lowest possible level, seconded by Karen McQuade. The vote was two in favor, with Deputy Mayor McNair absent. New Business A~x>intme~ts to Boards and Ommissi~ Mayor Peters moved to accept with regret the resignation of John Caociola frcm the Ccemission for the Aging, seconded by Karen McQuade. The vote was two in favor, with Deputy Mayor McNair absent. Bevised Mileac/e Bmi~s~ment Mayor Peters moved to approve the request of Finanoe Director Gary Clinton to increase the reimbursement for mileage to 24 cents per mile, per I.R.S. Guidelines, effective July 1, 1989, seconded by Karen McQuade. The vote was two in favor, with Deputy Mayor McNair absent. for Disabled and Handicapped Ma~or Peters moved to appoint Patricia Eshoo as O~,,.{ssic~er for the Disabled and Handicapped to serve as a liaison to the National Organization on Disabled for the Town of Berlin, seconded by Karen F~Quade. T~e %~>te was two in favor, with Deputy Mayor McNair absent. This term will run until December 31, 1990. Bud~ Bec/uest and/or Transfers Mayor Peters moved to' appi-ove a request to transfer funds in the amount of $80,226 to fund the Blue Oollar Co~tract, pending an explanation fr~m the .Finance D~rector, secom~_ed by Karen Mc~_~_~_e. The vote was Mayor Peters moved to approve a request from the Tax Collector in the amount of $30,000 for incorrect asses~nents to Shuttle Meadow Country Mayor Peters moved to t~_ble the budget request to transfer the remaining funds in the T.I.P. account into a new C~,,,unity Center I~-novation Account until a better idea of the costs is obtained. Deputy Mayor M~la;r joiD~d the meeting at 8:00 ~m. .Deputy Mayor McQuade moved to approve a tax refund for IRV Leasing · n the a~ount of $66.30, seconded by Mayor Peters, passed unanimously. Executive Sessicm Mala>r_Pe.ters ~ to enter Executive Sessi~ at B:IO ~n, for a Mayors McQ.mde and McNair, and Personnel Director Jim D'Errico. Malalr Peters moved to exit Executive Sessio~ at 8:33 ~m, seconded by Jim McNair, passed unanimmmly. Mayor Peters moved to elevate Louis Kristopik, Public Grounds Department, to C£ew Chief, effective inm~diately, seconded by Jim McNair, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to table consideratio~ of Crew Chiefs in the Highway Department pending further review. Pire ~ Members of the Fire Board and the Fire Chiefs joined the Executive Board at 8:40 pm to discuss their ]m_~get for the fiscal year 1989-90. Elected and Appoint Official-_ Pay .Sc~__le pay scale that he had presented to the~ last week, ~sing the next three year period. Jim McNair said that he ~ feel oa~fortable going just to 1989-90, disregarding the third and fourth years. The Mayor said that he had devised this schedule so that each new person ~ into a position would be paid at the starting salary. ~e said that he felt this was more fair to the taxpayers than a new employee starting at the s~ne salary as the experienced employee that he/she replaces. Deputy Mayor McQuade agreed with Ma~or Peters theory but also felt that salaries should not be projected' beyond the 1989-90 f. iscal year. Mayor Peters moved to ap$=ove the salary schedule for the 19B9-90 fiscal year for elected and appoint officials as presented, secoD~_ed by Karen McQuade, passed unan/mously.