1988/09/19APPROVED EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING September 19, 1988 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 ~n. Present were Mayor Robert J. Peters, Deputy Mayor Karen McQuade, Jim D'Errmco, Dr. John McIntosh, and John Kilroy-The Herald. Deputy Mayor Jim McNair was unable to be in attendance. Approval o~ M~nutes and Addendums Mayor Peters moved to approve the m~nutes of September 6, 1988 and the Addendums of September 8 and Septs~bar 12, 1988 as written, seconded by Karen McQuade. The motion passed 2-0. Audience of citizens None. Recapitulation o~ M~nutes Fire truck Refurbishing: Vincent Lewandowski, Chie~ Kensington Fire Depai-h-~-~nt is writ%ng the specs and will likely ccme into next week's Board meet~_ng. Correspondence: F.Y. I. Mayor Peters referred to a letter frc~ Judy Lindgren in which she snf~nitted her resignation from the Library Board due to the fact that she ms going to take a college course and will have to m~ss three meetings in a row. The Mayor samd that Blanche Delaney, Chairman of the Library Board, had called him to see ii this would be considered a valid reason for m~ss~ng meetings as Judy ms a good member that she did not want to have reslgn. He said that he considered it to be a legitimate reason and Mrs. Delaney persuaded Judy to remain on the Board. Noted were letters frc~ the Design Review Cu~,.~ssion and the Public Building Cc~nission in which they c~L,~mnt on members who have missed a number of meetings. New Business Appointments to Boards and/or Commissions Mayor Peters moved to accept the resignation, with regret, of Paula Alkas frc~ the Berlin-Peck M~orial Library Board, effectively inm~diately, seconded by Karen McO~_ade. The motion passed 2-0. Mayor Peters moved to appoint Gregory Benoit to serve as an Alternate on the Historic District C~,,~,~ssion, with the stipulation that he first register as a voter in the Town of Berlin, seconded by Karen McQuade. His term will expire in 1989. The motion passed 2-0. Request of James Ripper Re: Kensington Gran~ar School Mayor Peters moved to approve a request made by James E. Ripper to have an architectural feasibility study done of the Kenszngton Gr~.,.,~r School, seconded by Karen McQuade. In a discussion that follow~d, Mayor Peters said that he felt it was an excellent opportunity for the Town to get a handle on the value of the school and what can be done with the buildings. Karen said that she felt that the study might be biased and had scme reservations in approving the request. The Mayor said that if the Town decided to sell the buildings then a Town appraisal would have to be done. If a decision is made to sell then a bid procedure w~uld be used. The motion passed 2-0. Request of Kensington Hardware Co. Mayor Peters moved to give tentative approval to Michael Cassetta of Kensington Hardware to pursue the purchase of a portion of the Town ~wned pond adjacent to his property and to apply to the Inland Wetlands Oa-~¥Jssion for permission to fill in part of the pond as needed, seconded by Karen McQ~ade. In a discussion that follow~d, Mayor Peters said that Mr. Cassetta had called to explain the fact that he has a problem in that hzs fence and scme lumber are located on State property and he needs additional land for him to cc~ply wzth the State. The Mayor said that he had spoken with Dick Feegel, k~sessor, to get a price put to this land. He said that $12,000 would be a fair price. The Mayor said that he did not foresee the Town ever using this pond, it would assist a businessman with a problem he has, and at the same time allow the Town to get a fair value price for this property. The motion passed 2-0. Contract for Band Concert: Resolution Karen McQuade moved to approve a resolution authorizing Mayor Peters to sign a contract with the State of Connecticut C~t,~ssion on the Arts to allow the Recreatzon Department to recezve a grant in the amount of $315 for a performance by The ~rgans at Sage Park on August 17, 1988, seconded by Mayor Peters. The motion passed 2-0. Resolution attached to minutes. Telephone System Enhancement Mayor Peters moved to add to the agenda a discussion of a Telephone System Enhancement, seconded by Karen McQuade. Mayor Peters said that Jack Boss had sent a msmo to him recommending that the Executive Board consider the installation of the Autc~ated Operator, an enhancement which will provide the Board of Education, Town Hall, Library, and Police Department with an answerzng service prior to the start of the business day, after calling hours, holidays, etc. The cost of thzs is approximately $10,000 and is installed and serviced by SNET. Mr. Ross has offered to come in to the Executive Board to explain the merits of the Automated Operator and can arrange a d~nonstration if desired. The Mayor said that he would arrange to have him come nnto a meeting in October. The motion passed 2-0. Finance Budget Transfers and/or Requests Mayor Peters moved to approve a request of the Board of Education to transfer funds in the amount of $46,190.00 frcm account #101-2129-121-299 (Contingency) to account #101-2861-121-288 (Vocational Education Grant Fund) to allocate funds for the Town's share of the Vocational Educational Grant, and to place on the agenda for a Special Town Meeting, seconded by Karen McQuade. The motion passed 2-0. Tax R~ funds Mayor Peters moved to approve a tax refund for Jonathan and Debbie Shapiro ~n the amount of $382.32, seconded by Karen McQuade. The motion passed 2-0. Mayor Peters moved to approve a tax refund for Stanley Myslak in the amount of $9.18, seconded by Karen McQuade. The motion passed 2-0. Karen McQuade moved to approve a tax refund for Fred or Irene Lewchik in the amount of $69.09, seconded by Mayor Peters. The motion passed 2-0. Mayor Peters moved to approve a tax refund for Carrie Massirio zn the amount of $48.23, seconded by Karen McQuade. The motion passed 2-0. Karen McQuade moved to approve a tax refund for Maria DeFrancisco in the amount of $2.73, seconded by Mayor Peters. The motion passed 2-0. Mayor Peters moved to approve a tax refund for Charles Satkowski Jr. in the amount of $117.00, seconded by Karen McQuade. The motion passed 2-0. Joznt Meeting with Finance Board: Six Year Plans The foll~ing members of the Finance Board jointed the Executive Board at 7:30 ~xn to hold hearings on the Six Year Plans of several depa~-h;-ents: Ida Ragazzi, James Tiezzi, and Rodney Lenfest. Also present was Gary Clinton, Fznance Director. The followLng department plans were discussed: Department Member Present Time 2230 Dog Warden Art Volz 7: 30 2234 Fire Marshal Ed ~_~__P~_r 7:45 2231 Fire Department Ron Lindgren 7:55 2439 Water Control Cc~ssion Ron Lindgren 8:00 2101 Mayor Mayor Peters 8:10 2102 Finance Gary Clinton 8:12 2337 Highway Morgan Seelye 8:15 Bryan Griswold 2336 Engineering Morgan Seelye 2335 Municipal Garage Jim Simons 8:30 Tim Sullivan, Corporation Counsel, joined the meeting at 8:55 Executive Session Mayor Peters moved to enter Executive Session at 9:00 ~, seconded by Karen McQuade. The motion passed 2-0. Mayor Peters moved to exmt Executive Session at 10;22 ~, seconded by Karen McQuade. The motion passed 2-0. Mayor Peters moved to affirm the following actions taken in Executive Session, seconded by Karen McQuade. The motion passed 2-0. Mayor Peters moved to give Corporation Counsel Sullivan the authority to take D.E.P. to court on the Rail Road Pond Dam decision, seconded by Karen McQuade. The motion passed 2-0. Mayor Peters moved to approve an amendment to Ordinance 2-86 entitled "Ordinance Est_~_blishing a Public Library to be Known as the Berlkn-Peck Memorial L~brary" and place it on an agenda for a Special Town Meeting, seconded by Karen McQuade. The motion passed 2-0. Mayor Peters moved to approve t~e termination pay for M~chael Rogan of the Highway Department in the amount ot $560.32, seconded by Karen McQuade. The motion passed 2-0. Mayor Peters moved to authorize J~m D'Errico, Personnel D~rector, to refill the position of EngLneerLng Technician, seconded by Karen McQuade. Debra Flsette has suk,~/tted her resignation. The motion passed 2-0. Mayor Peters moved to award the brad %or a Four Wheel Drive Turt Truckster to the low bidder, Turf Products Corporatmon, in the amount of $8,692 ($8,992 less $300 trade ~n), seconded by Karen McQuade. The motion passed 2-0. Mayor Peters moved to award the bid' for Three Phase Electric System Ln the Municipal Garage to the low b~dder, R.G. Bigelow Electrlcal Cc~pany, Inc., ]_n the amount of $6,600, seconded by Karen McQuade. The motion passed 2-0. Karen McQuade moved to award the bid for three 1989 Ford LTD Crown Victoria Police Cruisers to iow bidder, Morande Ford, at a unit price of $14,253 with the fourth to be purchased when settl~a~ent is forthcoming frcm insurance ccmpany for damages resulting frcm cruiser accident, seconded by Mayor Peters. The motion passed 2-0. Mayor Peters moved to approve the proposed White Collar Contract as written, seconded by Karen McQuade. The motion passed 2-0. Mayor Peters moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:24 ~a. ~Janice Seratlno, Exec~ive Secretary KARE:N M. MCQUADE: TOWN TOWN HALL · OF BERLIN BERLIN, CONN. 06037 ROBERT J. PETERS JAMES I., MCNAIR RESOLVED, that the Executive Board has authorized Mayor Robert J. Peters to s~gn a comtract with the State of Connecticut C~mnssi~n on the Arts to allow the Recreatzon Department to receive a grant in the amount $315.00. This award is in support o~ artists' fees for one performable by The Morgans on August 17, 1988. ~DOP~D BY THE EX~C%~TVE BOARD OF THE TOWN OF BERLIN, ~ICUT, THIS 19th DAY OF SEPTMMBER, 1988. ADDEND~4 A Septenber 8, 1988 Upon motion of Mayor P~bert J. Peters, seconded by Deputy Mayor Jim McNa{r, it was voted to award the TLre bid for the Town to Firestone Truck Tire Center of Hartford, passed ~ly. ADDenDUM B T~r,k'~t~POLL= Se~ 12, 1988 Upon motio~ of Mayor Robert J. Peters, seconded by Deputy Mayor Jim McNair, it was unsn/mously voted to allow the Berlin High School Senior Class and the Berlin Midget Football I~ague to sell food, soda, candy, etc. at Sage Park during their hc~e football g~nes this fall.