1988/09/06~PROVED EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING September 6, 1988 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 ~m. Present were Mayor Bobert J. Peters, Deputy Mayor Karen McQuade, Deputy Mayor Jim McN~r, jim D'Errico, Dr. John P. McIntosh, and John Kilroy-The Herald. Approval ofMinutesand~d~dum Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes of August 29, 1988 as wrztten, seconded by Jim ~Na{r, passed unan~ly. Mayor Peters moved to approve the A~dendum of Sept~ 1, 1988 as written, seconded by Karen Mcbride, passed unanimously. Au_dience of citizens None. Recapitulation of Minutes Massirio Drive-Seymour ~oad Project: Mayor Peters informed the Executive Board that there are two meetings scheduled for Wednesday, September 7th to discuss the problems that have occurred with the project. The first at 10:00 am with D.E.P. and the second at 11:00 am with B&M Construction Co., attorneys for both the ccmpany and the Town, representatives of our Engineering and Water and Sewer Departments and Knaus Develo~n~nt Co. Town Hall Hours: The present hours have been approved by both the M~d Management and White Collar Unions. Fire Truck Refurbishing: Vincent Lewandowski, Fire Chief of the Kensington Fire Department is drawing up specs to refurbish the truck so that bid prices can be obtained. Mayor Peters said that he feels it is time to have a meeting with the Fire Board and take a hard look at adding fire equipment. Perhaps the Departments will have to take turns is acquiring new equipment. Also, he said that he thought it was time for a town-wide study on what the needs of the Town are for fire protection. Old Business Water Control Cc~mission A~counts: Mayor Peters said that he had met with Jack Ross, Administrative Assistant Water Control C~¥;~.{ssion, and Gary Clinton, Finance Director, to ascertain why there was a need to transfer funds to cover salaries. He said that this is a unique department, as far as financial operations are concerned, and that, coupled with the fact that they did not have updated figures to put into the computer during budget preparations, led to the problem. The mo~ey was there but had been pumped into incorrect accounts. Gary assured the Mayor that this was the last time this would happen with salaries, the problem had been corrected and would remain so. A discussion followed concezning the Town's three water districts. Ambulance Study Cxmmittee: Mayor Peters asked Jim D'Errico to make contact with Ed Fishman and see if he would ccme to the last Executive Board meeting of September to discuss possible incentives for our ambulance volunteers. Tennis Courts: George Weicek, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Cc~mission and Ted Hrubiec, Superintendent of Public Grounds, both feel that the Timberlin courts are the best choice for the f~ni courts. They feel that there is not as much need for it to be done to the McCcc courts m~w that the new high school courts are open. Mayor Peters questioned Timberlin as McGee has lights for night play. Appointments to Boards and C<,','{~,~ssions Mayor Peters moved to reappoint the following people to serve ~n the Jury C~,,tJttee for another One year term, to expire on 10/31/89, seconded by Karen McO_,._~.d.e, passed unanimously: Florence Murky Clarissa Dacey Mayor Peters moved to accept the resignation of Martha Baumann as an Altenate to the Berlzn Historic District, seconded by Karen M=Quade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters suggested waiting to fill this position until be check~ with Joanne Ward to see if the Town Charter stipulates that there be five alternates to this C~a;-,{ssion. Bestaurant ~r- F.Y.I. Mayor Peters informed the Executive Board that John Cacciola had told him that he would be stepping down as Restaurant Inspector for the Town as of December 31, 1988. Executive Session Mayor Peters moved to enter Executive Session at 7:35 ~x~, seconded by Karen McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to exit Executive Session at 8:50 ~, seconded by Karen McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to confirm the following actions taken in Executive Session, seconded by Karen McQuade, passed unanimously: Mayor Peters moved to approve the termination pay for Albert Aldi, Jr. in the amount of $3,859.8i, seconded by Karen McO_,_~ae, passed Jim McN~{~ m~ved to award the bid for gas and diesel fuel for the Town to Atlas Oil, low bi~a~.r, seconded by Karen F~mde, passed unanimously. Jim McN~{.r moved to award the bid for oil and grease to Statewide, low bidder, seconded by Karen ~Quade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to wait to award the bid for Tires until a cost cu,%~rison fr~ last year is obtained, seconded by Jim McNair, passed unanimously. A telephone poll will be conducted when this comparison is made. Mayor Peters moved to hire Susan LaVallee and Allen Syskcwski as Civilian Police Dispatchers in the Police Department, seconded by Karen MC~de, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to approve a request from Carol P~ase, Finance Department, to be allo~d to leave at 6:00 ~m on Thursdays to take an ~counting III course at Tunxis Ommunity College, seconded by Karen McQuade, passed unanimously. The Executive Board wanted it to go on record that this request was granted based on the fact that the course is definitely degree related, that Mrs. Rease made every effort to tak~ this course on her own time, and that she will ~rk out making up the one hour with her supervisor. Deputy Mayor McQuade moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 seconded by Mayor Peters, passed ~ly. ~nice Serafin6, Execu~etary