1988/07/11APPROVED EX~L'FiVE BOARD ~ July I1, 1988 The meeting was called to order at 7:03 ~m. Present w~re Mayor Robert J. Peters, Deputy Mayor James McNa~r, Deputy Mayor Karen McQuade, Jamms D'Errico, Dr. John P. McIntosh, E. Timothy Sullivan-Corporation Counsel, and John Kilroy-The Herald. At 7:45 lan Morgan Seelye joined the meeting. Auprova~ of Minutes Mayor Peters moved to approve the minutes of July 11, 1988 as written, ~conded by Karen Mm~:_a_~e, passed unanimously. Recapitulation of Minutes ~ployee Wellness Programs: Jim D'Erri~o t~ld the Board that t~o sessions of a Stress Management course would be offered for e~ployees on August 19th at 11:00 am and on August 25th at 5:00 pm. Award of Contract: Bepair of Percival Pool Bay Giolitto, an architect with Quinn Associates, rec~z~ended that the contract for the repair of Percival Pool be awarded to the 1~ bidder, Whitten Corporation of M~_ndon, Massachusetts. He said that the cc~pany would be able to start the work in September after the pool closes and would have it c~leted by June 1, 1989. Mayor Peters moved to award the bid for the repair of Percival Pool in the amount of $161,800, with the understanding that any ~tra work deemed necessary will be done with the supervision of the architect, and shall be within the limits of the $20,000 in the contingency fund, seconded by Jim McNair, passed unanimously. In the discussion that followed it was decided to install a stainless steel trench cover, the price for which is included in the bid price, as opposed to a galvanized cover. Award of Contracts: Fuel Oil and Pro~ane Gas 1988-79 Mayor Peters moved to add to the agenda the award of contracts for the purchase of fuel oil and propane gas for the Town for 1988-89, seconded by Karen Mc~ade, passed unaniaously. Mayor Peters moved to award the following bids for the purchase of fuel oil and propane gas, seconded by Jim McNair, passed unanimously: The purchase of propane gas fr~n Superior Gas service in the amount of $.75 per gallon. The purchase of ~_el oil f;-c~;. ~. R. Peterson Oil Cb. in the amount of $0.5295 net price per gallon. Appointments to Boards and C~-,,.{ssions Mayor Peters moved to appoint Bryan Griswold, Highway Superintendent, to serve as Tree Warden for the Town of Berlin, seconded by Jim McNair, passed unanimously. Award of Contract for the Repair of the Railroad Pond Dam Mayor Peters moved to award the bid for the repair of the Railroad Pond Dam, in the amount of $109,547, to Pressure Concrete Construction Ccml~any of Florence, Alabama, at an estimated price of $109,547, seconded by Karen McQuade, passed unanimously. In a discussion that followed, ~k~gan Seelye said that the structural work should be done before Labor Day. He said that he had written to D.E.P. requesting an extension of the deadlines for the cc~pletion of the repairs. Old Business New Britain' s ~,-est-Waiving of Fees = Mayor Peters moved to r~ove fr~%, the table a request fr~-~-~ New Britain to waive the fees connected with the vertical expansion of the bulky ~ste landfill on Deming ~0~d, seconded by Jim McNair, passed una mxmly. Mayor Peters moved to waive the fees for New Britain to vertically extend the bulky waste landfill on Deming Road, seconded by Karen MuQuade, passed unanLmously. Water-Sewer Municipal Complex Seymour Road: Mayor Peters moved to table a motion, passed at the Executive Board Meeting on July 5th, for $20,900 frc~ the Town Wide Water Account to sewer lin~s, seconded by Karen ~cQuade, passed unan/m~usly. The Mayor said that Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer, is working up the total costs of labor and materials, and that the amount originally requested is not the total amount that would be needed. cor orati counsel: case Corporation Counsel Sullivan asked to discuss the Spector Case with the Executive Board. The Spector family of Laurel Drive, has brought suit against the Town for failure to extend the road and to grant a variance to allow them to develop their property. Atty. Sullivan ask~ the Board how they wanted his to proceed. After discussing the various options, Mayor Peters, with the consensus of the. Deputy Mayors, instructed Atty. Sullivan to let the court settle the issue. Budget Transfers and/or Appropriations Mayor Peters moved to approve a request of the Treasurer, Thomas Heavren, to transfer funds in the following amounts, seconded by 101-2105-101-101 101-2105-101-101 101-2105-101-10R 101-2105-101-121 Te~. Help $2,800.00 Overtime $ 200.00 These fur~ls are to be transferred fr~n the Treasurer's salary account to hire a t~ra~ worker to fill in during the Treasurer's leave of absence and for in-house overtime which may be necessary. Jim McNa~rmoved to approve arequest of Elizabeth Tedeschi, Registrar of Voters, to transferfunds in the amount of $3,000, to c~nductaTownwidevoter canvass, seconded byKarenMcQuade, passed unanimously. Karen Mc~,~de moved to approve a request of William Voelk~r, Town Planner, in the amount of $160.00, for additional funds for secretarial expenses due to the need to co~duct additional n~=etings, seconded by Jim McN~{~, passed unanimously. Karen McQuade moved to approve a request of Joseph Strattner, Design Review Chainman, to transfer funds from the unused photo supply account in the 1987-88 budget to the secretarial account to meet secretarial obligations, seconded by Jim McNair, passed unanimously. Mayor Petars noved to approve a request of his office, in the amount of $350.00, to lease a beeper for the Mayor's use, seconded by Karen McQuade, passed unanimously. Housing Authority Audit The Executive Board reviewed the State audit report of the Town's Housing Authority. This audit is done every t~o years. Municipal Leasin9 Mayor Peters told the Executive Board that he and Jim D'Errico had met with representatives of Morande Ford about the leasing program that Ford Motor Ommpany offers to municipalities. The Company offers for lease any type of vehicle that a town would need and there are many different ways of doing this. He said that they gave t~ six vehicles, including 3 police cruisers, to price, with and without service, before the Town goes out to bid. The maximum interest would be 7.25%, the money not spent on purchase would earn a higher rate of interest and those earnings would cover four months of the charges for leasing. There are many things that would have to be looked into such as how this would affect cur bonding and would the vehicles still be a liability to the Town. Before any decisions are m~__.de the total package will have to be closely examined. Executive Session Mayor Peters moved to enter Executive Session at 8:40 ~ to discuss the White Collar Contract, seconded by Karen McQuade, passed u dmmmly. Mayor Peters moved to exit Executive Session at 10:28 ~m, seconded by Jim McNair, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to add to the agenda th~ bid award for office supplies for the 1988-89 fiscal year, seconded by Karen Mcguade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to award tb~ contract for office supplies to Conm~-ticut Office Supply for the fiscal year 1988-89, seconded by Karen McQuade, passed unanimously. Mayor Peters moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:40 ian, seconded by Karen ~e, passed unanimously. POLL: July 15, 1988 Upon motion of Mayor Robert J. Peters, seconded by Deputy Mayor Karen ~ade, it was unanimously voted to schedule the next Special Center.T°wn Meeting for Thursday, July 28, 1988 at 7:00 ~. at the Senior