1966/02/15Ditric 1. Regular Meeting Bemlin.~o~g P%anning Commission FebPuamy 15, 1955 at 7:30 P. Members pre~ent: Aldo Cas~lgikon%, Roy Bymne, Robert Bennemup, and Linc ConTi. Also Morgan Seelye, Dir. of Public Works, and A1 Curnow, Engineering Dept. 2. Mr. By,ne was appointed Acting Secretary. 3. Agenda ITem 3- Blue Ridge Heights - See Feb. 1 Minutes - ITem 3. presented The following map "Preliminary Subdivision Map Blue Ridge Heights, Topo Survey Map, Property of Leonard Abrahamson Berlin, Conn., dated February, 1955, 1"=80' Igor Vechesloff." This is basically the same map as presented at our Feb. 1 meeting. This Section which will probably be called Section 4 g ~ now contains 67 lots. The six lots on Meadow Brooke Rd. in The Green Belt have been deleted. The map meets Engineering Department requirements, but seepage Tests have not been taken. Mr. Abrahamson would like forecast preliminary 9pproval so that he can begin to clear the land which will enable him To get equ%pment in to Take the seepage tes~ Mr. Byrne made a motion, seconded by Mr. ConTi That forecast preliminary approval be granted. $o voted. 4. Agenda ITem i - Preliminary Approval - MidTown Acres - See Item ~ Jan 18. Mr. Seelye presented a map entitled "Revised Preliminary Plan - Midtown Estates Christian Lane g Porters Pass, Berlin,Conn., owned and developed by Johnson Johnson, Inc. 7~7 Farmington Avenue, Kensington,Conn., dated February 1956, J.D. Williams, C.g. Horiz. 1":40' Vert. 1":5' This map shows a revision at the northern end of Skinner Road made by Mr. Seelye and agreed To by Johnson & Johnson. a) Skinner Road ending in a temporary cul-de-sac at the boundary line of The residential and industrial zones. b) ~0' right-of-way to be deeded To The Town of Bemlin by Johnson Johnson To connect to Rowland Property. This will provide for a possible future connec~n To Fairview Drive. c) Thmee lots meeting zonin~ requirements bordering cul-de-sac instead of the original four non-conforming lots. M~. Seelye suggested .tha~ a fenc~ he installed a~ th? boundary line of Mr. Bennerup ~de a mo~ion, seconded by Mr. Contl, That we give preliminary approval sub,eot To:- preparation of a map.showing The agreed-to changes, and showing drainage as reco~u~ended by The Engineering Dept.; fence - four foot chain link at boundary line of residential and industrial zones; transfer of present industrial area To abutting owner (Rowland Products) So voted. 5. Agenda ITem 4 - Final Approval Sec. II Woodcliff - not discussed. 5. Oxyoke Village - Mr. Cu~now stated That a road name in Oxyoke Village conflic' with an established road in Town - Colonial Drive. Mr. Curnow was instructed to bring this to Mm. Wicklund's attention and ask him to change The road name. 7. Voted on motion of Mr. Byrne, seconded by Mr. Bennerup To pay Miss Gooby's bill of $18.78 from the Expense Fund - This covers meetings of Jan. 18 & Feb. 1. 8. A letter from Morgan Seelye was read relative To Teferrlng Subdivision request for water and sewer extensions To subdivisions which ape outside present Fire limits to The Water g Sewer Commission. 9. A copy of a letter from the Town Counsel To the Board of Selectmen was read in which Mr. Jackaway stated That he has filed an appeal on the GonTarz Case. 10. On motion of Mr. Bennerup, seconded by Mr. Byrne, the Minutes of the February 1 Meeting were approved as written. 11. Budget - Item g Feb. 1 - Mr. Castiglioni reported That our Heaping with The Board of Finance was held on Feb. 2. Have not heard as yet as to the approved budget. 12. Agenda Item 2 - Preliminary Discussion Industrial Subdivision-Berlin STreet. Messrs. Neri, Downes, Ward, and MerritT appeared and presented The following map for discussion "Plot Plan Jomes Loomis Co., Industrial Park, Berlin St.,Berlin, Conn., l"=b0', dated Feb. 1966, Kralzert g Jones,C.E. and L.S. 175 N.Main Southington, Conn." This proposed subdivision lies north of Stanley Chemical and contains 35 lots. The road will be 50' wide with a 40' paved way, excepting for the portion of the road To be built on The present right-of-way which is only 50' wide. The developers intend To use septic systems until The MattabassetT Sewer line is built. Themefore the Subdivision will need the appmoval of the Health Director. The developer would like both prellmfnary and final approval at our next meeting and themap will be submitted to the Engineering Dept. prior to this meeting so that they can check it out. It was suggested that they sectionalize this subdivision, including Lots 1,2, 5, 30, g & 3 in Section I. One of the reasons for suggesting this is that the lot on which the present M&W Company stands is an illegal lot facing on a r-o-w. This will have to be straightened out before this portion of the subdigision can be approved. The Developers will have a preliminary map prepared for our March 1 meeting and will have it checked out by the Engineering Dept. prior to being presented. Also will make the necessary arrangements with present lot Owners to correct a~F illegal lots. 13. Proposed Industrial Park - old Donnelly Brick Yard property - Messrs, Jarmolinski and Norman Kcs appeared and presented a sketch of their plans for filling,in the old brick ponds and subsequently making an industrial park in the a~ea. The plans are to fill in the ponds with bricks and other non-organic debris from buildings being town down in the New Britain Redevelopment area. This area is no zoned far heavy industry, and is in a flood plain. It was the consensus that before we take any action on these plans that the Zoning Commission should be made aware of them. Also, we must make sure that al~ requirements of other Commissions in Town are fulfilled if they are involved in land that is being taken out of a flood plain. The Engineering Dept. will discuss this plan with the Building Inspector and the Zoning Commission. 14. Meeting adjourned at 10 P.M. 15. Next Meeting March 1 at 7:30 P.M. Continued f~om page 13. Mr. Rosso will take care of renewing subscriptions for all members for The Conn. State Journal. 1~. The following map was presented To us for our infor~ation befome filing with The Town Clerk. "Property of Joseph & Marion Forauer, HarTland Terrace - Ellwood Road, Berlin, Conn., December 1965, 1"60', J.D. Willlams,C.E., ATty. Anderson" on motion of Mr. Bennerup, seconded by Mr. ConTi, The ChaiPman or The SecPetaPy was authorized To put The following note on The map before it is filed "This is not pa~t of a subdivision or a re-subdivision." 15. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Next meeting Mavch 15 at 7:30. R~ctfull¥ s~bmitted, Robert Bennerup, Acting ~ecvetary /