1966/01/181. Regular Meeting Bemlin Town Planning Commission Januamy 18, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. Membems present: AldO Castiglloni, Nunzio Rosso, Roy By, ne, Robert Bennemup, and ~ino Conti. Also Morgan Seelye, Dir. of Public Womks, and A1 Curnow, Engmg. Dept. 2. Mm. Lino Conti was introduced as a new membem succeeding George 3. Agenda Item 2 - Final Appmoval Section I - Pinecmest Manom Mm. Dobmowolski appeamed and pmesented the following map "Pinecmest Manom,BeTlin, Conn, Section I, Lower Lane, owned by Edwin K Adams, developed by Francis Dobmowolskl, 31 Fomest ST., New BmiTain, Conn., Jan. 19S6 l"=q0'G.S.Jarmolinski This Section contains 14 lots fronting on Clark Rd. A~sOhGo6drleh Rd. which The following notes "Goodmich Rd. nomTh of Clark "not included in this section, slope mights Teserved.' Goodmich Rd. south of ClaTk "to be ~maded To appmox. futume stmeet gTade, loamed and seeded. Slope mights mesemved."" Sanitamy Sewers - MT. Dobmowolski stated That it would be necessamy to pump the sewage up to existing system in LoweP Lane and a print of the Type system they propose was presented and discussed. This is a Simplex Centmi-J Ejector type system and would be built to eject 50 gal. per minute. The developer has dlscusse~ this with Mr. Hamilton of the Worthington Fire District but nothing definite has been settled. The consensus of the Commission was that The following infommafion is mequimed befome we can give appmoval to This SecTiDn I. a) Lettem of appmoval from The WomthingTon Fime Distmict on Sanitamy Sewer System, and the type of sewage pumping station pmoposed as both the System and the Pumping Station will pmobably become the responsibility of the W.F.D. b) En~ineeTing Dept. should go ovem the map fom a final meview. Bond - Mm. DobTowolski stated that he would like to put in all utilities befome putting up a bond. The Commission's consensus is that we will TequiTe a pet- fommance bond on the roads and which probably might include completion of the sewem system. Mr. Rosso pointed out That the Gmeen Belt has been given lot numbers, 13 - 33 and 13-q. Mr. Seelye will question this with the Town Assessom. ~. Midtown Temmace - see Jan. ~ Minutes, Item 6 - Mm. Dale Johnson appeamed to discuss this pmoposed subdivision with the Oommis~ion. He showed us plans of thmee basic models of homes especially designed fop 6-' lots, each with a gamage. Rowland Products reld/~ve io provisions for a th~u road into his pmopemty. Mr. Rowland feels that a thPu road would be a disadvantage to him, The present acc, ~oad being sufficient and because of the Type pmoducT manufactuTed dust has to be contTolled at all times and anotheT moad might incTease The amount of dust. Also, fop the pmesent they do not have plans to develop ~heim meam land fom themselves om fop othems. Rowland PmoducTs would be inTemesTed in having Johnson ~ Johnson convey to them The industmial land nomth of MidTown Temrace. Mm. Rowland stated that they probably would consider fencing thei~ land wheme it abuts this Subdivls Mr. Johnson stated That he had a tentative agreement with Rowland Products melative to his industrial land. This land would be conveyed to Rowland P~oducts and Johnson & JohnsOn would allow connections to uilities available at the cul-de-sac at the nomtheTn end of Skinnem Road. Mm. Johnson fumther stated that this amrangement would, of couTse, be contigent upon approval of this ~esidential subdivision. The Town would rather see a moad connecting into the Rowland pmopemty from Skinnem Road, otherwise Skinner Rd. would be about twice the length we would like to a dead-end moad be. Recmeational A~ea - MT. Johnson stated That lots 12-3 and 12-2 could be made avail able fop Tecmeation pumposes. These amc situated at the southemn end of Skinnem Land amea less than 1/2 acme. Sidewalks - Mm. Johnson stated that sidewalks would be installed on the west side of Skinner Rd. and on the east side fmom Lot #40 nomth To the end. Mr. Johnson was requesting preliminary approval. Mm. Byrne made a motion, second by Mm. Rosso, that we forecast preliminary approval subject to review of The map, by the Engineeming Dept.; melease of the industrial amea to the abutting ownem; pmovision of adequate TecmeaTional aTea, and installation of sidewalks as outlined above. So voted. 5. Agenda ITem I - Reduction of Subdivision Bonds - Pecommended by Mm. Seelye a) Hilltop Acres - Roland Nadeau $1,000 To $00. Voted on motion of Mm. Rosso, seconded by Mm. Bhr~ne. b) Section III - Oxyoke Village $3700 to $00. Hemlock Ridge and pomtion of Village Lane - Voted on motion of Mm. Rosso seconded by Mm. Bennemup. c) Gmandview Pamk - Section II $4500 ~o $00.; Section I $15,000 to $00. Voted on motion of Mm. BenneTup, seconded ~y Mm. By, ne. 189 ~S S OC, ~t 190 6. Blue Ridge - L. Abrahamson Developer - Mr. Seelye stated that Mr. Abrahamson would like to change the name of a street in Section II from Med-Ridge Land to Fox Hill Lane. This Section has preliminary approval. Mr. By--ne made a motion, seconded by Mr. Bennerup that this request be granted. So voted. 7. Voted on motion of Mr. Byrne, seconded by Mr. Bennerup to approve the December 7, 1965 Minutes. 8. Voted on motion of Mr. Bennerup, seconded by Mr. Byrne to approve the M~nutes of January g, 1966. 9. Bills - voted on motion of Mr. Byrne, seconded by Mr. Rosso to approve for payment from the Expense account $8.88 Herald Publishing Co., Jan.ll legal notice. Margaret Gooby $19.86 Dec. 7 and Jan. ~ meetings. 10. Item 9 - Jan. ~ Illegal Subdivision -Geo. Erwin Wilbur Cross Hwy. Per w~itten opinion of Town Counsel, Harry Jackaway, the consensus was that we would ask Mr. Erwin to present to us a map of his past, preset, and proposed subdivisio of land. This request to be by certified mail with a copy to the Town Counsel and Building Inspector. 11. Item 1~ - Jan. ~ P~oposed restaurant - Rte. 72 - no new developments, still waiting for Health Director's approval and confirunation of arrangements with "Helco". 12. Item 16 - Jan. ~ Minutes - Budget - Hearing not held on Jan. 11 - new date not set. 13. Up-dating of Town Plan of Development - Mr. Castiglioni and Mr. Rosso reporte( on their meeting with Mr. Joseph Larocque of the State Development Conu~ission who gave them a llst of Planners that we might choose a few names from and then invite them to go over our Town Plan for their recommendations and estimate of what it would cost to up-date the Plan. The following firms were selected: Clark Assoc., Spielvogel; Teehnlcal Planning Assoc.{BDown, Donald ~ Donald; Goodkind & O'Dea. 1~. Glen View - Section II - see Oct. 19 Minutes Item 5 - Mr. Seelye presented the ma~ of Section II for signature stating that the work has been completed to ~hesatlsfaction of the Engineering Dept. Map was signed. 15. Me~ti~E ad~ou~ed at lQ:30 P.M. Next meetiDE ~eh~u~y 1, 1B66. Respectfully submitted, ~tary