1987/07/20EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING July 20, 1987 APPROVED The meeting was called to order at 7: 35~. Present were Mayor Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Deputy Mayor Jim McNair, Deputy Mayor Warren Kingsbury, Jim D'Errico, John P. McIntosh, and John Kilroy. Budget Transfers and or Appropriations Senior Center request for $4,333.50 to pay for r~mainder of the dollars needed for the proposed deck with a low bid of $12,533.50. $8,200 will be funded frc~ the Marjorie Moore Fund. Mr. McNair moved to approve the request, seconded by Mayor Ward, Mr. Kingsbury abstained frc~ the voting. Discussion-Mr. Kingsbury abstained because he wants to kn°w what funds are available in the fund balance. Golf Course request for $4,000 to provide funding for a position of Timberlin Park Ranger for 25 hours/week. Discussion-Mr. McNair asked if the Police Cc~nission had approved of the $4,000 request? Jim D'Errico said no. Mr. Kingsbury asked to table the it~ until a response was received frcm the Police Cc~nission. Mayor Ward said he will get a letter to Sam Valenti or call him concerning this request. Mr. Kingsbury moved to t~hle the request one week, seconded by Mayor Ward, passed unanimously. Zoning Board of Appeals request for $110 for Connecticut Federation of Planning & Zoning manuals. Discussion-Mr. Kingsbury said he was opposed to funds cc~ing cut of one's salary if the appropriation wasn't covered in the budget. Mayor Ward moved to approve the request, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. Nursing request for $1,500 to pay nurses who are covering or visiting clients who are on the Hospice Program after regular working hours. Mr. Kingsbury moved to approve the request, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. Mayor Ward presented the Board with a m~norandum from Jeffrey Cugno dated July 17, 1987 concerning the Tax Asses~nent Modification Agre~,nt: Sherwood Industrial Park (Phase I). After a short discussion, Mayor ward moved to approve the recc~N~e~dation of the Economic Develola~ent Director, Jeff Cugno requesting the Executive Board to approve the Tax Assessment Modification Agreement for Sherwood Industrial Park, Phase I based on. the agreement signed on September 30, 1975 for the net tax amount of $69,084.87, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. Personnel/Purchasing Matters Office Supply Bid-Jim D'Errico s~n~arized the bids received for Office Supplies. The low bidder on a per ite~ basis and consumable/non-consumable basis was Connecticut Office Supply. Mr. Kingsbury moved to approve the recommendation of the Purchasing Director and award the bid for Office Supplies to Connecticut Office Supplies as low bidder, seconded by Mayor Ward, passed unanimously. Maintainer III-Highway Department-After a short discussion, Mr. Kingsbury moved to approve the recu~,~ndation of the Personnel Director to promote Paul Ciansi to the position of Maintainer III at the Highway Department, seconded by Mayor Ward, passed unanimously. Lift at the Municipal Garage-Jim D'Errico outlined the Garage's requirements, equi~nent to be. used on the lift and the bid by Ray-Jurgen, Inc. The price of the lift is $16,381 and $4,800 for installation minus a % discount. Mr. Kingsbury moved to approve the recc~m~ndation of the Purchasing Director to purchase the lift from Ray-Jurgen, Inc. in the amount of $21,181 minus a % discount, seoonded by Mayor Ward, passed u~animously. Proposed Sidewalk & Curbing on Grove Street - East Berlin Mr. Kingsbury moved to approve the awarding of the bid to Howard Asal Construction, Inc. in the amount of S13,305 to provide sidewalk and curbing on Grove Street-East Berlin, seconded by Mr. McNair, Mr. Kingsbury abstained from the voting. Pension Investm~.nt C~;i¥.~ttee-June 17, 1987 Mayor Ward made available to the Board a copy of the Pension Investment Ccm~nittee meeting minutes of June 17, 1987. Mr. Kingsbury said he wanted to be sure that a percentage of the funds ccme due every year. PM Services Incorporated Letter-July 16, 1987 Mayor Ward made available to the Board a copy of a letter from The PM Services Incorporated and will schedule a meeting shortly to discuss this letter. Mr. Kingsbury said he w~uld like to attend this meeting. Approval of Minutes Mr. McNair moved to approve the minutes of July 13, 1987, seconded by Mr. Kingsbury, passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9 =25pm. Respectfully suhnitted,