1986/08/18APPROVED EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING August 18, 1986 The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm. Present were Mayor Thomas Ward, James McNair, Deputy Mayor; Warren Kingsbury, Deputy Mayor; Denise McNair, Ted Hrubiec, Dr. McIntosh, Loren Dickinson, Rick Johnston, and John Kilroy. Personnel/Purchasin~Matters-Ted Hrubiec Mayor Ward moved to put on the agenda the awarding of a bid for a rotary mower for the Public Grounds Department, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. Ted Hrubiec summarized the two bids received from The Magovern Company, Inc. for $35,497.00 (low bidder) and from Turf Products Corporation for $37,570.30. Ted said there was $40,000 budgeted for this item. He had demonstrations with both machines and recommended awarding the bid to The Magovern Company, Inc. for $35,497.00. Mr. Kingsbury moved the recommendation of the Superintendent of Public Grounds to award the bid for a rotary mower to The Magovern Company, Inc. for $35,497.00, seconded by Mayor Ward, passed unanimously. Ted also brought the topic of compensation for his job as it relates to other mid-management supervisors. Mayor Ward said that Jim D'Errico was working on the issue and that the Executive Board would get back to Ted shortly regarding this matter. T.I.P. - Loren Dickinson & Rick Johnston Mayor Ward summarized the legislation and timetable for submission and completion of the T.I.P. Program. He said he would like clarification on whether the dollars left after June 30, .1987 could be placed in the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Building Fund or returned to the State. Rick Johnston said that he thought as long as the project was approved; the Town could continue to use and spend the money and that the dollars would not have to go back to the State. Loren Dickinson said he would check with the Office of Policy Management to clarify this matter and get back to the Mayor. Loren said that the next step was for the Executive Board to adopt a budget resolution for the T.I.P. Program, to go before Local Allocation Council and then Rick & Loren would hold a Public Hearing, and vote on the budget. Golf Pro & Cart Contract-Lindsey Hansen Mayor Ward summarized the addition to the clubhouse and described what the needs of the Town were as well as the Golf Pro. The Town will need 100' and 50' for the Pro. The approximate cost of the building is $138,000, $100,000 for the Town and $38,000 for the Pro. The reason for the meeting with Lindsey was to reopen his contract and come to terms as far as rent, carts and extension of the contract. Lindsey Said he spoke with his accountant who suggested to Ltudsey that he request a four year extension to the contract. Mayor Ward said we should first reopen the contract and second approve the terms. Lindsey said he would like to go up $2 on the cart rental. Mr. McNair asked the reason for the $2 increase? Lindsey said with the new building he would be required to hire someone to transport the carts to and from the new building. He expects it would take one hour in the morning to bring the carts and one-two hours in the evening to return the carts. The increase would offset the cost of this. Mr. McNair asked how many carts does Ltndsey have operating out at the Golf course now? Lindsey said 32 now and that only on three occasions he couldn't provide enough carts for a 10-15 minute period. Mr. Kingsbury moved to accept the recommendation of the Golf Pro and open up his contract for negotiation, seconded by Mayor Ward, passed unanimously. After a short discussion, Mayor Ward moved to extend the Golf Pro contract for a three year period until March 31, 1991 with an increase in rent to $5,000 in three equal payments due on June 1, July 1 and August 1, commencing July 1, 1987, seconded by Mr. Kingsbury, passed unanimously. Any agreement reached between the Executive Board and the Golf Pro are subject to approval by the Park and Recreation Commission. Any other appropriate changes as deemed necessary by the Corporation Counsel should be included in the re- negotiated contract subject to approval by the Corporation Counsel and Lindsey Hansen, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. Tax Refunds Mr. Kingsbury moved to approve the following tax rebates: Everett & Eleanor Hill of Berlin for $811.39; Carbones Auto Sales of Berlin for $35.32; Bertrand Desrochers of Berlin for $1,526.44; Vincent & Patricia Balfore of Berlin for $875.49; Andrew or Ann Zuder of Berlin for $350.00; Randolph & Carol Spitko of Berlin for $783.06; Alan & Judith O'Brien of Kensington for $622.39; Dominick Occhi of Berlin for $50.00; Mildred Burnham of Berlin for $75.00; Anthony Vernacatola of Kensington for $17.70 and Joyce D. Hornkohl of Kensington for $19.48, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. Authorize Mayor to Sign Agreement Between Berlin & Cromwell for Public Water Systems This item was tabled pending further questions and clarification as outlined in a letter dated August 15, 1986 from Stephen Anderson, Corporation Counsel. Mayor Ward said that Morgan will attend next Monday's meeting. Approval of Minutes -4- Mr. McNair moved to approve the minutes of August 11, 1986, seconded by Mr. Kingsbury, passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10: 15pm. Respectfully submitted, ~ar~-Ann Sharrard, Executive Secretary