1986/05/12EXECU~lVE BOARD MEETING May 12, I986 APPROVED The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm. Present were Mayor Thomas Ward, James McNair, Deputy Mayor; Warren Kingsbury, Deputy Hayor; Jim DtErrico, Stephen Anderson, Dr. Mclntosh, Dan Hunter and Vern Hunter. Budget Transfers and or Appropriations Bicentennial Committee-request for $1,530 to transfer funds from the festivities account to the House Markers account. Mr. Kingsbury moved the transfer of funds of $1,530 from the festivities account to the House Markers account, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. Personnel/Purchasing Matters Jim said he had the answers to the questions raised concerning the Accountant's position in the Finance Department. The sentence on the night meetings will be removed. Wording would be changed .... the preparation of purchase orders changed to "will assist in the review of purchase orders .... " There will be no sub- stantial changes to the other positions in the office. Renewal of Lease at Ledge School for the Community Art League Mr. McNair'moved to renew the lease for 3 years subject to the same terms and conditions contained in the lease agreement which expired February 1, 1986 for another three year term to expire February 1, 1989, seconded by Mayor Ward, passed unanimously. Drainage at Carraige Drive & Lower Lane Carriage Drive-Morgan updated the Executive Board on the drainage situation at 78 Carriage Drive, the Rogala property. The Rogala's have a problem with -2- their lateral line. The Water Control Commission is also looking into the problem at 78 Carriage Drive. Morgan also said that the sidewalk floods due to the drainage problem which could be a potential liability problem for the Town as well. Morgan sent Don Prue out to 78 Carriage Drive to survey the property and Don suggested putting in a yard drain (under drain) into the sideyard. Morgan said that Pepin could do this pipework and drain at an approximate cost of $1,000-$1,500. The drainage problem would not be solved there because 4-5 houses in the area have the same problem. Morgan said that if the Executive Board suggested that the work be done this may open up the requests from other property owners. The area located above Carriage Drive was required to have swales when the original subdivision went in; but these are filled in and no longer maintained by the property owners located above Carriage Drive. To restore the swales would be more costly, according to Morgan. Meadow Lane-Morgan said there was not enough money in the current fiscal year to handle the drainage problems on Meadow Lane and suggested that this be done next fiscal year. Mr. Kignsbury asked where and why the money was spent. Morgan said most of the drainage money was spent on streets and not property owners. The majority of the money went on Orchard Road drainage, Mooreland Road, etc. Mr. Kingsbury said he would like the pipe extended to the back of the property on Sturtevant at the edge of the swamp. Morgan said he would check with Pepin to see if the work could begin this fiscal year with the bill paid from next fiscal year. Morgan also said he would be going out to bid on the drainage as well. Reduction of Easement-Lon~view Drive Morgan said it was customary to have a 20' easement and suggested that be reduced from 50' to 20' on the ?.69 acre parcel on Longview Drive as -3- requested by William C. Kroll in his letter dated May 5, 1986. Mayor Ward moved to approve the reduction in easement from 50' to 20' on the 7.69 acre parcel on Longview Drive subject to approval by the Planning Commission then go to Town Meeting, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. ..Ambulance Contract Si~nin$-Hunter's Ambulance Stephen Anderson checked the contracts and clipped the section to be signed. Mayor Ward and Vern Hunter signed the contracts. Dan Hunter summarized the number of calls made in Berlin for the 41 days in service. There were 36 transports and 10 refusals. Approval of Minutes Mr. Ktngsbury moved to approve the minutes of May 5, 1986, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:45pm. n Sharrard, Executive Secretary