1986/04/21EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING April 21, 1986 The meeting was called to order at 7:35pm. Present were Mayor Thomas Ward, James McNair, Deputy Mayor; Warren Kingsbury~ Deputy Mayor; Jim D'Errico, John Ktlroy, Stephen Kelly and Denise McNair. Budget Transfers and or Appropriations Recreation Service-request for $850 to replenish supplies for the summer playground program, amount to be transferred from Account School Usage to account Materials for Recreation Programs. Mr. McNair moved to approve the request for $850, seconded by Mr. Kingsbury, passed unanimously. Garage-request for $3,000 additional funds to meet potential breakdowns during the year. Mr. Kingsbury moved to approve the request for $3,000, seconded by Mayor Ward, passed unanimously. Pool Personnel and Pla7$round Staff-Steve Kelly Mayor Ward moved to put on the agenda a listing for 1986 Summer Personnel submitted by Steve Kelly, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. Mr. McNair asked how many individuals have WSI? Steve said 7 total. Mr. Kingsbury asked how many people do you need to fill the jobs? Steve said he could make due with 1 less person per pool-Memorial, Percival and East Berlin Pool. Mr. McNair asked how many people applied for the jobs and did not take them? Steve said total of 2 individuals, 1 resident and I non-resident. Mr. Kingsbury moved the recommendations of the Personnel and Recreation Depart- ment of the hiring of summer help on the two pages presented to the Executive Board for this year, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. Discussion- Mr. Kingsbury asked if the salary schedule (wage scale) was any major -2- consideration as compared to the previous year and salary rates? Steve said with the previous rates, of last year, people accepted the positions and then were offered more money and then left the program. He also said there will be overtime required and that the jobs demanded alot and felt that the individuals earn what they get paid. Steve Kelly said he would like to touch base with the ExecUtive Board on one matter that of a CIAC softball game at Sage Park. The dates suggested are June 6th and/or June 10th, with the game on the 10th being a night game. They expected 100 people to attend the day game and approximately 200 at night. Mr. Kingsbury asked if they would charge admission to the game? Steve said yes, admission would be charged $3 for adults and $2 students. Steve said they also wanted to know about police protection. Mr. McNair said they should have Police coverage and have the organization pay for this coverage, not the Town. Mayor Ward said Chief Scalise has a formula as far as the number of people and the number of police required. Mayor Ward asked Steve Kelly to check with the Chief for the formula. Mr. McNair said we should charge the organization for the police coverage or raise the fee to cover police coverage only at the night games. Ambulance Contract Denise McNair discussed the Ambulance Service Agreement provided by Dan Hunter's attorneys Solomon & Stanton. Page 1 #1 correction Monday through Friday instead of Monday to Friday with the addition of and terminating on June 30, 1986. #2 "with the options on behalf of the Town of Berlin to renew" to be deleted. Page 2 #3 year date of 1986 added. Section ii. "The renumeration from the TOWN to the CONTRACTOR for the period of this Contract shall be as follows: (a) March 17, 1986 to June 30, 1986, $31,965. -3- (payable in advance upon signing a Contract); to be deleted. #4 "Primary Area of Responsibility .... then bills the patients dfrectly.-delete this section and substitute the following: The sole and exclusive responsibility of the primary ambulance provided the Town by the Contractor referred to in paragraph 1 shall be to accept all 911 calls, .... shall bill the patients on any such private calls directly. Dan said he was already providing BLS as well as ALS services to the Town and that people were charged at the appropriate rates. Dan also said that from time to time they have shifted ambulances around due to the Mutual Aid for Neighboring Towns. Dan said he didn't have any problems with the changes suggested at this point in time. The installation of a direct line from the ambulance headquarters to the Police Station for 911 calls was discussed. Dan indicated that this was done already. Denise said the section on page 3 #8 titled Quality was to be deleted. The substitution should read Contractor shall provide and maintain an effective and efficient communication system which shall be interfaced so as to line all emergency ambulances providing services on common frequencies .... shall be Capable of direct communication with the Berlin Dispatcher. #9 Required an addition to read-Contractor agrees, however, that the staffing of all ambulances shall be per State regulations and that the personnel provided must possess the physical and technical abilities necessary to meet the requirements of the position. #10 Deletion of It shall be the Contractor's sole responsibility to determine which laws, rules, and regulations apply to the services rendered The insurance issue was discussed. Mayor Ward said this was more of a concern to him than the wording changes. He said the Town should be listed as co-insurer on Hunter's policy. Dan said he was expecting a call from his insurance company in Phoenix and expected to hear shortly. Denise suggested that we wait and see what the insurance company has to say concerning Dan's -4- questions and language for the contract. Further discussion took place concerning the wording of the temporary contract and the proposal to bid for future contract. Page 6 letter d-Hold Harmless Clause-this was of concern to Dan Hunter. Me said he would like to check further with his attorneys concerning this part of the contract. Response and Activation time were discussed. Activation time, as defined for all emergency calls shall not exceed one minute and response time as defined as for 90% of all emergency calls shall not exceed ten minutes. Penalty of $100 per call shall be imposed on the provider by the Town for each call beyond the allowable ten percent which exceeds the activation and response time. Dan said depending upon the priority of the call the 4 minute maximum as followed by C-MED was used and followed by the ambulance personnel. Mayor Ward said he would like the numbers in for response and activation times. Mr. Kingsbury asked what per minute penalty time can you live with? Dan said three minutes activation time and that they would send the closest vehicle. Page 7 #14 on Hospital-after a short discussion, Mr. Kingsbury asked that Dan's language be used instead of substituting changes. Dan said he would like to leave the language "unless patient specifies another hospital" in. Mayor Ward suggested that New Britain General be the primary hospital. Dan said 80% of Berlin's population uses New Britain General but in special cases the patient may request Hartford Hospital for cardiac care, etc. Page 8 #16 and #17 language is fine. Denise said that page 8 #I9 Termination cannot be in the contract. Denise summarized the two items that needed to be waited on for answers- 1) answer from Dan's insurance company and 2) $100 penalty clause. Jim D'Errico said maybe a flat rate would be better as far as penalty was concerned. Mr. McNair said maybe $50 would be better. Dan said that no study had been done for the Town on time limits yet. Mayor Ward read some of the statistics presented to him by the KVAS. Jim asked the Executive Board if they had any -5- objections to the items covered and suggested that the two attorneys get together to work out the language and details. Mr. Kingsbury moved that the Corporation Counsel meet with Counsel for Hunter's Ambulance to draw up language and then authorize the Mayor to sign the contract without further delay and apprise the Executive Board of the actions taken, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. As far as payment to Hunter's, the Executive Board agreed to wait for further information and depending upon the information received, either pay Dan Hunter for the number of weeks worked or the full amount on Thursday, April 24, 1986. A meeting was scheduled for the Mayor's office for 10am Thursday morning, Appointments to Boards or Commissions Mayor Ward moved to appoint Jack Dennehy to Kevin Fitzgerald's position as Alternate on the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term to expire in November, 1987, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. Mayor Ward moved to appoint Bob Morande to Allan Hall's position on the Economic Development Commission for a term to expire in 1989, seconded by Mr. Kingsbury, passed unanimously. Abandon Roads Mayor Ward summarized the roads, right-of-ways and area in question. The first road, suggested by Morgan Seelye, to abandon is Bridge Street and Fairview Road. There is a 20 foot right-of-way on the Sewer line that the Town would need to retain. Right-of-way off Porter's Pass could be put out to bid subject to the Legion giving the Town a piece for a right-of-way onto lot 84. Mr. Kingsbury asked if this was checked through with Jeff Cugno. Mayor Ward said yes, Jeff had no problem with this. Mr. Kingsbury motioned to abandon Bridge Street and Fairview Road as suggested by the Public Words Department -6- and go to Town Meeting, seconded by Mayor Ward, passed unanimously. The second road discussed was the right-of-way off of Porter's Pass up to the Deephouse Property. After a short discussion, Mayor Ward moved to put out to bid the right-of-way off of Porter's Pass up to the Deephouse Property, subject to an agreement from the American Legion to obtain a right-of-way off Seymour Road into lot 84 (Town owned property) as shown on the Town of Berlin Map 9-4, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. Personnel/Purchasin~ Matters Mr. Kingsbury moved to put on the agenda the matter of Police Cruiser bids, seconded by Mayor Ward, passed unanimously. Jim summarized the bid opening for 3 black and white police cruisers and 1 unmarked vehicle. The low bid on the black and white's was Longworth Carlson and Morande Ford for the unmarked vehicle. The order would have to be placed by May 5th. Mr. Kingsbury moved the recommendations of the Police Chief and the Purchasing Agent that the contract be awarded for 3 police cruisers to Longworth Carlson and 1 un- marked vehicle be awarded to Morande Ford, seconded by Mayor Ward, passed unanimously. Discussion-A short discussion took place as far as the replacement of a vehicle at the Golf Course and Highway Departments in the future. Approval of Minutes Mr. Kingsbury moved to approve the minutes of April 14, 1986, seconded by Mayor Ward, passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned ak 10:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, e Ann Sharrard, Executive Secretary