1986/03/17EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETIND March 17, 1986 The meeting was called to order at 7:40pm. Present were Mayor Thomas Ward, James McNair, Deputy Mayor; Warren Kingsbury, Deputy Mayor; Jim D'Errtco, Personnel/Purchasing Director; Paul Messina, Assistant Chief- KVFD; Joseph J. Merino, Mary E. Aresimowiez, KVFD; Matthew Odtshoe, Chair- man BOD & KVFD; John Dambrowski, Morris J. Annino, Henry Moore, Vin Lewandowski, KVFD; Carol Tacchi, Christine Merino, Larry Sekscenski, Tom Shiel, Dan Hunter, Hunter's Ambulance; and Dick Carabetta, CPA for Hunter's Ambulance. Dan Hunter summarizes the situation: Hunter's Ambulance would be providing a temporary contract starting March 17-June 30, 1986 for the hours 6am-6pm, Monday-Friday for the Town of Berlin operating from the Police Department downstairs. The concrete contract was being drafted for the Town and would be presented to the Mayor no later than Friday, March 21st. Hunter's would be providing a fUll staff EMT vehicle responsible for calls 6-6 Monday-Friday, 365 days a year, with the Town paying quarterly and reimbursement to the Town would take place 45 days after the fiscal year closing. Hunter's will respond to all 911 calls. On Hunter's first day they resp6nded to 2 calls, back-to-back and provided 3 men and 2 rigs. Dan stated'that the Police were cooperative and that the cross-over was good. Mayor Ward said he would have the Corporation Counsel review the contract for type and language with a proper notice for breaking the contract written-in to include both parties. Christine Merino said she would like something written-in as far as a major fire and the transportation of firemen was concerned. Dan said this was fine and that usual practice was to leave one major box at the fire and the rest used for transport. Mr. Kingsbury moved to approve the temporary contract with Hunter's beginning the 17th of March with a formal contract to be presented to the Mayor on or before March 21st, this formal contract will be presented to the Executive Board at its meeting on March 26th, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. The temporary contract with Hunter's Ambulance was signed and copies exchanged. Mayor Ward requested a budget change be made up in the amount of $32,000 to support the backup ambulance for the Town for the remainder of the fiscal year, with an estimated $9,000 reimbursement due back to the Town after July 1, 1986. Budget Transfers and or Appropriations Finance Department-request for $1,900 to cover increase in rates on the printing of the budget for the hearing $1,080 and the anticipated increase in the cost of the annual Town Meeting of $1,371 to print the annual Town Meeting budget. Mr. McNair moved to approve the request for $1,900, seconded by Mayor Ward, passed unanimously. Building Maintenance-request for $900 to cover the cost of tools to be assigned to each man in the Maintenance Department. Due to the questions concerning the request for $900, this item was tabled until the next meeting. Town Clerk-request for $2,300 request to transfer funds to the Xerox and Data Processing Service accounts, prior bills were inadvertently paid out of the Supply account, due to the new computer accounting system. Mr. Kingsbury moved to transfer $2,300 to the appropriate accounts-$500 to Copy Machine and $1,800 to Data Processing Service, seconded by Mayor Ward, passed unanimously. O Appointments to Boards and Commissions Mayor Ward moved to approve Anthony Gandolfo to the Public Building Commission for a five year term to expire in 1990, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. Mayor Ward said that he was in contact with Vic Darnell, who wished to decline -3- another term on the Public Building Commission but offered his services as a consultant on the new library. He said he would be glad to make his experience available to a new library committee. Personnel Matters 1) White Collar-Job Classification Study-As part of the Clerical Union contract, a Job classification study will be conducted by the consulting firm of J.W. Thompson, Inc. Mr. Thompson will be here on March 19, 1986 at 8:45 am to meet with managers and department heads to explain the process and at 9:30 am will meet with the Clerical Union members. Mayor Ward said he would like the Corporation Counsel to review the agreement. Mr. Kingsbury moved to authorize Mayor Ward to sign the agreement with J.W. Thompson, Inc. after the Corporation Counsel sees the agreement, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. 2) Request by Building Department for additional 1/2 time help for Juliet. It is the consensus of the Executive Board that no additional help is necessary at this time. 3) Request by Ted Hrubiec for an increase in pay. Jim will get back to the Executive Board on this matter. 4) Mid-Management-evaluations and performance bonuses. Mr. Kingsbury moved to accept the Mid-Management performance bonuses and have the bonuses prorated equally among the number of employees at the time, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. 5) Police Pension Proposals, Mid-Management Pension Proposals and White/Blue Collar Pension Proposals (not in yet). Meetings scheduled shortly. 6) Update on Tom Gerdis-Poltce Department, age discrimination case pending. 7) Clarence Dansro-request for retirement pension as retired Assistant Dog Warden. Jim will check with Stephen Anderson, Corporation Counsel, on how to proceed with this request. Town Meeting Date Mayor Ward motioned to put on the agenda the setting of a Town Meeting date, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. Mayor Ward set a Town Meeting date of March 26th at 7pm to consider a number of items approved by the Executive Board. Joanne Ward will be notified. Transportation Services & Senior Center Florence Barrell submitted to the Executive Board a memorandum dated March 6, 1986 concerning Transportation Services & the Senior Center. It stated that the Commission for the ~ging at its meeting on March 3, 1986 voted to request donations of 25¢ per destination (one-way) for bus service. Mayor Ward said the 25¢ would be collected not by the bus driver but using a ticket system and funds would go to the General Fund. Mr. Kingsbury supported the Commission on Aging request charge of 25¢ per destination. Mr. McNair moved to approve the request by the Commission for the Aging to charge 25¢ per destination, seconded by Mr. Kingsbury, passed unanimously. State of Connecticut-Governor's Initiative to Prevent Student Alcohol & Dru~ Abuse After a short discussion, Mr. Ktngsbury moved to sign and participate in this program, seconded by Mr. McNair, passed unanimously. Approval of Minutes Mr. McNair moved to approve the minutes of March 10, 1986, seconded by Mayor Ward, passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:45pm. -5- Respectfully submitted, ~J~m6 Ann Sharrard, Executive Secretary RECEIVED FOR FILIN~I TOWN Ct.F-RK APPROVED Emergency Session of the Executive Board March 16, 1986 In attendance were Mayor Thomas Ward, Chief William Scalise, Lt. Ludwig Schubert, Jim D'Errico, Personnel Director; James McNair, Deputy Mayor and Warren Kingsbury, Deputy Mayor. This action was taken after receiving on Friday, March 14th notice that the Kensington Volunteer Ambulance Service would not be able to provide service on Monday morning, March 17th. The Executive Board met in emergency session to consider the situation of the Kensington Volunteer Service regarding their problem of not being able to provide ambulance coverage between 6am-6pm. After hearing a proposal from Hunter's of Meriden, the Mayor acting under emergency power under the State Statue, authorized Hunter's to provide an ambulance pending a permanent contract which is being drafted for consideration by the Executive Board in the very near future. Dated the 16th of March, 1986. Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Mayor Town Clerk of Berlin