1965/05/1812. Next meeting scheduled for May 11 at 7:30 P.M. 13. Meeting ad~Qu~ned at RespecTful~y~, ~,' ~ecretary 1. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission May 18 1965 at 9:25 P.M. M embers present: Aldo CasTiglioni, Nunzio Rosso, Roy Byrne, Robert Bennerup, Also Morgan Seelye, Director of Public Works, A1 Curnow Engineering Dept., and Margaret Gooby. 2. Agenda Item I - Preliminary Discussion Valencia Gardens Section III, Garden Drive, Mr. Angelo Crespo, developer, appeared and presented the following map "Section III Valencia Gardens, Berlin,Conn., May 1965, l"=g0',J.D.Williams, This map involves the parcel of land on which there is a question on the boundar' line dividing Valencia Gardens from Johnson & Johnson's proposed "Hungerford Heights". See March 2 Minutes - Item g. Messrs. Timko, who claim to have owned the land in question before selling it to J & J attended as interested persons. No action was taken on the map, and Mr. Crespo was advised To have his attorney meet with Johnson g Johnson's attorney to have This dispute settled before we can Take action on either proposed subdivision. 3. Agenda Item II - Preliminary and Final Approval - Hilltop Acres, Kensington Road, Roland Nadeau owner-developer. Mr. Nadeau and his engineer appeared and presented the following map "Hilltop Acreas" owned and developed by Roland Nadeau 226 Kensington Road, May 1965 1":~0' G.S. Jarmolinski." See ITem 5 May ~ Minutes. This map had been referred to the Engineering Dept. for report at This meeting, and They presented Their plans for storm water sewers. This to be a ditch approximately 2~' long, filled with quarry stone and with a headwall. The developer questioned This proposal stating that it.would be very expensive for the number of lots That he had to develop which would benefit.from it. The developer was referred to Section 60.03 of our Subdivision Regulations which provide for The developer having frontage on an improved Town road to bring it up to The minimum Town Paving g Drainage Standards and Specs. if such road has not already been so improved. Mr. Nadeau made a proposal That instead of the storm water drainage ditch being left open That it be piped, the Town to pay for the pipe and he would pay and do all the installation work. This to be to Engineering Dept. standards. The consensus of the Commission was That They liked This idea and would ask the Board of Selectmen fop Their approval and would Try to have an answer for Mr. Nadeau by our next meeting on June 1, 1965. Mr. Byrne made a motion, seconded by Mr. Bennerup, That we give preliminary approval, subject to arrangements made with The Board of Selectmen. So voted. As This map was presented for both preliminary and final approval, Bob Bennerup made a motion, seconded by Roy Byrne, to grant final approval, subject To arrangements made with Board of Selectmen, approval by Health Director, and posting of bond or certified check. So voted. ~. Section II Glenview manor - see Item ~ May ~ Minutes - Mr. Schultz appeared asking=whether we had heard from the Town Counsel regarding the three-~ear Subdivision Completion date. Mr. Rosso stated that he had discussed this with Mr. Williams and The Town Counsel Harry Jackaway, and that we should have a w~itten opinion from Mr. Jackaway shortly. IT was his understanding That this would reflect that They believe The three-year completion date to be based on the final approval date of the subdivisi .n. The Engineering Dept. stated That The map of Glenview, Section II, presented at our May ~ meeting, and entitled "Glenview Manor" - Section II, Chamberlain Highway owned by Adolph W. g Helen W. Schultz, and developed by Adolph W. SchulTz Co., April 1965, 1"=~0', J.D. Williams,C.E." is o.k. engineering-wise. Mr. Byrne made a motion, secinded by Mr. Bennerup, to grant final approval condi- tioned on decision from Town Counsel regarding three-year completion date, and compliance with Article IV of our Subdivision Regulations. So voted. 5. Requests for Zone Changes - a) "Property of Elizabeth H. Webster & Georg9 A. ~losson, Worthington Ridge, Berlin, Conn., J.D. Williams, February 1962, 1"=20'. Owners are asking for a change in zone from Residence 15 to General Commect~ Mr. Williams, Attorney, appeared to speak in behalf of this request. This parcel of land has beentn a business zone for about 50 years. There is a gas station on it now which was a going business until it had to close because of the construction work in the area in building the Kensington By-Pass (Rte. 72) The owners propose to use this building for a gas station. The parcel of land involved is bound on three sides by state highways and even though this might be "spot zoning" to change it to C.C., it meems unlikely that the land would ever be used for residential. Mr. Byrne msde a motion, seconded by Mr. Bennerup, to recommend the change to General Commercial for the following reasons: 1) that this change would substantially conform to the Town Plan of Develo 2) present structure is of a commercial nature snd has been used as such in the past. 3) the fact that the property is bounded by highways on three sides would mske it undesirable for residence. b) Request of'Mr. Bslocki for e change of zone from R43 to R21 on a parcel of land located on the west side of Kensington Road between Robbins Rd. and Norton ~oad. made a motion- seconded by Robert Bennerup, to recommend zone Mr. Rosso it would conf~rm to Town Plan of Development and ou~ recom- chsnge as mendatton in our letter to the'Zoning Commission. c) The Berlin Zoning Commission on its own initiative proposes changes in Section 4.11 of the Zoning Regulations to correct typog~aphical errors. In the Planned Shopping Zone (PS) Co. 9 - front yard - change "5" to "75" and ¢ol 10 side yard - change "75" to "25". Vote~ to recommend these changes on motion cf Mr. Rosco, seconded by Mr. Bennerup, 6. Bills:- a) Herald Publishing Co. $3.36 - Public Hearing advertisement - Voted to pay on motion of Mr. Byrne, seconded by Mr. ~ennerup. ~) Miss Gooby - $24.63 -~ voted to approve for payment on motion of Mr. Bennerup, seconded by Mr. Byrne. 7. Street Lines - Lower Lane - Public Hearing of this date Mr. ~osso mede a motion, seconded by Mr~ Byrne, that we table dec~sion on the propesed establishment of street lines, and that we enter into some sort of a public relations effort with the people of Lower Lane with both the Engineering Dept. and the members of the Planning Commission to participate. So voted. 8. Minutes - May 4 Meeting - Mr. Bennerup made a motion, seconded by Mr. Byrne because of the late hou~ to table action on the Minutes until ouX' June 1 meeting. So voted. 9. Meeting adjourned at 11:~5 P.M. 10. Next meeting set for J~e 1 1965 at 7:30 P.M. Respectfully su~m~itted, ,1 P : W g lon~ no][ Dyrne,~ano ooert Bennerup. Also, Morgan Seal Dtr. of Public orks, and A1 ~;umnow, ~'ngineerlng Dept., and 34 interested persYons from Lowe~ Lsne. 2. ~e Chat~n appointed Roy Byrne to act as Secretary. 3. ~e Becretary rea~ the Call of the Hear~g - "~ Whom tt ~v Concern _ the ~ vot~ ~f ~h~_~_~f ~rli9 ar~ hereby warned an~ notified that a public ~=~ ~ ~ ~e~'~M~n~ ~i~n~ng.~o~ssi~n of t~e TO~ of BePl~ on ~esday, : ..... n ~ne o~ nell, 9~3 Worthington Ridge, Berl~, Connecticut and at that t~me to consider establishing the street lines on Lower L, ne be~een Hudson Street and Fa~mtngton Ave. ~n compliance with Section 8-29 General Statutes of the State o~ Connecticut" si~ed by N~zlo Rosso, Secretary, Planning Co~iss ~on, Berl~. 4. ~. George Varrlale asked to have the Statute read - ~e Secretary complied. 5. ~. ~ast~glionl opened the Hear~g by stating - as you ~ow there are no ~o~ established street lines on Lowe~ Lane. We feel it would be advisable to establi~ the street l~es before putting ~ c~bs and drains. Brief s~veys have been done in this area. Before we could set p~s we located them on ~p. I believe that everybody will benefit from the layout as sho~ on the ~p. It is a 50' right-hr-way that has been established. ~. Seelye will p~esent the ~p. 5. ~. ~eelye - the Town plans to put ~ street drs~s baleen Patterson Way and Hudson Stmeet. Also plans to improve b~d spots ~ the road baleen the bridge and Farmfngton Avenue. We felt that ~t would be ~ the best ~terest of all to establish the street l~es before putt[~ ~ c~bs and dra~s. Brief s~veys have been done ~ this area. Before we could set pins we located them on a p~elfm~ary map. I believe that everybody will benefit f~om the layout as sho~ on the ~p. It is s 50' right-o~ay that has been established. 6. Discuss ~: Q. Will there be i~rovements at this time to recti~ flo0d~ng conditions? A. Be~een the bridges no, noth~g at this time. Hope to bring grade up but this will not alleviate flooding. We do not have money to do It. ~ere we have to fill we will b~Ing to grade. Q. If l~e Is established To~ can take any property they feel like. A. Co,lesion can establish street lines after public hearing. Q. How much does the Town o~ now, is It 50'? A. No established lines now. But It does appear that they have been holding to 50'. New layout of Lower ~ne to be 50'. Generally accepted that roads be 50'. Q. Does the ~p sh~ where the line was and where it is now? A. Beelye - No It does not, but If anyone wants to know I will be glad to go over the ~p with them. Q. Do you plan to widen the street. We will have trouble with "hot fodders." A. ~e right-of-way will be 50', but we only plan to w~den the area where we are going to put ~ dra~s and also to p~ovide space for children to walk. Q. Bridge - how wide will tt be? A. About 28' to 30'. Q. How much are you plann~g to lift grade at the dairy? A. About 2 feet. Q. Hot Roddsms speed baleen Patterson Way & Hudson Street. A. We have no concern with this - It is a police ~tte~. Q. ~ere is sufficient room now for 2 cars. Q. Is the~money ~ the budget to do this smoot of work? A. Yes. Q. We would ~ather have sidewalks - do the Job right and put ~ storm d~ains end sidewalks at the same tlm~. A. I believe the T~ needs a sidewalk ordinance to put ~ sidewalks. Q. Don't need one for putt~g ~ s~dewalks for schools. Q. Are cvo~s to be taken off? Q. I would like to have sidewalk for the safety of children. A. We feel very strongly sbout sidewalks, we require them in new subdivisions within one mile of schools. Unfortunately we do not have authority to build them on streets thst are already established. Who pays for it. Other Towns make the people on the street pay for them. These are some of the problems that hsve to be worked on, and they are not part of the Job of this Commission to do. Q. Will you continue one-way traffic? A. ~his is a police function. Q. If they have money for drains they have money for sidewalks. A. We will pass your comments on to the Board of Selectmen. Seelye - storm drains on Lower Lane were recommended as a project long before I came to Town. ~here is a definite need for drains as well as there is for ~idewalks. I cannot take money from Drains to build Sidewalks. Castiglioni - If you feel t~at sidewalks should be built on this street, I suggest that you send a letter to the Board of Selectmen requesting that this be done., but we do not have the authority to. Q. To what d~mectton are storm sewers to be laid? ~. Patterson Way to Hudson St. confine it along north side. We are in process of obtaining rights-of-way. Q. Will it~ go west or north?. A. West Q. What about sanitary sewers~ A. Under control of Worthington Fire District. I cannot answer for them. Q. How will drainage be taken down to brook?' A. We plan to place about 1~0' of pipe and improve ditch from that point down. Q. How often do you clean the ditch? A. if we do not get a call we do not know problem exists. Q. Water comes arced from Patterson Way, cannot be stopped at 90° angle. A.Do not plan any drainage in Patterson Way. Q. _No, I mean where water comes from Patterson Way. A. Plan to bring drains to corner of Patterson Way and Lower Lane. Q. In effect flo6ding conditions will be increased Q. Must take care of brook, there will be a lot of water, must be done right, should pipe to brook. Q. I agree, when we built we kept w&ll above high water llne, never had any flooding in homes. Could create damage. I know you are improving street, but you are also creating another problem by raising the road. I would rather see sidewalks. Town can put sidewalks where it wants to with taxpayers money. I would llke to see a show of hands. Chairman dclsred that request out of order. Q. How much of the 50~ will be paved? A. 30' of the 50' right-of-way w~ll be paved, 10' on each side will be left for sidewalk. Q. People think they own all the property to the curb. Q. Before we vote I would like everyone to see the map so that we will know what we are doing. A. This is a public hearing for you to express your feelings. The Commission · will listen to your comments, and then will meet and go over your comments, and then vote foX' or against the proposition. If you do not like our decision you of course have the right to appeal to the courts. We will listen to your comments and our vote w~ll be based on them. Q. When will you start? A. Hope to begin with a. week and .complete this su~m~er. Storm sewers can be put in whether street lines are established or not, but we want to have them within the right-of-way that ~s why we want to establish the street line now. Town has right to drain off road within the limits of the State Statute. The Chairman invited the people to come forward to see the map and ask questions. of the Engineering Dept. 7. Hearing adjourned at 9:20 R6y By~, Acti~/Secretary