1984/07/02EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES JULY 2, 1984 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.}i. by Mayor Warren E. Kingsbury. Also in attendance: Deputy Mayors Robert A. Argazzi, Thomas W. Ward, Or.; James D'Errico, Personnel Director; Judith Lindgren, Louis Kristopek, William Hackett, Joseph Leone, Gary Gajewski, James Simons, David Paradise, Paul Kristopek, Walter Motyka, Thomas Andruskiewicz, Zigmund Garbiel, Stanley Dutkiewicz, John Pajor, Edward Caffrey. Mayor Kingsbury recognized the'group of blue collar employees and indicated that, although the Building Maintenance issue was not on the agenda, he would be happy to listen to any comments. Mr. Caffrey expressed the concerns of AFSCI~ regarding the issue of Building Maintenance and its impact on wages, hours and -~orking conditions of the union. He was also concerned that AFSCMEhmdnot'Seen officially contacted as yet and informed the Board that many questions are currently being reviewed by AFSCME's legal staff. Mayor Kingsbury indicated that the Board shared concern for all the issues and gave Mr. Caffrey achconology of related events. The Mayor emphasized his concern for the individuals involved and explained that he had negotia- ted the framework of the agreement which was brought up at the emergency Executive Board meeting and which would have been subsequently brought to AFSCME's attention, and the fact that AFSC~ would have been invited to a discussion on the matter as soon as possible. Mr. Caffrey acknowledged that he appreciated the explaination and further indicated that he felt that it was unfortunate that the chain of events occured the way they did. He further said he appreciated the intent of the Town to involve the union in these discussions and looks fo~ard to nego- tiating. Further discussion was then held in which questions of a legal nature, labor relations nature and a personnel nature were raised by several individuals. At the end of this discussion it was mutually agreed that each party would ~eep the other completely up to date and infored as events occured. The employees left the meeting at that point. Mayor Kingsbury brought up for discussion the contract regarding local cemeteries and moved that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, Ted's Tree and Lawn Service for an annual sum of $3,500.00. Other bidders were: Hillside Landscaping - L-K Lawn Kare - Gary J. Gajewski - $3,705.00 $4,550.00 $4,050.00 MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Kingsbury brought up the bid for a 10 Ton Highway Dump Truck and in- dicated that Mr. Seelye and Mr. Prue recormmend that the bid be awarded to Airport Truck Center, Inc.for a sum of $17,541.00. MOTION CARRIED. JULY 2, 1984 -2- EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES Mr. Argazzi questioned why there was only one bid. 5~. Ward commented that the specifications should be written so that multiple bids could be received. He pointed out that situations such as this point out a need for a purchasing agent. Mayor Kingsbury indicated that Ford does not make a 1984 truck model that meets the specifications. Upon motion by Mayor Kingsbury, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to award the contract for the 10 ton Highway Dump Truck to Airport Truck Center, Inc., as stipulated above. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Kingsbury discussed a letter from the Berlin Grange and indicated that before he responds to the letter, he would like to discuss whether or not compliance . with this request would be a breech of faith with Wolcott Brown's earlier donation of the land. After some discussion, Mr. Ward suggested that the Mayor contact Mrs. Brown to see if a comp- romise solution could be reached, which involves allowing Grange park- ing on the land for special events only with no pavement installed and no transfer of property. Mayor Kingsbury presented the joint resignation of the Registrars of Voters. Mr. Argazzi suggested that they invite the Registrars to the next Board meeting for a discussion. Mr. Ward agreed there is a need for continuity in the office and Mayor Kingsbury indicated that he would make the invitation. ,Mayor Kingsbury briefed the Board on several ongoing matters of concern: 1. Infiltration problems of the Mattabassett District. This is under current study. 2. A copy of the solid waste conversion plant proposal" Re:Bristol': was received that day and Mayor Kingsbury is currently reviewing it. The Mayor also indicated that Meriden is contributing approx- imately $4,900.00 to the To~ Wide water plan and at this point, has expressed interest in the Town providing a significant amount of water. Mr. War~ brought up a question regarding the status of the McGee fence. school Mayor Kingsbury stated the Public Works and Grounds departments are in the process of de~iBin~ property border lines. There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:45. · O~N C! ~I~,2'-US OFFI~3~ BA2gLLN, COi~ :,,. Respectfully submitted, 3av.~es D' Errico Acting Secretary