1984/06/28EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES June 28, 1984 A special meeting of the Executive Board was held at 7:00 P.M. and called to order by Mayor Warren E. Kingsbury. In attendence were: Deputy Mayors Robert A. Argazzi and Thomas W. Ward, Jr.; James D'Errico, Personnel Dir- ector; Ronald and Judith Lindgren; Aldo Castiglioni; Robert Probst; Len- eoard Felson, reporter. Attorney Lawrence Fagan, Corporation Counsel ap- peared at 7:05 P.M. ~ayor Kingsbury made a motion to go into Executive Session at 7:05 P.M. ~. Ward raised multiple objections to the Executiv~.H~§sion. He indicated that he felt there were no grounds for the Executive Session. He had been given no documentation and was not told what the purpose of the meeting was. He accused the Mayor of conducting meetingS'in the same manner as the Board of Education: "Motion made and passed in Executive Session". ~. Argazzi said he felt this discussion was.similar to Union contract dis- cussions and should be in Executive Session. }~. Ward raised further objection% then the attorney's opinion was distrib- uted and time was allowed for study. Among other objections, Mr. Ward indicated that he felt that the opinion disregarded 12 years of past practice and what he felt was the intention of the Town's people, ie.: to remove control of maintenance for the Board of Education, circa 1972. Atty. Fagan indicated that the intention of the Town's people was not rel- evant, but rather the intention of the legislature was what the Attorney was bound to consider. Further debate ensued regarding the Attorney~ opinion and the history of the ~aintenance situation between the Town and the Board of Education. Mayor Kingsbury vehemently oppdsed Mr. Ward's contention that the Board of Education had previously manipulated funds and caused the school buildings to fall into disrepair. Mayor Kingsbury indicated that was absolutely untrue. Mr. Ward indicated that he felt that the decision was not of an emergency nature and that the issue had not arrtsen during the last 48 hours, but was known for many months. He then accused the Board of Education of de- liberately failing to submit a maintenance budget in the normal budgetary process in order to deny the public an opportunity to debate the issue. He called the entire matter a midnight lynching. Discussion was then held regarding decision making and Mr. Ward asked if the proposed agreement had already been signed. ,© EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES June 28, 1984 -2- Mr. Ward then questioned the authority for entering into an agreement with- out town meeting or Board of Finance approval. He then told the Mayor that the Mayor is supposed to administer the Town's budget and he can't give a- way that authority. Mr. Castiglioni said he had been around a long time and in approximately 1972, the Board of Education used to maintain buildings and that they wanted to turn it over to the Town. He further indicated that every Town- owned building will suffer. Attorney Fagan pointed out several possible scenerios based on the Board's demand letter, many of which conceivably would involve personnel lay-offs. Mr. Ward then indicated that he would have handled the situation differently and accused the Mayor of a lack of guts, a lack of leadership and told him he would have responded to the Board of Education by telling them to take Public Grounds and vehicles as well. "If you had the guts to do that they would have backed down." ' ayor Kingsbury replied "I have the guts to votes on this issue - do you?" iscussion was held regarding the nature of this emergency meeting. Mr. Argazzi asked if we would reconvene after the Town meeting. Mr. Ward left the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M. to attend the Town Meeting. The meeting reconvened at 10:10 P.M. In attendence at this time: Mayor Kingsbury, Deputy Mayor Robert A. Argazzi; Attorney Lawrence Fagan; James D'Errico. _ Further discussion was held. No action was taken. There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, James D'Errico Acting Secretary