1983/08/22EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES August 22, 1983 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Thomas W. Ward, Jr. Deputy Mayors William F. McKeon and Robert A. Argazzi were present; Also present: Theodore Hrubiec, Director of Public Grounds Mr. Hrubiec advised four bidders presented their specifications for a 72" Riding Rotary Mower and Attachments. He is reco~L~ending the bid be awarded to Bacher Corp. as they met all specifications and their bid was under the budgeted figure. There is $13,000 in the budget and the bid was $12,896.00. Mr. Hrubiec said they are planning to trade-in some of our old equipment--the old riding mowers. Mr. Hrubiec advised the Board that his men used demos all summer long and from that experience, they drew up the specifications. We will get attachments with the mower such as a dozer blade for plowing, weights on back, ropes, cab, windshield wiper, etc. If this machine were just for mowing, it would be too much,but we are planning to use it year round. The bid includes'the trade-ins of three riding tractors and attachments and a Toro reel type. The new machine should last ten years. Mr. Hrubiec pointed out in his department, every piece of equipment is checked in the morning befOre it goes out and and washed down every night before the men go home. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to award the bid for a 72" Riding Rotary Mower and Attachments to Bacher Equipment Corp. as per Mr. Hrubiec's recommendation. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ward advised that bids were opened for the purchase of trees and shrubs for Timberlin Golf Course under the SBA DEP Grant. Two bids were received: Ted's Tree Service $995.00 and Johnson's Garden Service $1,024.00. Mrs. Barbara Geary is recommending the bid be awarded to Ted's Tree Service as low bidder. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to award the bid for the purchase of trees and shrubs for Timberlin Golf Course under the SBA DEP Grant to Ted's Tree Service at the low bid price of $995.00 as per Mrs. Geary's recommendation. MOTION CARRIED. It was agreed to forward to Mr. S. Samuel Valenti, Chairman-Police Commission, a copy of the correspondence from Morgan Seelye regarding the intersection of Robbins Road and Kensington Road for their comments. Mayor Ward presented the Assignment of Contract drawn up by Atty. Harry Jackaway in which Albreada Refuse transfers its contract with the Town of Berlin to Trash-Away, Inc. until June 30, 1984. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to authorize Albreada Refuse, Inc. to assign the contract that was awarded to them on July t, 1983 to Trash-Away, Inc. assuming all contract provisions and subject to the proper insurance requirements being fulfilled. MOTION CARRIED. Executive Board Minutes August 22, 1983 -2- On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the following Tax Refunds: Richard D. Burkarth 54 Savage Hill Road in the amount of $39.71; credit per assessor and John Kapustinski of 23 MaryAnn Court in the amount of $33.68; credit per assessor both as recommended by Francis J. Motyka, Tax Collector. MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor presented the two quotes received for Workmen's Compensation insurance for the Firemen: E.W. Mildrum Ins. Agency $29,941.00 and Wolff-Zackin & Assoc.,Inc. $19,183.00. He explained there will be no deductible and that we w~ll put it out to bid again next year. We contacted Mildrum Agency today for a print out of claims; they had never received one. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to award the contract for Workmen's Compensation Insurance for the Volunteer Firemen to Wolff-Zackin & Associates, Inc. for a period of one year at the quoted price of $19,183.00. MOTION CARRIED. The Board members reviewed a proposed draft of an ordinance establishing a "general insurance fund". This will be for anything not covered by insurance because of a deductible and other direct payments. Mr. Argazzi referring to item TWO said use of the word 'should' implies shall; does that mean we have to have the vicarious liability insurance. The Mayor suggested the word be changed to 'may'---this will give us the opportunity of buying it or not. Mr. Argazzi suggested in item FOUR the word 'be' be changed to 'by'. Also, in item EIGHT, he feels the Finance Director should report to the Executive Board instead of the 'Mayor' Ail these suggestions were agreed upon. Mr. Argazzi suggested in item NINE the word 'Mayor' be changed to Executive Board. But Mayor Ward said he feels it should remain 'Mayor' because he is here on a daily basis. Mr. Argazzi said he had no objections. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to add the Ordinance Establishing A Fund Entitled "General Insurance Fund" to the call of the next Town Meeting which may be September 12. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ward said he spoke to Gary Stenhouse, Town Manager of Plainville regarding their heavy duty backhoe. He said something in the $100,000 class doesn't seem to be made by to many people. Plainville had $80,000 in their budget and they sent bids out to many companies but the only bid received was from W.I. Clark Co. They were looking for a twenty- year piece of equipment and there wasn't too many who could meet specifications; they either exceeded them or went under them. We have $110,000 in our budget. Referring to the Communication System requested in this year's budget, Mayor Ward said he contacted Milton Freeman who reco~m~ended Francis Danaher who is the Director of Civil Preparedness in Hartford and is involved in communications planning for fire, public works, Board of Education, Housing Authority and Licenses & Inspections. Mr. Danaher came in and looked at the equipment and submitted the proposal dis- tributed to Board members at a fixed price of $7,700. Mayor Ward said he personally feels the money will be well spent. We would like to get a communication system within our needs and perhaps eliminate the telephone wires. He said there is an outside chance we may be able to eliminate Sonitrol. We would have to put an antenna on each building. Let's see what kind of package he puts together. We will obtain the Executive Board Minutes August 22, 1983 -3- breakdown on how much we spend on Sonitrol and the telephone wires. Mr. Danaher has been successful in doing this before. He should be able to come in with the needs and the possibility of saving 'x' amount of dollars. Mr. Argazzi said he doesn't want to spend $7,700 but as long as the Mayor sees the possibility of saving money, he has no objection; he would hope we could save $10,000. The Mayor said whatever the outcome, we have to depend on someone who can explain the system and our needs and I hope the radio committee will agree before they send it out and get all questions answered. The service contract should be known before we sign: 24-hour service, back-up, if there is any part of the package that is not their equipment but it is tied in to their equipment, they must be able to service it. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to engage Management Communications Systems at the price of $7,700.00 for services as outlined in their letter dated August 16, 1983. MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor asked that a letter be sent to James D'Errico appointing him to be a hearings officer to hear applications to determine whether or not the towing within Town of a motor vehicle was authorized under the provisions of Section 14-150 of the Connecticut State Statutes. There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Respectful.ly submitted, /udith L~ind~ren, secretary