1983/06/28EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES June 28, 1983 The meeting of the Executive Board was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Thomas W. Ward, Jr. Deputy Mayors William F. McKeon and Robert A. Argazzi were present. Also present: Mrs. Barbara Geary, Economic Development Director On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve and sign an Employee Termination Record for Muriel Niles with a projected termination pay of $830.45. MOTION CARRIED. Mrs. Geary appeared to discuss a proposal for a grant under the Small Business Administration's Park and Recreation Grant Program for the purpqse of assisting the Town in providing jobs for the purpose of landscaping and public land beautification. The work must be performed by October 1, 1983. No contract, either for services or for the procurement of materials, is to be let by the municipality to other than a small business. Individuals, other than supervisory personnel, employed by the municipality or a small business contracted by the municipality must be individuals who do not currently have full-time employment and who are not simultaneously drawing unemployment compensation. The amount appropriated by the Department of Environmental Protection under this grant is $7,684.00 which will be paid in two payments. It is a 100% grant to the Town. Mrs. Geary said we will use the funding for tree planting along the banks at Timberlin and cleaning the pond behind Timberlin and putting in rip rap and rebuilding the spillway. We may have to scale down our project somewhat. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted place the following on the call of a Town Meeting to be held July 11, 1983, approval of a resolution permitting the Town to obtain Federal financial assistance from the Small Business Administration Park and Recre- ational Area Development Grant Program through the Commissioner of the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. MOTION CARRIED. Mrs. Geary appeared also to discuss the Neighborhood Assistance Act which benefits a specific area which provides community service. She explained we would like to submit the Peck Memorial Library renovation program to the Commissioner of Revenue Services for approval under this Act. A list will be prepared by them of the qualified projects and in December, it is sent to all corporations paying State corporate taxes. Mr. Argazzi asked what happens to the money when we get it. Mrs. Geary said the library will get it and renovate the Matson building. The Fund Raising and Building Committee appointed by the Kensington Library Society is charged with implementing the project, acquiring the Matson Building, etc., and to come up with sufficient private gifts that would basically be part of the local match. We are looking for $400,000 for the State and Federal grants and to the Aetna for $250,000. Mr. Argazzi asked what our chances are? Executive Board Minutes June 28, 1983 -2- Mayor Ward said we had a meeting with the General Counsel for Aetna and the Vice President of Corporate Gifts. At that time I had no floor plans or actual costs. It was a general discussion of what we were seeking more than any detailed list of our needs. Ms. Patricia Sheeran, Administrator of Urban Affairs has written to us looking for answers to several questions so we will know what and whom to bring with her. Our request for $250,000 is still on the table and what role they will play we just don't know. Their staff ranges from legal to fund raising. He pointed out, in the letter received from the Marjorie Moore Foundation Advisory Committee, they will make a decision on a request for $50,000 for the first year when the project becomes a reality and the Town makes a financial commitment to support the Library, maintain the building, and the grounds, and see that proper administrative and fiscal policies are adheared too. Another source of income is the building housing the library; when that is sold, it will be added to the fund. There will be a slight increase for heat, lights and they estimate a half-time person will be the only additional person they will need. Mrs. Geary added, this does not commit the Town in any way to anything. Mr. Argazzi asked when does the money come in? Mrs. Geary said the best way to use the Act is to line up the corporations before the list is published. The Committee will get in touch with some of the companies who pay corporate taxes. Mr. Argazzi said he doesn't want to be in the position where we get a good sum of money and the Town must then be committed to the project. Mr. McKeon asked if we have to have all the plans and bids before we accept the money. Mayor Ward said no. Mr. Argazzi asked if the plans are for a gold-plated library. The Mayor said no and showed him the plans. Mr. Argazzi asked how much is the Town considering spending. The Mayor said he wouldn't hesitate recommending $500,000 to the people. Mr. Argazzi asked if this would be bonded. Mayor Ward said it will cost $50,000 per year principal; one-third of a mill if we have to bond it. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to include on the call of the Town Meeting a resolution authorizing the Town to submit the Peck Memorial Library renovation program to the Commissioner of Revenue Services for approval under the Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Act. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ward reviewed the Executive Board meeting with Mr. James McNair on June 20 with Mr. Argazzi and the subsequent meeting with the Finance Board. From that meeting, it was recommended that a Town Meeting be called to transfer the funds necessary to fund account #1902 Community Center Supervisor. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Ward, it was voted to include on the call of the Town Meeting approval to transfer a sum not to exceed $5,000.00 to Account #1902 Community Center Supervisor from account #240 Contingency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1984; and, approval to transfer a sum not to exceed $8,065.00 to Account #1902 Community Center Supervisor from the following accounts: Executive Board Minutes June 28, 1983 -3- #1905 Jr. & Adult Programs #1906 Youth Council Director & Supervisor #1907 Wages, Custodian #1909 Office Supplies & Recorder Phone #1910 Community Center Supervisors #1912 Pools-Supplies #1914 Little League, Babe Ruth #1923 Art and Craft Supplies #1925 School Usage Rental #1927 Bus Rental #1928 Glass Recycling $ 500.00 3,500.00 375.00 400.00 1,000.00 400.O0 290.00 200.00 500.00 50O.0O 400.00 and, approval to transfer a sum not to exceed $2,000.00 to account #1552 Staff Nurses from Account #1553 Contracted Services in the Public Health Nursing Service budget. MOTION CARRIED. OPPOSED: Mr. Argazzi to the transfers into Community Center Supervisor. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to advertise for the vacant positon of Maintainer I in the Highway Department. MOTION CARRIED. Referring to the Community Center Supervisor, Mayor Ward said the Finance Board should have had a meeting with Recreation. They took the position out, left it out and told Mr. McNair to move everything over to the Center but gave him no funding for the move. Mayor Ward presented a Budget Change Form in the amount of $3,000.00 to account #3512 Maintenance-Grounds and Facility to allow for a fence to enclose the playground area at the Ledge School. He explained the Junior Woman's Club has taken on the playground as an iannual~Club project. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to approve the Budget Change Form for a transfer of $3,000.00 from #240 Contingency to account #3512 Grounds and Facility Maintenance, Repairs and Supplies. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ward explained further the reason this request is late as we tried to get the program approved by the Park & Recreation Department. There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, dith Li~/dgrJ~, secretary