1983/06/06EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES June 6, 1983 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Thomas W. Ward, Jr. Present were Deputy Mayors William F. McKeon, Robert A. Argazzi. Also present: James D'Errico, Personnel Director; Mrs. Joanne G. Ward, Town Clerk; Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director. Also for a part of the meeting, A1 Gerdis. Bids on $1,775,000 Bond Anticipation Notes for Berlin and Belcher Interceptor Sewers were received. Low bidders were Connecticut National Bank 6.37% $775,000; New Britain Bank & Trust 6.27% $250,000; New Britain National Bank 6.39% $500,000; New Britain National Bank 6.52% $500,000. It was moved by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi and voted to accept the low bids for Bond Anticipation Notes for Berlin and Belcher Interceptor Sewers for $1,775,000 from June 16, 1983 to June 15, 1984 and to sign the notes. MOTION CARRIED. Mrs. Ward presented amendments to existing ordinances: 1) "An Ordinance Requiring a License to Dispense Food Or Beverage For Human Consumption" and 2) Coin Machine Ordinance. During the discussion, Mrs. Ward explained the changes indicating that the fee schedules were being updated to reflect similar scales from other towns and that they are basically patterned after state ordinances. Further, the procedure for annual inspections of establishments having video games was discussed. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted that both amended ordinances be revised and rewritten by Corporation Counsel and presented on the call to Town Meeting. MOTION CARRIED. The Town Meeting was set for Monday, June 13, 1983 in the Meeting Room of the Town Hall. The Mayor advised the Board that the Planning Commission has voted approval of the sale of a portion of Lot 3U, Block 91, Briar Patch Drive and a portion of Lot 1, Block 128, Wethersfield Road. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to request authorization from Town Meeting to sell these lots. MOTION CARRIED. The Executive Board signed the Rate Bill for the Water Control Commission for the 1983-84 fiscal year. Mayor Ward presented the bid proposals for the cleaning and removal of loose material from the Irrigation Pond located at Timberlin Golf Course. He explained the calculation of the cost of each bid described and the nature of the project. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon it was voted to award the bid for cleaning and removal of loose material from the Irrigation Pond at Timberlin Golf Course to the low bidder, Carl E. Johnson & Son, Inc. as recommended. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to move into EXECUTIVE SESSION at 8:05 P.M. for the purpose of discussing personnel matters. MOTION CARRIED. Executive Board Minutes June 6, 1983 -2- THE FOLLOWING ACTION WAS TAKEN DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION: On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by'Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to accept the Personnel Director's recommendation and issue a one (1) day suspension without pay for a clerk in the Police Department. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to move out of EXECUTIVE SESSION at 8:20 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. D'Errico then presented the recommended candidates to fill the vacancy of full-time Engineering Technician II. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to employ Albert Aldi as the Engineering Technician II, as recommended. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. D'Errico then presented the reco~ended candidates for the summer position in the Engineering Department. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to employ John Brochu as recommended. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. D'Errico requested authorization for internal posting of an anticipated part-time clerical vacancy in the Public Health Nursing Service. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to authorize the internal posting of the anticipated part-time clerical vacancy in the Public Health Nursing Service. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Clinton presented the proposed contract between the Town of Berlin and the Pension Consultants Inc. The Board members received the co~tract at a meeting in May. Mr. Clinton advised that Atty. Harry Jackaway reviewed the contract and recommended the deletion of paragraph 13 which Mr. Clinton has done. He is recommending the contract be signed. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to accept the contract as written between the Town of Berlin and the Pension Consultants, Inc. for the fiscal year 1983-84. MOTION CARRIED. Bids on $170,000 Bond Anticipation Notes for Beckley Industrial Area Sewers were received with Connecticut National Bank the low bidder at 6.37% with $21.00 Premium. It was moved by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi and voted to accept the low bid for Beckley Industrial Area Sewers Bond Anticipation Notes for the period June 16, 1983 to June 15, 1984 and to sign the notes. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Change Form from the Mayor's Office in the amount of $60.00 to account #106 Recording Secretary. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ward presented a Budget Change Form from the Golf Course in the amount of $1,000 to account #1968 Clubhouse Maintenance. The Mayor explained that the golf course and clubhouse were open for an extended period of time last fall. The profits were far in excess of the additional appropriation. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Change Form in the amount of $1,000.00 to account #1968 Clubhouse Maintenance. MOTION CARRIED. Executive Board Minutes June 6, 1983 3 On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to approve the minutes of May 16 and 23,~1983 meetings. MOTION CARRIED. James Mo D~E~rico, Acting secretary The following members of the Board of Finnace and the Park and Recreation Commission appeared at 8:45 P.M. to discuss the situation with the Community Center: Ail members of the Board of Finance were present; Park & Recreation Commission: Philip Maule, George Wiecek, Robert Silver, Frank Magnoli; Vera Skorupski, secretary; James McNair, Recreation Director; Alfred Hawkins, Director of Public Grounds and Golf Course; Richard Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings; James D'Errico, Personnel Director; Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Thomas Shiel, reporter-The Herald Mayor Ward opened the meeting by stating that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the consolidation of personnel at the Community Center. He stated that we discussed the cost of putting some equipment there for the staff as well as a copy machine. The other area we would like to discuss is where do we go when we get over there. If we stay there, we have to spend a lot of money; if we abandon it we must go somewhere else. He stated that he recommends getting an architect to go in and do a survey. He suggested putting it out to bid and getting private offers. Mayor Ward stated that he is interested in obtaining figures as to the cost to redo the first two floors of the building. Mr. Russell informed him that the wiring is bad, the plumbing needs a lot of work, etc., a lot of money needs to be spent. If Recreational Services is kept in the Town Hall, you are talking about reducing the scale of services at the Community Center. Mr. McNair stated that he would like to see the Community Center Supervisor reinstated.' Mr. D'Errico stated that one of the problems we will have with personnel over the next six months or a year is sorting personnel out. We may experience a savings but we will have to anticipate a few problems. Mayor Ward stated that right now we have one covering for the other. Mrs. Delaney stated that putting the staff in one place would eliminate the need for additional staff. She questioned how far do we want to eliminate the recreational staff. Mayor Ward replied that we do not have much staffing there. Mrs. Detaney stated that we are lucky to have this pro~ram at all -- it could have been cut out entirely. She suggested gozng into this gradually. She stated that we cannot add more staff when we almost lost the budget entirely. Executive Board Minutes June 6, 1983 -4- Mr. McNair stated that it would be at the same rate of pay as the Community Center Supervisor. Mayor Ward stated that the salary for that job was above the previous duties. Mrs. Skorupski stated that She is concerned about the services to the community. Many people do more than one thing when they stop off at the Town Hall. She questioned what would be done if the secretary were ill at the Community Center. Mayor Ward replied that a sign would be put on the door if she were out sick. Mr. Silver suggested that it would be wise to keep the office here while investigating whether or not it would be okay to move. He would like to have the staff which they had. Mayor Ward stated that we just got through with the budget process. Mr. Silver stated that you are asking Mr. McNair to take on more responsibility by moving him over there. Mr. McNair stated that he would use this full-time person for a middle school supervisor as well as Saturday mornings and nights. He is talking about a 35 hour week and would involve an additional $8,000.00. Mr. Bernardi suggested coming up on the revenue side by shifting some of the expenses. He suggested doing it with the adult programs where you are absorbing the direct costs as well as the indirect costs. If the Board of Finance sees the revenue they are somewhat hesitate to reduce the program; i.e., the Golf Course. He stated that when the budget is being reduced it is either Park and Rec or personnel. Mr. McNair stated that to decrease what we have is very bad. If we are going to increase revenue you have to offer quality programs. Mr. Bernardi replied that I am not saying that you have to become self-sufficient. Mr. McNair stated that they are charging $300-$325 for men's basketball; $425 for men's softball. They are paying $1,500-$1,800 for referees for the basketball season. Mr. Bernardi suggested doing a cost effectiveness study. Mr. Tiezzi questioned if we were running the Recreation Department for out-of-towners. Mr. McNair replied that there were a few out-of-towners. Mr. Vandrilla suggested that identification cards be issued. Mr. McNair replied that they had asked for this money in the budget. Executive Board Minutes June 6, 1983 Mayor Ward suggested that a job be set up aroung the working hours that are required. He suggested just having full-time people that will work the hours of the programs. Mr. McNair replied that he needs the supervisors as well as the people who work under him. Deputy Mayor McKeon stated that we have not even started the new budget. We cannot add staff. He stated that he does not think that he could vote for this. Mrs. Delaney agreed. She stated that this was not discussed at the Town Meeting. She stated that we voted a budget and we should stick to that budget. We have to try this and see how it works. Mayor Ward stated that he does not mind going to Town Meeting for the money for the renovation as this has been discussed before. Mrs. Delaney questioned if the building has passed fire inspection. It was the general consensus that it had. Mayor Ward questioned how much had to be spent before another inspection was required. Mr. Russell replied that the cost of the renovation must exceed one-third the basic costs of the building. Mr. Silver stated that he was concerned as to whether or not the building is going to be used the next year. Mrs. Delaney stated that until we try it we will never know if it is going to work. She believes that the $6,600 for the move is over- estimated. Mayor Ward suggested that Mr. McNair and his secretary move over there for one year and see how it works. Discussion then turned to costs for remodeling vs. a new building. Mr. Magnoli stated that a new building would cost $35/foot. Mrs. Skorupski stated that we are providing services for a staggering amount of the public. She cannot see spending $6,600 to move over there. This should be studied before making the move. She likes the idea of eliminating the two part-time positions and adding one full-time position. Mr. McNair stated that the two part-time positions amount of $8,000. Mayor Ward stated that we are not here to expand or improve -- we are here to try to maintain. Mrs. Delaney suggested seeing if it can be done this year. Mr. Tiezzi questioned other alternatives. Executive Board Minutes June 6, 1983 -6- Mayor Ward replied the High School; however, we will not have the gym. Mr. Bernardi questioned to what extend will the renovations be passed to the taxpayer. Will it be absorbed in the revenue or in the Grand List? Mayor Ward suggested bringing the fees as high as they can go. Mrs. Delaney stated that the worse thing that could be done right now, public relations-wise, is to reinstate the staff. Mr. Vandrilla suggested that the Park and Recreation Department show the Board of Finance that they can absorb this position into their budget without any additional money. Deputy Mayor Argazzi stated that this should have been done before the budget. Mayor Ward questioned if they had looked into reducing hours at the Community Center. Mr. McNair replied that if we get the position we are asking for we would not have to reduce it at all. Mayor Ward stated that if we appropriate $3,000-$4,000 along with the increase in fees how would the Board of Finance feel. He stated that this would be a proposal that would combine an increase in fees along with the request for additional funding and will be for the period through 6/30/84. He stated that in the meantime we would take a look at the building and see what the additional costs would be -- they would look at the lower two floors. The Park and Recreation Commission indicated that they would be meeting this Thursday and would try to have some figures to the Executive Board by June 20. Mr. Tiezzi indicated that he would like to see the whole proposal before making a decision. Mr. Russell stated that this building has to be accessible to the handicapped. There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra Dempsey, Acting Secretary