1983/04/04 MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD April 4, 1983 The meeting of the Executive Board was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Thomas W. Ward, Jr. Deputy Mayors William F. McKeon and Robert A. Argazzi were present. Also in attentance: James M. D'Errico, Personnel Director; A1 Hawkins, Director of Public Grounds and Golf Course; Theodore Hrubiec, Superintendent of Public Grounds Mayor Ward presented a letter from Mr. Hrubiec advising that bids were opened today for four commercial hand mowers. He is recommending the low bidder, The Turf Products Corporation be awarded the bid at the price of $1,700.00. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to award the bid for four commercial hand mowers to The Turf Products Corporation, at the bid price of $1,700.00, as per Mr. Hrubiec's recommendation. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ward presented a letter from Roland Grenier, President of Roland Grenier & Company, Inc. requesting a permit to conduct a Public Auction Sale at Votino Manufacturing Company on Burnham Street on April 27, 1983 starting at 10:30 A.M. It will be a sale of surplus machinery. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to approve the request to conduct a Public Auction Sale as stated above by Roland Grenier & Company, Inc. for the permit fee of $100.00. MOTION CARRIED. The check for $100.00 payable to the Town of Berlin was enclosed with the request. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to reappoint the following persons as Dog Warden and Deputy Dog Wardens for the term of April 1, 1983 to March 31, 1983: Dog Warden Angelo Barcella Deputy Dog Wardens Gerald A. Barcella William J. Barcella Mrs. Joan Freda Arthur E. Volz, Jr. Charles Warner MOTION CARRIED Commissioner H. Earl Waterman of the Department of Agriculture will be notified of the appointments. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to appoint Mrs. Kathryn Lucas to fill the vacancy created by the resig- nation of Mrs. Pauline Godfrey; said term to expire April 19, 1983; as recommended by the Berlin Public Health Nursing Service. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ward presented a BudgetChange Form from Mr. Hawkins requesting $2,500.00 to account #1956 Overtime advising that due to sickness, it was necessary to utilize the overtime account to properly operate the Golf Course. Mr. Hawkins explained there are four men at the Golf Course who would get overtime. Alan Beckley is a working foreman and as he was out sick, he had to use a Maintainer III to fill in. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Change Form in the amount of $2,500.00 to account #1956 Overtime. MOTION CARRIED. Executive Board Minutes April 4, 1983 -2- Mayor Ward presented a Budget Change Form from the Board of Finance in the amount of $1,950.00 to cover auditing services which were not ~ncluded in the basic contract. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Change Form in the amount of $1,950.00 to account #202 Audit and Accounting. MOTION CARRIED. This was approved by a Telephone Poll taken on March 29, 1983. Mayor Ward presented a memo from Dominick F. Scerra, Treasurer, advising that Connecticut National Bank was the low bid at 5.86% for the B.A.N. Bids for $176,000.00 Cooley Property Account from April 4, 1983 to April 2, 1984. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to accept the low bid from Connecticut National Bank at the rate of 5.86%. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ward reported the three bids received for care of the cemeteries within the Town were opened and the low bidder was William J. Barcella in the amount of $3,900.00. Other bidders were: Joseph Gontarz $4,000.00 and Theodore S. Hrubiec, Jr. $4,300.00. It was agreed to accept the low bid for a period of one year. On Motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to accept the low bid from William J. Barcella for the care of the cemeteries within the Town for a period of one year for the bid price of $3,900.00. MOTION CARRIED. Messrs. Hawkins and Hrubiec appeared to discuss the conditions at the town parks. Mr. Hrubiec said as of 3:00 P.M. today the irrigation at Sage Park is completed. Mr. Argazzi asked if anyone is going to play on the field? Mr. Hrub~ec said tonight there is a game. Mr. McKeon said he heard some tournatment wanted to sell beer at Sage Park. Mr. Hrubiec said the Park & Recreation Commission said no; if they allow one group, there is no stopping it. Mr. Argazzi asked if they will prepare the fields themselves? Mr. Hrubiec said yes; they will provide police protection, and they will take care of cleaning up. We will put out more garbage cans than usual and there will be a charge to cover the maintenance. Mr. Argazzi said his principle question was how much time will the town be spending in maintaining these fields. He saw a new screen at Percival Field and new soil around the area. Mr. Hrubiec said the field was manicured last fall; we had the time and it needed the work. The Little League requested us to bring it up to shape. With the Senior Citizens going over there, we thought we should clean it up; we spent very little dollar-wise---we moved sod from one area to another and straightened out the bases. They requested the Town pay for the backstop but we said there was no way. The old backstop is still there. We paid $202 for the clain link fence and Israel Rossy put it in at no charge. Mr. Argazzi asked if we are going to take care of the field? Mr. Hrubiec said only mowing, no lining. We did put up a snow fence on the first base line. Mr. Argazzi said he is worried about too much time being spent on these fields. The Mayor said some of the managers should do their own lining. Mr. Hrubiec said the Town got the fields in shape, no more maintenance, only mowing. Executive Board Minutes April 4, 1983 -3- At Percival Field, the Babe Ruth League wants to construct two dugouts. All we are asked to do is dig it out. They have help from Bob Dornfried, Earl Wicklund and Angelo Tomasso. Park & Recreation Commission did agree to a 30' long dugout which is a standard dugout. We are going to lower it 16". Mr. Argazzi asked who told Mr. Hrubiec to dig it out. Mr. Hrubiec said the Babe Ruth League asked if they would do the job. The Mayor said they asked us to support the project and he told them they had to have a drawing of what they wanted to do and have it approved by the Park & Recreation Commission. Mr. ArRazzi said he feels it is too long. Mr. Hrubiec said for High School ~layers it is standard; for Little League they figure 1½' per person. Also, they would like a fence from the first base foul line to the third base foul line. Mr. Argazzi said he feels 25' would be enough; if it's too long, it will ruin the appearance; 30' is overdoing it. Mayor Ward asked how it would look in relation to the field. Mr. Hawkins said with it being dropped down, it will not interfere with the view from the bleachers. Mayor Ward asked where they propose putting the concession. Mr. Hawkins said he suggested along the bleachers or behind them. The Mayor said then children will be running across the driveway from the pool to get to the concession stand. Mr. Hawkins said you would have to give it a lot of thought with a definite layout. Mayor Ward said he is concerned with the youngsters running out of the pool to the concession stand; unless they put the stand down in the lower parking lot. Mr. Argazzi suggested we let them have it all summer long and give them a piece of the action. In the future, any plans such as this should come before the Executive Board. The Mayor said we can write to Park and Recreation asking that we have final approval of the outfield fence and the concession stand. Mr. Argazzi said he would recommend 25' for the dugout unless then can show us why 30' is necessary. The Mayor asked how many players are in the dugout on a high school team. Mr. Argazzi said there are 15 at St. Thomas Aquinas. Mr. Hrubiec said what's 5' more? He said the fence will keep the cars off the field; we have a lot of vandalism at every field. Mr. Argazzi told Messrs. Hawkins and Hrubiec not to do any more work on the fields without coming through the Executive Board first. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the installation of two dugouts at Percival Field and to notify George Lubin that the Executive Board wishes to approve any projects in our Town parks and that we trust he will notify Mr. Naples MOTION CARRIED. · On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to move into EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss personnel matters at 8:45 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. THE FOLLOWING ACTION WAS TAKEN DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION: On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to appoint Joseph Wilk and Louis Kristopik to the positons of Maintainer III and Paul Kristopik to the position of Maintainer II all in the Public Grounds and Golf Course Department as recommended by James D'Errico, Personnel Director. MOTION CARRIED. The Board proceeded to discuss with Mr. D'Errico the progress on the Police Contract negotiations. There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M. -R~spectfully submitted, : ~iCh'~' '~in~xr'~n, secretarv