1981/09/21MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD September 21, 1981 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi at 7:30 p.m. Deputy Mayors William F. McKeon and Robert A. Argazzi were present. Also present were: James D'Errico, Personnel Director; Richard Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings; Gary Clinton, Finance Director; Mr. Livio Dottor and Mr. Anthony Sbona of the Mattabassett District Commission; Mr. Joseph Pohlman and Mr. Eugene Devlin of the Peck Memorial Library; Mr. Andrew Wojtowicz. Mayor Ragazzi stated that the Executive Board requested the members of the Mattabassett District Commission to be present at the mee~in~ to try and create better lines of communication between the coam%zsslon members and the Executive Board. He stated there was very little .communication in the past, and after many requests, the Executive Board finally received the Minutes of the Commission Meetings. Mayor Ragazzi ~stated that there has been quite a bit of activity, and that the Executive Board is made aware of important issues after the fact. He requested that when important issues are before the Commission, one of the members either telephone the Mayor's Office or drop in at the Executive Board Meeting to enable input from the Executive Board. Mr. Argazzi stated that the Mattabassett District Commission is a very important commission in terms of dollars. He stated that the Director of the Mattabassett indicated that there may be a need for a significant increase in the number of employees. This would have an impact financially on the Town, and Mr. Argazzi stated he would like to be aware of such things so that the Executive Board can have their feelings known to the Mattabassett through the Berlin representatives. Mr. Sbona stated the Commission still does not know what the cost of getting rid of the sludge will be; it depends where they go with it. He reported that Manchester is the only Town that has agreed to take the sludge, and this could be costly. He stated that Middletown may agree to take the sludge for a fee. Mr. Argazzi asked if the Berlin representatives always attend the Commission Meetings. Mr. Sbona stated very seldom is a member absent, commenting that they are a pretty good group. Mr. Dotter stated that the number of employees at the Mattabassett totals thirty. When the expansion was discussed, it was felt more people would be needed. This would not be a reality until 1986. Mr. Dottor stated one of the major concerns of the Commission is energy conservation. He reported their utility bills went from $14,000 monthly to about $30,000 monthly. He reported that their total bills are approximately $74,000 per month. Mr. Clinton reported that the assessment from the Mattabassett is approximately $210,000 for operating expenses and $84,000 to $87,000 interest and principal. Mayor Ragazzi thanked the members for appearing, and again requested better communication with the Executive Board. Mr. Sbona and Mr. Dottor then left the meeting. Mayor Ragazzi presented the Budget Request in themmount of $1,578.50 as submitted by Peck Memorial Library to Account ~2221. Mr. Devlin reported that ne was ill for twelve weeks and the monies are necessary to cover temporary help. He reported that he erroneously prepared Executive Board Minutes September 21, 1981 -2- the budget for this fiscal year. He stated he felt they might be able to purchase the computer terminal, and therefore cut momies from the operating portion of the budget when he should have cut monies from the Capital Equipment portion of the budget. Mr. Pohlman also reported that the Library Board has Mr. Devlin scheduled for "double duties", and because of his illness, he is not able to put in the extra hours. Therefore, additional help had to be hired. He reported that Mr. Devlin would not be able to put additional hours in at least until Spring of 1982. Mr. Argazzi asked about the monies for Dues and Conferences, and stated this was cut from all budgets to the amount budgeted the previous year. Mr. Devlin reported that due to his error, the monies for dues and conferences was deleted from the original budget. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of Mr. Pohlman in the amount of $1578.50 to Account #2221. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the Budget Request of Mr. Pohlman in the amount of $1a000 to Account #2242, New Equipment. Mr. Devlin reported that due to the expected approval of the terminal, the Library Board deleted the capital expenditure portion of their budget. Mr. Argazzi asked if it would be proper to go back into capital items for this fiscal year. Mr. Clinton stated he would be very surprised if the Board of Finance would consider it before the upcoming budget process for the 1982/83 fiscal year. Mr. Argazzi stated he would recommend that this amount be included in the budget preparation for the next fiscal year, and stated if the Library Board needs assistance preparing their budget, the Finance Director would answer any questions. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to DISAPPROVE the Budget Request of Mr. Pohlman in the amount of $1,000 to Account #2242 with the recommendation that this be included in their budget preparation for the coming year. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the Budget Request of Corporation Counsel in the amount of $1,500 to Account #355, SupplieS/Subscriptions. Mr. Clinton reported that the Finance Board wanted to separate the costs for legal subscriptions from the High Court Settlement Account. He stated no analysis was done, and the Board of Finance allowed him $500 in this account. He stated this money has already been spent, and it has since been determined that $1,800 was spent during the last fiscal year. Mr. Argazzi asked if all materials are considered strictly municipal material. Mr. Clinton reported yes. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to approve the budget request of Corporation Counsel in the amount of $1,500 to Account 355. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Tax Refund in the amount of $27.07 to Mr. George Forsyth of 69 Mountainview Drive for the refund of excess payments per the recommendation of Mr. Motyka, Tax Collector. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi reported that the new Mini-bus has been delivered, and a simple contract has been forwarded to Corporation Counsel for his approval regarding the hiring of a bus driver. Mr. Argazzi asked about the present bus driver. Mayor Ragazzi stated he does not see why the Executive Board couldn't hire him if they deem it to be in the best interest of the Town, and not advertise. Mr. McKeon suggested having the Co~m~ission for Aging make a recommendation to the Executive Board regarding this matter. TABLED. Executive Board Minutes September 21, 1981 -3- Mayor Ragazzi presented the Employee Termination record of Shelley Lavigne which called for a zero balance in projected termination pay. He reported that Ms. Lavigne is the last CETA employee for the Town of Berlin. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Employee Termination Record of Shelley Lavigne. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the September 18, 1981 letter from Andrew Wojtowicz regarding a proposed amendment to the existing town ordinance governing electronic game machines. He reported that this incorporates the lowering of the age limit permitted to operate a machine from 18 years of age to no age limit, ~and"w0uld limit the licensing fees for the machines. Mayor Ragazzi recommended the matter be forwarded to Corporation Counsel for his opinion. TABLED. Mr. Argazzi stated that it was his understanding that before new stop signs are put up, the proposals would come before the Executive Board. Mr. McKeon stated that is Police Comission business. Mayor Ragazzi stated the Police Commission is the sole traffic authority for the Town and do not have to come before the Executive Board. Mr. Argazzi stated he realizes this, but asked if a member of the Police Department could come before the Executive Board at the next meeting to provide information on why a stop sign is to be installed at the intersection of Porters Pass and Skinner Road. Mayor Ragazzi stated he will request this from Chief Scalise. Mayor Ragazzi presented the September 18, 1981 letter from Mr. Seelye regarding the street light request at 85 Brook Meadow Road. Mr. Seelye reported that Officer Peters and he concur that there is insufficient public necessity to justify the installation of the street light at this time. It was the consensus of the Executive Board to deny the street light request and to advise Mr. Seelye of same. Mayor Ragazzi presented the September 14, 1981 letter from Chief Scalise regarding vicarious liability insurance coverage. Mayor Ragazzi stated his recommendation would be to include this in the budget preparation for the next fiscal year. Mr. Argazzi stated he still doesn't know what this is all about, and would like to discuss this with Corporation Counsel. Mayor Ragazzi stated he will ask Atty. Jackaway to be present at a future Executive Board Meeting to discuss this matter. TABLED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the Budget Request of Mr. Russell in the amount of $4,200 to Account #3813 to replace air conditioning compressor that services the Media Center, Berlin High School. Mr. Russell explained that this is one of two units in the Media Center. He reported that the winding motor is gone. Mr. Argazzi asked the age of the unit. Mr. Russell replied approximately six years old. He stated that the warranty expired two months ago. Mayor Ragazzi stated he feels we are close enough to the next budget preparation, and this should be included for the next fiscal year. Mr. Argazzi asked if it is for ventilation or strictly air conditioning, and suggested this ..may not be needed until next Spring. Mr. Russell stated it will definitely be needed before next Spring as it controls the humidity which is very important for the books. It is used during the Winter. Executive Board Minutes September 21, 1981 Mayor Ragazzi stated his recommendation would be to take the monies from Mr. Russell's operating budget, and if he finds he needs the monies later in the year, he can come back for additional funds. Mr. Russell stated he has no monies for projects such as this in his operating budget, and stated he should not have to come back at a later date. Mr. Russell asked what the difference is if the Executive Board approves the request now or six months from now. Mr. McKeon stated the operating budget is to keep the buildings operating. The monies are for unforseen items such as this. Mr. Argazzi stated that Mr. Russell will have the perfect reason to come back for monies in the Spring. Mayor Ragazzi stated he feels it should come out of the operating budget, and if additional monies are required later, Mr. Russell will have to come in with another Budget Request. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to DISAPPROVE the Budget Request of Mr. Russell in the amount of $4,200 to Account #3813. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi again presented the Application and Certificate for Payment from Hirsch & Persch Architects, Imc., in the amount of $111,993.20,-current payment due for the Berlin High School Roof Replacement. This matter was tabled at the September 10, 1981 Meeting as explanation from Mr. Russell as to the reta±nage was requested. Mr. Russell reported the project is 90% completed. Retainage is lowered to 5% of the total budget after 50% of the work is completed. He stated if it was felt the contractor was not getting the job done or there was poor workmanship, 10% would be retained. Mr. Clinton stated if anything, we are holding more money than usual on such projects. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Application and Certificate for Payment from Hirsch & Persch Architests, Inc. in the amount of $111,993.20. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Argazzi stated he asked that Mr. Clinton be present at the meetimg to discuss the surplus. Mr. Argazzi stated he feels the Executive Board should be informed before reading of the projected surplus in the newspaper. He stated he had no idea the surplus would be that high. Mr. Clinton stated basically, that was a preliminary figure in the newspaper. He stated he still hasn't completed figuring the true surplus. He stated the surplus he projected was from a low of $331,000 to a high of $972,000, best guessing at $606,000. He stated as we got closer to the end of the fiscal year, that figure was adjusted upward. He stated the surplus is very difficult to determine. He stated he did not anticipate the revenues to be as high. Mr. Clinton reported he informed the Board of Finance during preparation of the budget, that he would only guarantee $331,000 to be put into the next budget. Mr. Argazzi stated we are way out of bounds on this. Mr. Clinton stated we are talking less than 2% on a twelve million dollar budget. He stated he makes an analysis by discussing each item with department heads. He stated just not filling the five vacancies until the budget was adopted saved quite a bit of money. Gas and oil did not run as high as anticipated. He stated that Public Health Nursing spent only $25,000 out of their $100,000 appropriation. GMr. Argazzi asked Mr. Clinton if he feels that he and the Board of Finance are being ultra conservative. Mr. Clinton stated that he tends to be conservative and the Board of Finance prefers it that way. Executive Board Minutes September 21, 1981 -5- Mayor Ragazzi stated he understands what Mr. Argazzi is saying. Ail were disturbed because we would have liked to have a better handle .on the projected surplus. For the future, it would be helpfull if the Executive Board could have input on the projected surplus on a monthly basis to better assist them in answering questions of the public. Mr. Argazzi stated from a public relations standpoint, we can state we are spending less for various reasons. Mr. Clinton stated if he wasn't conservative and projected a $800,000 surplus and came in with a $600,000 surplus, and couldn't find money in the budget to balance it, you would be $200,000 short. Mr. Argazzi stated he does not think people realize how this figures in the budget, and stated he feels the whole system is breaking down. Mr. Clinton stated he is happy with where we are right now. We don't know what the state is going to do to make up their budget deficit. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to go into Executive Session at 8:55 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter. CARRIED. The following action was taken durin~ Executive Session: On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to send a letter of reprimand to Mr. Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to move out of Executive Session at 9:10 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. The Personnel Rules and Regulations were again reviewed, and Mr. D'Errico ~ pointed out some minor changes. Argazzi requested Mr. that this item be tabled, as he would like time to thoroughly review. TABLED. There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Secretary TELEPHONE POLL: ADDENDUM EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING September 21, 1981 September 23, 1981 On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the revised Employee Termination Record of Shelley Lavigne in the amount of $89.28. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the following change orders as recommended by Legnose and Cramer and Mr. Anthony Gandolfo, Chairman of the Public Building Commission: $1,970 to install a uniform concrete base, water stops, steel reinforcing rods and an additional partition in the building housing the filter. $1,121.25 for the installatiOn of 127' of 2" conduit for electrical wiring. MOTION CARRIED. (Monies available in the contingency portion of the Percival Pool Renovation budget)