1981/07/27MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD July 27, 1981 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi at 7:30 p.m. Deputy Mayors William F. McKeon and Robert A. Argazzi were present. Also present were: Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer; Alfred Hawkins, Director of Public Grounds; James McNair, Director of Recreational Services; George Wiecek and Wallace MierzeJewski, Commissioners of Park and Recreation. The minutes of July 20, 1981, were distributed for action at the next Executive Board Meeting. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to sign the 1980 Local Road Mileage verification for submission to the State Department of Transportation. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of Mr. Fappiano in the amount of $73.00 to Account 2102 to cover increased rates on the telephone circuit. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. MCKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Tax Rebate in the amount of $16.46 to Mr. Roland J. Dube of 643 Wethersfield Road, per the recommendation of Mr. MOtyka, Tax Collector. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Tax Rebate in the amount of $118.80 to LeRoy and Je§sie Palmer of 393 Main Street, per the recommendation of Mr. Motyka, Tax Collector. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the July 27, 1981 letter from Mr. Seelye regarding Chip Sealing Town Streets. Mr. Seelye reported that his department plans to chip seal approximately three miles of road this fiscal year, mainly in subdivisions and country roads, mainly for experimental purposes. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to award the contract for chip sealing to the low bidder, James Huggins & Son, Inc. of Malden, Mass., in the amount of $0.32/sy. Other bidders were: Dosch-King Company, Inc. All States Asphalt, Inc. $0.60/sy MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to hire Mr. Donald W. Polanski of 100 Schultz Road, Eensington, for summer help to assist onthe survey on the MarJorie Moore Dam. 'MOTION UARRIED. Mr. Argazzi questioned Mr. Seelye regarding the letter that was forwarded to all contractors regarding traffic control. Mr. Seelye reported stated that the paragraph of the letter that Mr. Argazzi is referring to was taken out of the ToWn Ordinance. It states that if the contractor cannot handle ,~. the traffic at a construction site, the Town can request the Police Depart- -ment to do so. Executive Board Minutes July 27, 1981 -2- Mr. Seelye stated that some contractors do not have the proper signs posted at the construction sites. Mr. Argazzi asked if this letter was initiated by the Police Department. Mr. Seelye replied it was not. Mayor Ragazzi presented the July 22, 1981, letter from the Board of Finance regarding the Percival Pool Budget. They are requesting that $12,000 in Account #1911 and $1,200 in Account #1912 be removed and placed in Account #240, Contingency. Mr. Bernardi stated that these monies were for the specific purpose of operating Percival Pool and should be frozen. Mr. McNair reported that the people that were hired to work at the Percival Pool were relocated to the other two pools. He reported that swimming lessons and other pool related activities have been rescheduled at the other two pools. Mr. Argazzi asked if the Executive Board should have made a decision on this matter when it was determined that the Percival Pool would not open. Mayor Ragazzi stated the Executive Board should have been informed at that time and a decision whether to keep the total number of employees should have been made. Mr. McNair stated that the Board of Finance, during budget deliberations, asked the Park and Recreation Commission if 1/3 of the monies budgeted were for the operation of Percival Pool and were advised this was the case. He stated at the time the summer help was hired, the Commission was under the impressiOn that Percival Pool would be opened some time this summer. He stated it was not until the bids were opened in July that it was a reality that the pool would not open. Mr. Wiecek stated that we made a commitment to these young peoplE to hire them. He stated both pools are really crowded, which means we need the O a dditional manpower for safety. He stated the kids hired were planning on the income for school in the fall, and that a commitment was made to them. He reported, that some really good people were hired and the Town would benefit by hiring them again next year. He stated he feels it was essential that they be kept on. Mr. Hawkins stated that maintenance has been stepped up; that there is a lot more time spent cleaning the pools than in the past. He stated that these kids were Utilized to open the pools also, as Mr. Hrubiec was short of help. Mr. Wiecek asked if there is any proof that the other two pools have been very crowded.~ Mr. McNair stated that East Berlin Pool has started a head count. Mayor Ragazzi stated he can verify that the East Berlin Pool has been unusually crowded as he has personally been there on several occasions. Mr. Argazzi stated he does not feel we are in any position to lay off any of the kids hired at this point. Mayor Ragazzi stated he also feels it would be a safety factor involved if the crowds continue. It was the consensus of the Executive Board that the full staffing of the pools be maintained and that a letter be forwarded to the Board of Finance. Mr. McKe°n reported that the Library Study Committee is recommending that monies be appropriated to keep the Media Center open evenings and Saturdays for a trial period of six months to observe what utilization the center would have if Peck were to move to the High School. He stated Peck would move a portion of their books to the Media Center for the trial period. ~The Board of Education has submitted figures for the utilities involved, and along with the staffing, it is felt that $30,000 would be needed. Executive Board Minutes July 27, 1981 -3- Mr. Argazzi asked if it is proposed to keep Peck Library open during this trial period also. Mr. McKeon replied yes. He stated the Committee is pretty much in agreement to keep Peck Library open permanently, but feel the only way to get the Media Center to stay open is to appropriate funds. Mr. McKeon reported that he has!heard that Peck plans to add on to the back of the building, with a walkway to the Community Center Parking Lot. This would alleviate the present parking problem. Mr. Argazzi stated he feels the porposal is a good idea. Mr. McKeon also reported that East Hartford is the only city in the area where the concept of the public library moving into the local high school has worked. He stated other small towns have reported success with the concept. Mayor Ragazzi stated he is willing to go along with the six month trial period. Mr. Argazzl stated he doesn't feel it will work as far as public utilization, but will go along with it. Mayor Ragazzi pointed out that this will require Town Meeting approval. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mayor Ragazzi, it was voted to approve an appropriation of $30,000 to open the Media Center to the public for a trial period of six months to determine utilization of the facility by the Townspeople. This appropriation is to cover the expense of utilities, staffing, and other related costs. MOTION CARRIED. It was the consensus of the Executive Board to cancel the regular meeting scheduled for Monday, August 3, 1981, and to hold the next meeting on Thursday, August 6, 1981 at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of discussing and acting on the bids for the renovation of Percival Pool along with any other business that may come before the Executive Board. On motion by Mr'. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to mqve into EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss the proposals as presented by the Middt~ Management Committee at 8:10 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to move out of EXECUTIVE SESSION at 8:25 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. THERE WAS NO ACTION TAKEN DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION. There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bourgo~L~ Secretary