1981/05/11MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD May 11, 1981 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi at 7:30 p.m. Deputy Mayors William F. McKeon and Robert A. Argazzi were present. Also present were: James D'Errico, Personnel Director; Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer; Alfred Hawkins, Director of Public Grounds; James McNair, Director of Recreational Services; Thomas Shiel representing the Herald; Mark Marselli representing the Hartford Courant. On motion'by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Minutes and Addendum of May 4, 1981, as presented. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the Budget Request of Mr. Hawkins in the amount of $2,000 to Account #1956, Overtime. Also presented was a listing of figures prepared by Mr. Clinton, Finance Director, which reflects the actual overtime expenditures for the past four years. Mr. Hawkins explained that, when it was determined that Mr. Beckley would receive overtime pay, only half of the monies were put back into the account. Also, Mr. Clinton did not allow for the July 1st salary raises when figuring the overtime amount. Mr. Hawkins reported that he normally has two men working on Saturday and two men working on Sunday, with he and Mr. Beckley alternating weekends. Mr. Argazzi asked how much money was originally appropriated to the overtime account. Mr. Hawkins replied $5,000, and he had requested $7,000. Mr. Argazzi stated if you were cut back, you can't use what you 'requested. Mr. McKeon stated this was the account affected when Mr. Beckley~ overtime was authorized. Mr. D'Errico stated everyone agreed to paying Mr. Beckley overtime, but did not include the right amount in the overtime account. Mayor Ragazzi stated the increase in pay was not included. .~ Mr. Argazzi stated in that case, he has no objection to approving the request Mr. Hawkins stated they are not putting in any additional hours. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of Mr. Hawkins in the amount of $2,000 to Account #1956, Overtime. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the Budget Request of Mr. Hawkins in the amount of $1,225 to Account #1963, Utilities - Golf Course and Equipment Barn. Mr. Hawkins explained that this account pays for the running of the pumps for the sprinkler system on the Golf Course, and for the barn. He reported that the electric company estimated an increase of 11% when the budget was prepared, and came in with an increase of 27%. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of Mr. Hawkins in the amount of $1,225 to Account #1963, Utilities. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the Budget Request of Mr. Hawkins in the amount of $2,300 to Account 1968, Utilities, Club House. Mr. Argazzi asked what part of the Club House this cover~.. Mr. Hawkins stated the entire second floor. Mr. Argazzi stated that is what he Wanted to have Mr. Zaccardo pay for as art of the contract. Mayor Ragazzi stated we went up proportionately on r. Zaccardo's contract. Mr. Hawkins reported this also pays for one half ~/of the hot water; Mr. Hansen pays for the other half. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of Mr. Hawkins in the'amount of $2,300 to Account #1968, Utilities. MOTION CARRIED. Executive Board Minutes May 11, 1981 -2- Mr. Hawkins recommended that Brian Humes and Carl Dzubay be hired as s,3_~_mmer help at the Golf Course. He reported that Mr. Humes has worked forthe Town the two summers, and Mr. DzUbay worked for the Town past last year. He reported that he normally hires two college students and one high school student. Both Mr. Humes and Mr. Dzubay are college students. These recommendations have been approved by the Park and Recreation Commission. On motion by Mr. McKeOn, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to hire Mr. Brian Humes and Mr. Carl Dzubay for summer employment at the Golf Course. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the May 7, 1981 letter from Mr. Seelye regarding Old Brickyard Lane Connector Sewer Contract WS 81-02, in which he requests that approval be given on the plans prepared by Rod Hewitt, Consulting Engineer. Mr. Seelye also requested that authorization be given to advertise for bids. Mr. Seelye explained that this connector sewer is designed to provide a sanitary sewer outlet for the industrial area in the vicinity of Old Brickyard Lane, and to eliminate the need for the Kensington Fire District pumping station on Farmtngton Avenue. He reported this is part of the Berlin Interceptor project, and has been authorized and funded by Town Meeting. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the plans as prepared by Mr. Rod Hewitt, Consulting Enginee~ for the construction of the Old Brickyard Lane Connector Sewer, and to authorize Mr. Seelye to advertise for bids in the Herald and the Hartford Courant, for a bid opening on June 5, 1981. 'MOTION CARRIED. ~$1,0~0,_~~, ~ m~hn L~ne. the work to be performed by the developer's Mayor Ragazzi presented the May 7, 1981 letter from Mr. Seelye regarding Carbo Lane, in which Mr. Seelye is requesting authorization to expend from Account #613, Drainage, for 24 feet of 18-inch pipe and one :ion Company. Mr. Seelye reported that the ~n improvement to an existing street above and f the developer, and~therefore should be paid for that Mr. Dorio 'is bulling a drainage structure Mr. Argazzi asked how much money is left in the lye reported approximately $20,000, and he is small projects which will be presented to the date. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by o authorize Mr. Seelye to expend $1,000 from ihe drainage project on Carbo Lane.~ MOTIONCARRIED. ~e May 8, 1981 letter from Mr. Seelye regarding ;hich Mr. Seelye is requesting authorization to 3 of sand to cover the 'existing salt and sand . Mr. Seelye reported that this is necessary ~in from leaching the salt out of the sand. He ~ would be to purchase a tarpaulin, at a cost ile. This tarpaulin would last one year according stated if the sand is purchased, it will be mixed · Mr. Seelye explained that the reason he is is that when the appropriation was passed at Town ~and would not be purchased unless it was necessary. seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to authorize ~ic yards of sand at a cost of approximately $5,200. Executive Board Minutes May 11, 1981 -3- Mayor Ragazzi presented the May 8, 1981 letter from Mr. Bernardi, Chairman of the Board of Finance, authorizing the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting.for additional monies for the Board of Education for Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Mr. Argazzi asked if this was an unexpected increase in rates. Mayor Ragazzi replied yes. He stated the Town included this increase at a special Town Meeting a few months ago. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to add the following items to the call of the Annual Town Meeting to beheld Tuesday, May 19, 1981 at 8:00 p.m. in the Berlin High SchOol Gymnasium: 1. To elect five members to the Board of Directors of the Berlin Public Health Nursing Service. 2. To provide by resolution for the appointment of a representative to the Central Connecticut Regional Authority for a three year term, which term expires in 1984. 3. To hear and act upon a resolution to extend the hours of voting, if a referendu~ is to be held on the proposed 1981/82 budget, from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 4. To appropriate a sum not to exceed $24,028 from the fund balance to the Berlin Board of Education for Blue Cross-Blue.Shield. MOTION CARRIED. O~ose names to be submitted for the~Board of Directors of the Berlin Public Health Nursing Service are: Mrs. Brainard Brown (Hazel) 126 Stockings Brook Road Berlin, Conn. Mrs. Roderick Hewitt (Marilyn) 266 Savage Hill Road Berlin, Conn. Mr. David N. Loiselle 699 Lower Lane Berlin, Conn. Mrs. Robert Orcutt (Barbara) 113 Robbins Road Berlin, Conn. Mr. Richard Olson 213 Winesap Road Berlin, Conn. Mr. Nunzio Rosso will be reappointed to the Central Connecticut Regional Authority. Discussion was then held on the closing of Percival School. Mr. McKeon stated that the Board of Education wants to turn the building back to the Town. Mayor Ragazzi stated that Atty. Jackaway recommends that no action be taken until after the budget process is completed. Mr. Argazzi stated, after the school is boarded up and inspected, we will take it back. Mr. McKeon stated the Board of Finance is holding back $50,000 from the ~'~Board of Education for the Town to seal the building. Mayor Ragazzi reported ~-,.~'that no formal request has been received from the Board of EdUcation. He stated we will not act upon this, or accept the building, until after the close of the school year, Executive Board Minutes May 11, 1981 -4- Mr. Argazzi asked if the Board of Finance did anything about the Executive Board's request that they bond Norton Road. Mayor Ragazzi stated no, the C request fell deaf ears. Mr. Argazzi stated, then the mill rate is 1.8 on (increase) with a school being clOsed? .Mayor Ragazzi replied yes. Mr. Argazzi stated it makes no sense at all. Mr. Shiel asked if Mr. Argazzi will support the budget. Mr. Argazzi stated he will, but it will be more difficult. He stated he did not want a school to close. Mayor Ragazzi stated he does not think anyone wanted a school closed, but that was a decision hy the Board of Education. Mr. Argazzi commented, absolutely. He stated he said to keep the school open and drop the mill rate by bonding Norton Road. Mayor Ragazzi stated, he wanted the mill rate dropped. Mr. Argazzi stated he remembers the meeting where we just fininshed paying off a capital item, and it was proposed to have a continuing capital improvement program going. He stated it was always the intent to bond Norton Road. Mayor Ragazzi stated it is not fair to the people living here now to pay the whole cost of Norton Road when the people that come later will not have to pay for this capital item. He stated we have a substantial surplus and the tax rate should be lowered (proposed tax rate for 1981/82). On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to accept the resignation of Mr. David Piskorski from the Planning Commission with deep regret. 'MOTION 'CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi reported that Mr. Rosso, Chairman of the Planning Commission, has recommended that Walter Pastuszak be appointed a regular member of the Commission. Mr. Seelye stated Mr. Pastuszak, as an alternate, has Cattended most of the meetings, and has been a very good alternate. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. ArgazZi, it was voted to appoint Walter Pastuszak as a regular member of the Planning Commission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Piskorski, said term to expire January 31, 1986. 'MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Argazzi asked if the other members of the Executive Board had received open letters from StanChem. Mayor Ragazzi and Mr. McKeon stated they had. Mr. Argazzi asked why the Citizens for the Environment don't get a lawyer and bring suit. Mayor Ragazzt explained that theY do have an attorney and have been present at Freedom of Information Hearings. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to go into EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss a personal matter at 8:10 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to come out of EXECUTIVE SESSION at 8:25 p.m. 'MOTION 'CARRIED. THE FOLLOWING ACTION WAS TAKEN DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION: On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to accept the recommendation of Mr. D'Errico, Personnel Director, regarding Mr. Thomas Serafin. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to authorize Cthe posting of a Notice of Position Opening for a Clerk in the Police Department, to fill the vacancy created bY the resignation of Margaret Simcik. This position will be posted internally, and if no applications are received, will be advertised in the Herald. 'MOTION CARRIED. Executive Board Minutes May 11, 1981 Mr. McNair presented the applicants names for summer positions with Park and Recreation. He reported that every applicant was interviewed, including those worked.for Park and Recreation. Mr McNair also that previously reported that in the future, those people previously working as Life Guards for two years or more, will not be rehired if they have not ~ompt~ged a Water Safety Instruction course. Mr. McNair reported that these people are paid $3.42 per hour, with 3 or 4¢ more if they have completed the WSI course and another 3 or 4¢ more if they have over two years experience. Mr. D'Errico stated he would like to see the Town set a definite policy and pay scale for summer workers. Mr. McNair reported that all names recommended for s~mmer employment have beenapproved by the Park and Recreation Co~ission. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to hire the following individuals for summer employment with the Park and Recreation Department: PLAYGROUNDS: Joanne Boriello (Dir.) Daniel Doyle Kevin Gronback Sandra Simon Debbie Dennis Laurie Medvec (Dir.) Mark Beal David Herr Sheri Recck Deidre Galvin Robin Ann DePianta David Farrell Carl Ficks Jr. Mary Josephson Susan Kucharczyk Scott Reed POOLS: ConStance Jones Charles Estey Debbie Turner Karen Kelleher Sandra Westman Jonathan Daly Rae Ann Rutkowski Tom Simpson DOnald Carlson Ann Mierzejewski Elaine Wetmore Walter Murdoch Kent Collins Dan Meyer Phil Lund Kris Hillstrand Carolyn Duncan Martha Baccaro David Ritter Elizabeth Suranna Colleen Boennan Sue Gordon Deborah Poppel Margaret Anderson Kathleen McCarthy Richard Potash David Ulkus Martha Pigott Bruce Westman Donald Criniti MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi reported that he met with Mayor McNamara regarding possible utilization of the New Britain transfer station. He reported that New Britain has not yet made a decision whether or not to go with Norcap. If they do, it would benefit us to go to New Britain rather than build our own transfer station. He reported they are also considering hauling to Hartford if an extension is granted. Mayor Ragazzi stated he feels it would be irresponsible for Berlin to dump in Hartford on a one year extension, and would prefer going with Norcap for the four year contract. Mayor Ragazzi reported that he is to meet with the Towns of Wethersfield, Newington, Rocky Hill to discuss possible solutions on a regional basis Oregarding solid waste disposal. Executive Board Minutes May 11, 1981 Mayor Ragazzi stated that due to the AnnUal Town Meeting on the 19th, he will cancel the Executive Board Meeting scheduled for May 18, 1981, unless some- thing urgent comes into the office. There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. ReSpectfully submitted, Secretary