1981/04/23MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD April 23, 1981 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Orlando P. Ra§azzi at 2:00 p.m. Deputy Mayors William F. McKeon and Robert A. Argazzi were present. Also present were: James D'Errico, Personnel Director; William Scalise, Chief of Police; Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer; Gary Clinton, Finance Director; Joseph Paskiewicz, Deputy Director of Public Works. Mr. Seelye reported that representatives from Albreada Refuse met With him and Mayor Ragazzi and Deputy Mayor McKeon to discuss the upcoming contract. Mayor Ragazzi explained that DeputyMayor McKeon was visiting on another matter, and it was a chance meeting with Albreada. Mr. Seelye reported that Albreada offered a contract~in two parts, the first being an 8% increase in refuse pick up if they~~eceiv~ the hauling portion of the contract. The second option called for a 5% increase in pick up and a charge of $9.47 per ton for hauling plus an equivalent of one and one quarter gallon of gas per ton for hauling. This amounted to approxi- mately $11.17 per ton totally. For the pick up in Town, Albreada wants two ~a~lons of gas per ton, which is approximately what they are presently receiving. Mr. Seelye rePorted that Norcap has proposed $10.50 per ton for the land- fill disposal,. $'7,50 per ton for hauling if the ToWn provides the compactor, or $8.50 per ton to haul if Norcap provides' the Compactor. Mr. Seelye C reported at 7500 tons per year, this represents a difference of $20,000 per year. Mr. Seelye reported that Albreada had some concerns with Norcap doing the hauling and running the transfer station. He reported that he spoke to Norcap and theY are willing to cooPerate 'to make sure things run smoothly. He stated that he told Albreada that there Was approximately a $3.00 per ton difference between their price and NOrcap's price. Based on that, Albreada is still sticking~to their 8% increase and two gallons per ton for the pick up, but were concerned enough about delays at the transfer station that they felt there should be something spelled out in the contract calling for payment in case of delay. If for some reason they had to go to NeW 'Britain, they felt it would cost 1/4 hour of time. The truck totals $50 per hOur in cost, and Mr. Seelye reported that he agreed with a price of $12.50 per load as a premiUm if Albreada had to go to the New Britain landfill station as opposed to our own. If Albreada has to wait more than 20 minutes at our transfer station, he agreed to pay them $50 per hour anytime a truck is delayed (for more than the 20 minutes). He stated Albreada also agreed to haul to East Windsor in an emergency for the prices quoted. Mr. Paskiewicz stated if we send them to East Windsor at all, it would be rarely. Mr. Seelye reported that Albreada is concerned that Norcap is making the switch, as they feel they have no control, and neither does the Town. Mayor Ragazzi asked if the Town would have any come back on Norcap. Mr. Seelye stated N0rcap has to get approval of the method of operation and equipment use~ by the Town. We have to make certain heir method of operation does' not give ~m a problem. He stated if a delay s unavoidable, he 'does not know how ~the ~own can take it out on Norcap. He stated the contract does spell out remedies for the Town, and he feels this would be adequate to cover this type of situation. Executive Board Minutes April 23, 1981 -2- Mayor Ragazzi stated ~f the~e i~e~ continual breakdowns of equipment, this ould get quite expensive. Mr. PaskteWicz stated the only other alternative ould be to go with Albreada for the hauling at the additional $20,000; they ould then be responsible for the total operation. He stated the cost could be more or less than the $20,000 additional, depending on tonnage. Mr. Seelye pointed out that if we had to send Albreada to New Britain once each day, it would cost about $4,000 per year plus what we would have to pay New Britain. Mayor Ragazzi asked about the possibility of a second piece of equipment if necessary. Mr. Seelye stated the Town could buy an open box for any spill over. The price of the box is not included in the proposal. He reported that rental of such a box'is about $100 per month. Mayor Ragazzi stated for about $1200~a~' year, it might be worthwhile. He stated it would be an easy remedy for Albreada, and commented he hopes it would not deter them from waiting a few minutes to load into the compactor. Mr. Paskiewicz stated they should not be able to drop a load in such a box without Town permission. Mr. Seelye stated if the hopper is~la~ge!~enough to take a load there would be no problem. He stated the Town can insist on a 20 yard hopper. The worst Norcap can do is say they didn't plan on that and charge a few dollars extra for the hopper. He stated the ramp would have to be higher than that proposed. Mr. Seelye stated he is certain something on those lines can be worked out at a modest cost. Mayor Ragazzi asked Mr. Argazzi what the Town is subjecting itself to from a legal standpoint as far as delays. Mr. Argazzi stated the contract with - Norcap states "without unneCessary delays" and he feels if the Town incurs~ additional costs because of Norcap's problems, we could go back after them.  e stated the Town is not' in a position to just cancel the contract, that is he prOblem. Mr. Seelye stated that Albreada cannot putl any surprises on us. They have to submit a timetable of drop offs at the transfer station. He stated Norcap will be there to make the swap. He stated with the 20 yard hopper, if the compactor is full, theY can drop in the hopper and Norcap can make the swap. He reported that Albreada is supposed to come up with a reasonable schedule and we will tell Norcap what'time to pick up. He also reported~ that Albreada is going from five trucks~fto two trucks. Mr. Paskiewicz stated that the Town should not allow private haulers to dump at our transfer station. This would cause additional problems. He recommended they be told to go to the New Britain transfer station. Mr. Seelye stated if New Britain agrees, the private haulers can be told to go there. He stated we are only obligated to provide a place of disposal to private haulers. We can tell them to go to NeW Britain if they agree. Mr, Paskiewicz stated he does not feel the public should be allowed ~o dump there. Mayor Ragazzi stated the two dumpsters at the recycling center can Still be used by the public. Mr. Paskiewicz stated they are only for an emergency. The public is not supposed to dump there without getting permission from the Mayor's office or Public Works. Mr. Argazzi stated if we have a sufficient Size hopper so Albreada can dump without having to worry about NOrcap being there it would solve a lot of Che problem, even if it costs us a few extra dollars. Mayor Ragazzi stated ~e feels in the long run it will save a lot of money. Executive Board Minutes -3- April 23, 1981 Mayor Ragazzi asked if there is any reason the contracts with Albreada ~,,and Norcap cannot be si~ned. Mr. Argazzi stated he sees no problem with ~igning them now and then they can work out the details. Mayor Ragazzi ..... stated his only concern is to get this off the ground before the July 1st deadline. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to authorize the Mayor to sign the Albreada and Norcap contracts at the prices listed above, once the details are cleared up. MOTION'CARRIED. Mr'. Seelye then presented his Budget Request in the amount of $15,000 to a new account for the construction of the transfer station. Mayor Ragazzi asked if any permits or approvals from Boards or Commissions are necessary. Mr. Seelye replied maybe from the Wetlands Commission; he will check into it. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of Mr. Seelye in the amount of $15,000 to a new account for the purpose of constructing a transfer station (ramp). MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to call a Special Town Meeting for Wednesday, May 6, 1981 at 8:00 p.m. in the Public Meeting Room of Town Hall for the following purpose: To appropriate the sum of $15,000 from the general fund to a new account for the purpose of constructing a transfer station (ramp). OTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi explained that last week the Executive Board approved a Budget Request in the amount of $150 to Account #352, High Court Settlements. Since that time Mr. Clinton has come in with additional invoices which must be paid. Mr. Clinton explained that Corporation Counsel subscribes to a periodical which automatically updates municipal laws. He has no way of knowing how much this may run. He stated he is holding an additional $350 in bills. It was the consensus of the Executive Board to reverse decision on the previous approved Budget Request and to add this $150 to a new request. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to approve a Budget Request in the amount of $650 to._~Account #352, High Court Settlements. 'MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of Mr. Lindgren in the amount of $4,000 to Account #1802 Utilities. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented a letter of resignation from John Nappl. Mr. Nappi explains that his time schedule no longer allows him to continue as a member of the Housing Authority. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to accept the resignation of John Nappi as a member of the Berlin Housing Authority with regret. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi reported that this vacancy has to be filled by', an occupant Of Marjorie Moore Village. Executive Board Minutes April 23, 1981 -4- Chief Soalise entered the meeting to discuss an additional clerical position cin the Records Room of the Police Department. Mr. D'Errico explained that here were two positions in the Records Room plus the Secretary to the hief since 1973. One position in the Records Room plus the secretarial position was Town funded. One position was CETA funded. He stated that problems arose when the Town funded position was vacated and the person on CETA accepted the Town position. Things went wild with CETA and it was difficult to fill the position. It~was finally filled for a short period of time and the person then left to take a regular position outside of Town Hall. It then became impossible to refill the CETA position as CETA I! was frozen by the Federal government. Mr. D'Errico stated that it Was'his position back in 1980 when he studied the reorganization of the PD to maintain two positions in the Records Department in order to function with any efficiency. He reported a few months ago it was reit they could function with one and a half positions but this has not worked. There have been a number of problems. Mr. Argazzi asked why it has not worked as planned. Mr. D'Errico reported that the half time position was also functioning in the Finance Department. She was required in the Finance Department in the morning hours. Therefore, she was not available to the Police Department more than approximately two hours per day. Mayor Ragazzi asked Chief Scalise what the case load is now compared to 1973, when two full time positions were in the Records Room° Chief Scalise reported that the 1973 figure was 6,404 and the 1980 figure was14~,5~8, Chief Scalise reported that six months ago when the Board of Finance funded the half time position he was told if that did not work out, they would approve a full time position. Mayor Ragazzi stated he feels this is a necessary position, and we have to ecognize that the present situation is not working out. He stated the olice Department has reduced one uniform officer, and he reported they said they would give up another officer in order to have the clerical position if necessary. Mr. Argazzi stated, let's do it. We tried (the half time position) and it didn't work. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to approve the full time position in the Records Room of the Police Department as requested by Chief Scalise. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded hy Mr. McKeon, it was voted to call the ANNUAL TOWN MEETING for TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Gynamsium of the Berlin High School. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi reported that the Town Clerk is the only position that does not begin office in November. He stated he feels it is unfair at this point and would like the Executive Board to consider asking that the position start it's increased salary in November to bring it in line with the rest of the EleCted Officials. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. A=gazzi, it was voted to recommend that the Town Clerk salary increase be effective November 11, 1981. MOTION CARRIED. There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen BourgOtn Secretary