1980/10/20 · 5iiNuTES EXECUTIVE BOARD October 20, 1980 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi at 7:30 p.m. Deputy Mayors William F. McKeon and Robert A. Argazzi were present. Also present were: James D'Errico, Personnel Director; Charles Davis, Director of Social S~rvices; John Heenehan representing the Hartford Courant; Thomas Shiel representing The Herald; Paul Burton representing the Berlin Eagle. Mayor Ragazzi presented the October 9, 1980 letter from Gerald Charamut, Vice Chairman of the Youth Services Advisory Board, requesting that Peter Middlemass be appointed to the Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Michael Klien.~ On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by }{r. Argazzi, it was voted to accept the recommendation of the Youth Services Advisory Board and to appoint Mr. Peter Middlemass of 100 Wilcox Avenue, East Berlin, to the Board. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the Budget Request of Nunzio Rosso in the amount of $70.00 to Account #1S02, Dues and Conferences. Mayor Ragazzi reported that these monies are needed to cover the cost of dinners for the Planning Commission members at the annual meeting of the Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies. He reported that during the budget process, these monies were cut from the Planning Commission budget, but were not cut from the Zoning Commission budget. The Planning Commissionl members would like to have this paid, as Zoning members did have this paid. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of Nunzio Rosso, Chairman of the Planning Commission, in the amount of $70.00 to Account #1502. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Davis was present to report on the Energy Programs of last winter. He reported that the Loan Fund program monies that.were not spent must be returned to the State on November 1, 1980. Total received from the State for this program totaled $14,015, total spent totaled $28S.§9, leaving a balance of $15,7S1.S1. Of this, $12,613.S0 is to be returned to the state, and $1,117.81 is retained by the Town as administrative costs. The interest earned on this fund totaled $600 as of September, 1980. The total amount received on the Grant Fund was $11,954. Of this, $11,035.38 was spent with a breakdown of $230.30 Administratively, $3,280 in the Private Sector, and $7,S25.00 in the Public Sector. Total interest earned on this program as of September 1980 was $300. Mr. Davis reported that the Energy Committee is currently considering converting Mr. Russell's truck to propane gas. He stated that this has been-discussed with Mr. Haber, Chief Mechanic, and he is still looking into the possibilities. Mr. Argazzi asked what the plans are for the next winter season. Mr. Davis reported that the emergency legislature set these programs up last year. To date nothing has been allocated for this coming winter. He stated he feels the grant monies will not be there this year but the loan program will. ' ¢? Executive Board Minutes -2- October 20, 1980 Mayor Ragazzi presented the October 15, 1980 letter from Mr. George Lubin, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission, regarding the pay scale of the Public Grounds Department and the Timberlin Golf Course. It was the general consensus of the Executive Board to refer the matter to Mr. D'Errico, Personnel Director. Mr. D'Errico presented the draft of the Rules and Regulations for Town Employees. He reported that these will not apply to the Board of Education, .the Police Department, or the 'Public Health Nursing Staff. Mr. D'Errico pointed out the following areas where he feels decisions will tmve to be made by the Executive Board: Pg. 2, Item C. It was felt that consideration, should be given to deleting this section which reads: "Familial or marital relationships will provide neither advantage nor disadvantage regarding Town employment." Mr. D'Errico asked if the Executive Board would like to consider negotiating with the Public Health Nursing Board in an~ attempt to include them in this proposal· Mayor Ragazzi pointed out that they now do their own hiring, their work schedule and vacation schedules are different, etc. He stated that.he feels this should remain the way it is now. Mr. McKeon stated it has been working well. ~tr. Argazzi stated he feels the Executive Board should watch the hiring of the Public Health Nursing Board. Mayor Ragazzi stated there is control through the budget process. Pg. 3. Selection. Mr. D'Errico reported the way this has been written, the Executive Board has the option of selecting from the top three candidates. He asked if they would like to be restricted to just the top candidate. Mr. Argazzi stated there could be a problem where the Executive Board, in reviewing the resumes, feels someone has been left out of the list of the top three. Mr. D'Errico stated the burden of proof then falls on the Executive Board and not the Examining Panel. Mr. Argazzi asked what is meant by competitive and non-competitive positions. Mr. D'Errico stated he feels a decision needs to be made regarding all positions in Town. Top Management positions should be filled by one process, with positions such as Maintainer I being classified as non-competitive and filled by another process. Mr. Argazzi stated this would call for a panel of three experts being set up every time a top position has to be filled. He asked if the Executive Board would really want to restrict itself in that way, as they may want to fill a position immediately. Mr. D'Errico stated if you don't have a process where the work is done for you and presented to you, then the whole burden falls on the Executive Board. Mr. Argazzi stated maybe the Executive Board would want the Personnel Director to do that work instead of three experts. Mayor Ragazzi stated he feels the panel of experts'should be implemented in the filling of top positions. Mr. Argazzi stated Mr. D'Errico could do the screening involved, etc., it is part of his job. He stated he can see this process being very cumbersome. Mr. D'Errico stated another reason for hiring in this manner would be to Executive Board ~.~inutes October 20, 1980 ¸3- meet the requirements of Affirmative Action. He stated by using this process, by having a number of inputs, you would be better able to defend yourself if something does arise. Mr. Argazzi stated he feels that would make no difference, and questioned why a panel of three experts would' make a difference. Mr. D'Errico stated, consider the Town Engineer position, I am not a Civil Engineer. Mr. Argazzi replied that for a position such as that he can see the panel, but what about the position of Highway Superintendent. Mayor Ragazzi stated that is also a technical job, and feels it would be beneficial to have a panel of.experts in the field to assist in the hiring. Mr. Argazzi stated it may be better if the wording was changed t~ read the Personnel Director shall convene an examination panel instead of will convene an examination panel, as the process may not be---~asible for every position, mayor Ragazzi stated his only concern is whatever is done for one position should be done for another of the same classification. The process should be standard, otherwise the Executive Board is leaving itself open to criticism. Mr. D'Errico stated that such a panel would be formed for individual .hiring of Department Heads, approximately 2S positions. He stated what he has tried to do is to have someone else doing the initial work, and retain the final authority with the Executive Board. Mr. McKeon stated this would almost kill moving up the ladder. Mr. D'Errico stated no, the Executive Board could limit the applications to current Town employees and have them go through the examination process. Pg. 4. Appointments. .It was pointed out that "Personnel Director" should be changed to "Executive Board". Pg. S. Probationary Period. Mr. D'Errico stated he feels the Executive Board needs to make a decision on the length of probationary periods. He pointed out that currently different probationary periods exist for different positions. Mayor Ragazzi stated he feels the probationary period for management positions should be a minimum of six months. Pg. 9. Entrance Salary Rates· Mr. D'Errico stated this was written to provide flexibility for the Executive Board to hire above the minimum rate. Mayor. Ragazzi stated he feels this is necessary, as you may want to hire someone who is highly qualified at a competitive salary. Pg. 10. Rate of Pay on Promotion. "B". Mr. Argazzi stated this may raise some problems. You may no~ want to keep the person'at the same step. You may want some flexibility, possibly raise him to a higher scale but not the same step. Mr. D'Errico stated it is possible for someone getting a promotion, if they start at the beginning of the next higher scale, step 1, they would be.making less money. He stated if the Town goes to another system of pay scales, a percentage increase could be utilized. Executive Board Minutes , . October 20, 1980 -4- Pg. 12. Overtime. "B". Mr. Argazzi stated it is his under- standing that this is how it presently works. Mr. McKeon noted, with the exceptions that the Executive Board agreed upon. Vacation Pay. Mr. D'Errico'~asked if the .Executive Board would like the option of paying a Department Head for vacation time that is not taken during the course of the year. Currently, a person has to take his vacation or lose it. Mayor Ragazzi stated he £eels it is a good idea, but it would have to be voluntary. 10. Pg. 17. Emergency Leave. Mr. McKeon stated if someone is on salary, this section is not needed. 11. Pg.'Ig. Conference/Workshop. It was the general consensus of the Board that this section is not needed. Conference time is not considered leave, bUt part o£ the job. 12. Pg. 2.0. First sentence. It was the general ~onsensus of the Board to eliminate this sentence. 13. Pg 22. Disciplinary Action. Mr. D'Errico reported that there'is nothing spelled out for management at the present time regarding diciplinary action or termination. They have no recourse for appeal except through civil action. Be stated he feels this is a real problem. Mayor Ragazzi stated it has been suggested that he take the action as Mayor, and i£ it is appealed, it would come back to the £ull Executive Board. Mr. D'Errico stated some towns do it that way, and others have a Management Appeals Board. Mr. lrgazzi stated he doesn't see the need £or such a process. Mr. D'Errico stated there is a string o£ benefits £or labor. Management does not have the'same bene£its. Mr. Argazzi stated that the argument on the legal level is that this is the di££erence between labor and management. Pg. 21. "C". Maximum Years of Service. Mr. Argazzi asked Mr. D'Errico to review this section to make certain that this con£orms to the new labor laws regarding retirement. Mr. D'Errico reported that the disability insurance for the Town provides payments of $50 per week, for a maximum of 20 weeks, to an employee who has completed his eighth calendar sick day. He recommended tha~ this policy be revised to read ~hat this disability payment begin upon the completion o£ all sick pay benefits. .It was._the general consensus of the Board to authorize Mr. D'Errico to make the necessary-adjustments in the-disability.insurance policy to reflect the above. Mr. D'Errico reported on the present-situation regarding: the Thomas Gerdis matter. Mayor Ragazzi presented the October 17, 19.80 letter from Mrs. Joanne ~ard, Town Clerk, for information purposes. Executive Board Minutes ~ctober 20, 1980 There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Secretary'