1980/08/22 MINUfEs EXECUTIVE BOARD August 22, 1980 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi at 5:00 p.m. Deputy Mayors William F. McKeon and Robert A. Argazzi were present. Also present were: Harry N. Jackaway, Corporation Counsel; Richard Pentore, member of the Charter Revision Commission; John Heenehan of the Hartford Courant; Paul Burton of the Berlin Eagle, Mrs. Martinchek, Water ~ Sewer. Atty. Jackaway presented the recommendation~ of the Charter Revision Commission and explained each proposed revision: (see attached) (1) This revision includes the registrars of voters in the State elections rather than the Town elections. (2) This provides for a four year term for the Town Clerk. (3) (4) This increases the number of alternates on the Zoning Board of Appeals £rom two to three. Atty. Jackaway stated that Mrs. Ward, Town Clerk, drafted this proposal. Mr. Argazzi stated that this changes the minority representation on the Board. Atty. Jackaway stated that it is not called out in the present Charter, but is State Statute. Mr. Argazzi stated that the State Statute does not call for a four to one spread. Atty. Jackaway stated that the State Statute states that on a five man board, the minimum of the minority representation shall be one. Mr. Argazzi stated this is a significant clause that was added (...not more than four of whom shall be members of the same political party.) This revision changes the Board of Finance from a six member Board to a seven member Board, with no m~re than four members being from the same political party. Mr. Argazzi stated that it is his understanding that the Charter Revision Commission did not pass this proposal .on the first vote, but that one member o£ the Commission changed his vote when it was again brought before the Commission. (s) (6) (7) This changes the petition deadline for Board of Education candidates and will conform the Charter to State Statute requirements. Changes the date requiring Boards, Commissions, Committees and Department Heads to submit their budget to the Executive Board from November to December of each year. Eliminating the present Public Health Nursing chapter from the Charter and adding a section 23 to the Charter. (8) States specifically that the Board of Assessors may appoint or hire clerical and other assistance including an assessor, within the limits of the appropriation. Increasing the number o£ Board of Finance members from six to seven. Executive Board Minutes August 22, 1980 (10) O(11) (12) Provides for the Board of Finance to appoint a vice-chairman, who shall act as chairman in the absence of the chairman. Changes the date of the Annual Budget Hearings from May to April of each year. (Two weeks before the Budget Meeting.) Changes the date of the Annual Budget Meeting from May to April of each year. Also the time from a referendum rejecting a budget to the next Town Meeting is increased from eight to ten days. (13) Increases the maximum appropriation before bring the item to Town Meeting from $4,000 to $6,000. Atty. Jackaway noted that the sentences covering the care of the poor and budget transfers still read $4,000 and recommended that the Executive Board consider this matter. (14) thru (21) The~e revisions deal with the combined Zoning and Planning Commissions. Atty. Jackaway stated that he has been lead to believe that the Executive Board will not accept this proposal. Mr. Argazzi stated that he is not prejudging. We will have to wait until after the Public Hearing. Mr. Pentore stated that most of the comments he has had were from members of the members of the Commissions. Atty. Jackaway stated that he feels the townspeople equate this to opening up the Town to multi-housing. He stated that you can't, from an administrative point of view, argue against a combined Planning and Zoning Commission. He stated you have to use the checks and balances a proper way. He stated that their main function is the regulation of land, and they should be one board. Atty. Penstore stated that the Charter Revision Commission felt there was a real need for this revision. He stated we have a Town Plan that was adopted by the Planning Commission six years ago, and it. is not working smoothly. (22) This revision establishes'a Youth Advisory Board. Atty. Jackaway stated that there was some talk that this Board should be given some time to age. He'stated if it is going to be a Board, it should be in the Charter. Mr. Pentore stated this Board has grants to administer. Mayor Ragazzi asked if the establishment of this Board could be accomplished by Ordinance. Atty. Jackaway replied that it can. (23) This is just including the Public Health Nursing Board in the Charter. Mr. Argazzi commented that if the day comes that the Nursing Board is not the main health service in the Town, it would take a Charter revision to abolish, but he does not see that day coming. MayOr Ragazzi stated that the Pulbic Hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday, August 26, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Public Meeting Room of Town Hall. tty. Jackaway and Mr. Pentore left the meeting, and Mrs. Martinchek, ~Assistant Director of the Water Control Department entered the meeting. Executive Board Minutes August 22, 1980 -3- On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to award the contract for the purchase of a 3/4 ton pickup truck for the Water OControl Commission to the low bidder, Inter-State Ford Truck Sales of .... 'Hartford for a 1981 Model Ford F350 at $6,S64.00 with a trade in of $1,400, bringing the price down to a total of $S,164.00. The only other bidder was: M ~ E Ford, Meriden, for a 1981 Model Ford F250 at $7,294.00 and a Trade in of $500, bringing the price down to a total of $6,794.00. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the revised plans of Mr. Dorio on the land adjoin- ing the Town Hall prOperty. It was noted that Mr. Dorio is no longer proposing a road into the Town Hall driveway. The only entrance and exit will be onto Carbo Lane, and Mr. Dorio proposed widening Carbo Lane. He proposes to pay for the improvement of Carbo Lane with the exception of paving. The Town will do this. Mayor Ragazzi reported that Mr. Seelye feels this is a good'deal. Mayor Ragazzi stated there is an easement required and presented a letter from Mr. Scheyd spelling out a formula for an assessment of the easement. Mr. Scheyd feels Mr. Dorio should be assessed in the amount of $1,197 to help defray the cost of paving Carbo Lane and that all engineering and legal costs should be paid by Mr. Dorio. Mr. Argazzi stated that he cannot understand the Planning Commission. At times they will absolutely refuse a cul-de:sac and at other times will allow them. t was the consensus of the Executive Board to approve the concept of the idening of Carbo Lane, along with the assessment of the easement in the amount of $1,197, provided this proposal is passed by the Planning Commission. There being no further business to come before.the Executive Board, the meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Resfectfully submitted, Kathleen Bourgoin Secretary