1980/02/25EXECUTIVE BOARD February 25, 1980 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi at 7:30 p.m. Deputy Mayors William F. McKeon and Robert A. Argazzi were present.. Also present were: Richard R. Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings; James D'Errico, Personnel Director; Eugene Devlin, Peck Memorial Library; Phillip Bergstrom, Peck Memorial Library Board; Ronald Lindgren and Richard Scalora presenting the Fire Board Budget; ten additional members of the Fire Board; Thomas Shiel representing the Herald. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by blr. blcKeon, it was voted to approve the Minutes of February 19, 1980 with the correction of two typographical errors. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to ratify the action taken during the Telephone Poll of February 20 1980. MOTION CARRIED. ' Mr. D'Errico presented the Employee Termination Record of Eleanor Grib whose last day of employment will be February 29, 1980. Her projected termination pay amounts to $634.27. Mr. McKeon asked why Mrs. Grib is leaving her position. Mayor Ragazzi reported that he and Mr. D'Errico discussed the matter with Mrs. Grib, and she reportedly had been looking .,.for a new posit~on for the past couple of years. She received a good 'offer from another local firm, with a substantial pay increase, and accepted the job. Mayor Ragazzi stated that she has definitely made up her mind.' Mr. Argazzi stated that this is a real loss to the Town. On motion iby Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the projected termination pay of Mrs, Grib in the amount of $634 27 MOTION CARRIED. ' Mr. D'Errico then presented the Notice of Position Opening for a Bookkeeper in the Finance Department. He requested that the advertisement be placed in the Hartford Courant under "help wanted Bookkeeper" on Sunday March 2, 1980, and in the Herald under "help wanted - Bookkeeper" on Thursday, February 28, 1980. He noted that there will not be a block ad on the Berlin page, as this has been very costly and it is his feeling that there will be a better response under the classified section. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Notice of Position Opening with a closing date of March 7, 1980, and to advertise in the Hartford Courant as well as the Herald. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the Budget Request of Emil Carlson, Building Inspector, in the amount of $40.00 to Account #209, Transfer Account. On the Budget Request, Mr. Carlson explained that Edward Rampo~e filed an application for a zone change on June 27, 1979. A fee was collected of $40.00 and a receipt #11379 was given for money received. Mr. Rampone ?did not present the necessary plans and when told he must meet the plan . :~;z'iequirements he withdrew the application. Mr. Carlson is requesting ~.ii.k-;%~at the money be returned to Mr. Rampone. Mr. Argazzi asked what the -..policy is on this, once the application is taken, does the Town give the applicant his money back? Mayor Ragazzi stated that this is a good question, and he will discuss this with Mr. Carlson. He suggested that the matter Executive Board "'nutes February 2S, 1980 be tabled until more information can be obtained from Mr. Carlson on this matter. TABLED. ~ayor Ragazzi presented the Budget Request of Mr. Russell in the amount of $600 to Account 3814, Overtime. Mr. Russell explained that his earlier request of $1200 was cut to $2S0 by the Board of Finance. He is now requesting the $600 for the balance of the Fiscal Year, as it is necessary to cover emergency calls. He reported that he is now $85.00 in the red in this account. Mayor Ragazzi reported that Mr. Russell does respond to a majority of the emergency calls, but does have to call in additional personnel on occasion. He stated that when a boiler goes out, the Sonitrol goes off and someone has to respond.. If personnel is called in, it means three hours of paid overtime. He stated that he would rather see overtime expended then the pipes freezing in one of the buildings, causing a much more costly situation. Mr. McKeon asked what the total amount budgeted for this fiscal year was in that account. Mr. Russell replied that it was $2800, and that he is requesting $4200 for the 1980/81 fiscal year. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of Mr. Russell in the amount of $600 to Account 3814 Overtime. MOTION CARRIED. ' Mr. Russell asked where he will stand in the event he is turned down by the Board of Finance. If he does not have the funds behind him to call in personnel, he asked what he should do. Mr. Argazzi replied that he should call the Mayor. Mayor Ragazzi agreed, stating that he has the authority to approve the call-in of men in an emergency situation. Mayor Ragazzi presented the Budget Request of Mr. Russell in the amount of $2300 to Account #3813, Contracted Services, and recommended that this be deferred until the 1980/81 fiscal year. Mr. Russell explained that these monies are necessary for the repair of the folding partition door in the new gym at the high school. This door was repaired about the same time last ~year, but due to negligence it is again in need of repair. Mr. Argazzi asked whose negligence. Mr. Russell replied that it was the staff. He reported that he has discussed the matter with the principal of the high school and Mr. Freeman and they feel the repair is essential to the programs being held in the gym. Mayor Ragazzi stated that the way the monies are being depleted in the surplus account, there will not be enough money come June. He again recommended that the Executive Board not act on the Budget Request. Mr. Russell explained that there was a mal- function of the door when. it was opened half way. Rather than call a maintenance man in for repair, the staff forced the door open thereby breaking the stops and tearing the door fold. He reported that the door is obsolete, and the parts for repair have to be manufactured. If this is deferred until the next fiscal year, he stated that this will put him $2300 in the hole, .because he did not plan for this. Mayor Ragazzi asked if the Executive Board agrees that a letter be submitted to the Board of Education explaining the circumstances and what action was taken by the Executive Board. Mr. Argazzi stated that they should be told that the Board paid to have the door fixed during the last fiscal year, and what the funds available are, and the fact that it is just one of the items ~:'~e will have to defer. TABLED ' ~:!~i~.i~..~.4Mr. Devlin and Mr. Bergstrom were present to present the Peck Memorial Library Budget. Executive P~,oard ~,Iinutes February 25, 1980 -3- PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY C#2221. Salaries and Wages. $21,040 to $22,486.79. Mr. DeVlin reported that this includes all of the part time help for the library and incorporates 11 people. He stated that this also reflects a slight increase for the substitute librarians and an increase in hours for the book mender. He reported that the library is circulating 10% more materials than last year, and therefore more book mending is essential. RECOMMEND TO APPROVE. #2221. Librarian. Director $16,500 to $17,655. RECO3IMEND TO APPROVE. ~hildrens Librarian. $5,950 to ~___~1 770. Mayor Ragazzi aske3 why the increase is this large. Mr. Devlin reported that they have requested only a portion of the Children's Librarian in the past, as they had been receiving a grant from the Marjorie Moore Foundation. He stated that it has now been proven that a full time Children's Librarian is necessary for the services provided, and he feels the Town should be aware of what the true cost of providing the services is. Mayor Ragazzi asked if the grant could be applied for again for this coming fiscal year. Mr. Devlin reported that it can still be applied for. Mr. Argazzi stated that Mr. Devlin should have at least tried for the grant before requesting the full amount. Mayor Ragazzi stated that this request couldn't have come at a worse time and explained the financial situation. He asked that Mr. Devlin apply for a grant from the Marjorie 5loore Foundation to help fund this account. RECO~RIEND TO DEFER UNTIL THE OUTCOME OF THE GRANT APPLICATION. #2223. #2231. #2232. #2233. #2234. #2235. #2236. #2241. #2242. Social Security Expense. $2,600 to $3,182.19. RECOblMEND TO APPROVE. Heat. $2,120 to $2,544. blayor Ragazzi asked what percent increase ls projected in this fTgure. Mr. Devlin replied approximately 20%. RECOMMEND TO APPROVE. Light. $1,850 to .~,015. RECOMMEND TO APPROVE. Telephone. $555 to $400. RECOMMEND TO APPROVE. Sewer fi Water. $55.--~ change. RE-COMNIEND T~-APPROVE. Building Maifitenance. $595. to $6~'0. RECOblblEND TO APPROVE. Insurance. $5,215 'to $5,512. REC-~-~END TO APPROVE. ~ooks and Periodicals.~-~g-ff0 to $9000. RECOMMEND TO APPROVE. New Equipment. $950-to $1000. RECOY~END TO APPROVE. Mr. Argazzi asked how close the building is to reaching its capacity. -.~ Mr. Devlin reported that they are already using the Community Center to store some 4,000 to 5,000 books. Mr. Argazzi asked if they ha*e'any room for expansion. Mr. Devlin reported that they do not. Mr. Bergstrom reported that the Library Board plans to spend approximately $24,000 from an endowment that was left to them. This constitutes part of the principal as well as the interest. :Mr. Lindgren, Mr. Scalora and several other individuals then entered the !~,eting to discuss the Fire Board Budget. ::IRE BOARD #1801. Rpnt, $ firehouses. $10,600 to $12,500. Mayor Ragazzi asked if" the full $12,5'00 is needed, and why the increase is necessary. Executive goard Minutes February 2S, 1980 -4- Mayor Ragazzi explained what the financial situation is, and asked if the Fire-Board could get away with a $S00 increase in this account. Mr. Scalora replied at the present time no. The Fire Board will have to meet to refigure the.account. He reported that.there will be a mortgage on the new addition on the Kensington Fire House for the storage of the ambulances. RECOMMEND TO DEFER UNTIL THE ACCOUNT HAS BEEN REVIEWED BY THE FIRE BOARD. #1802. #1803. · ' '~1804. #1805. #1806. #1807. Utilities. $20,000 to $22,S00. RECOMMEND TO APPROVE. B-fl~es an-h-d-Conferences. '$'4,400 to '$6,350. Mr. Lihdgren reported Thai this increase is for the same conferences that were attended this past year. Mr. Argazzi stated that they should show a breakdown on this. blayor Ragazzi stated that the Executive Board has been cutting all Dues and Conference requests to the amount appropriated during the current fiscal year, with a slight increase for inflation. Mr. Haber stated that this what is reflected. Mayor Ragazzi stated that we are talking dollars and cents, not conferences.. Mayor Ragazzi asked if the Fire Board could make ends meet with $5,000 in this account. Mr. Haber stated that they just will not attend something. Mayor Ragazzi stated that he would appreciate their cooperation, that it is difficult and he is not trying to balance the budget of the Fire Board. Mr. Argazzi stated that this is the highest increase the Executive Board has allowed in any Department's Dues and Conferences account. RECOb.glEND TO CUT TO $5,000. Accidental 'Death Insurance. $2S0 to $300. RECOb~IEND TO APPROVE. Maintenance & Op_p_rati.n_g~xpense. TO APPROVE. $14,100 to $15,000. RECOMblEND Education. $6,000. No change. RECOMMEND TO APPROVE. Fire Marshals' Salaries. $1,431.00 to $5,000. Mr. Lindgren reported that last year there was an agre--~-~-~ amount between the Fire Marshals and former Mayor Powers, which was cut by the Board of Finance. The Fire Marshals were given a 6% increase. This came out to $27 per month, for three men. The increase reflects going from approximately $500 per man to $1,650 per man. Mr. Lindgren stated for the amount of duties involved, the money is well justified. Mayor Ragazzi stated that the Executive Board has granted 7% increases in salaries, and asked their feeling.. Mr. Haber reported that the 6% increase amounted to 54-1/2¢ per week last year. You can't buy a gallon of gas with that. A 7% increase will mean nothing. Mr. Haber stated that he has been after this for years and somewhere the Executive Board fails to recognize the responsibilities of the Fire Marshals. He stated that he knows the Board is concerned about taxes, but somewhere along the line something has to be done with this account. Mr. Argazzi asked if the Marshals use their own cars for Department business. Mr. Haber stated 90+ percent of the time private cars are used. There is no expense account for gas. Mr. Argazzi recommended a $100 per year increase for each of the three Fire Marshals. RECObffiEND TO CUT TO $1,731.00. Executive Board 5}in,ates February 25, 1980 FIRE BOARD - (Continued) ~#1808. Fire Marshals' Dues & Conferences. APPROVE. $311 to $375. RECOb~XIEND TO #9905. Equipment. Mayor Ragazzi reported that this account will be discussed at a later date, along with other Capital Items. Mr. Lindgren stated that there is no new equipment in this account, only replacements. Mr. Argazzi stated that the $46,.663.10 should be itemized. Mr. Lingren stated that this has not been in the past, and Mayor Ragazzi concurred that this was not done last year. Mr. Scalora reported that $3,727 of this account is for ambulance equipment. He stated that the cost of the equipment is getting prohibitive and they find it necessary to come to the Town for the monies. Mr. Argazzi asked if this is in the Federal Revenue Sharing part of the budget. Mayor Ragazzi replied yes, and we will be getting to that at a later date. Mr. Argazzi stated that the Executive Board will need a listing of equipment needed. Mr. Lindgren stated that the Fire Board does not have a secretary, they are voluntarily working at night. He stated that they felt they would not prioritize their budget, as the fire service is a priority. Of the figure requested, $3727 is for ambulance equipment, which was not in the budget before. Some is for education. There is also $4100 included for a base station and a mobil unit. He stated that this item was discussed with the Executive Board previously, blayor Ragazzi replied that it was but it was his understanding that the base station that the Police Department has was the one to be located at the fire station. He reported that he spoke to Mr. MacFarlane who felt there would be no problem in puting the radio we have over at the fire house. Mayor Ragazzi reported that he also spoke to Mr. Hunt of Hunters Electronics and he was surprised that Mr. MacFarlane felt that way. He stated that there was no reason the Town can't try to do this. He reported that the only thing the FCC may object to is that there would be calls other than fire or police. Mayor Ragazzi reported that he told Mr. Hunt that it would only be utilized for emergency situations. Mr. Hunt stated that he would assist the Town in obtaining the permit. Mayor Ragazzi stat.ed that if the basestation in the Police Department can be utilized, we can save $4,000. Mr. Haber stated that the reason it is recommended to replace the base station is that it has been in the Police Department since 1960. He stated they plan to replace that basestation, and remove the old one and relocate it to a fire station. He stated that we will still have to buy a new one, Mayor Ragazzi stated that Sgt. Charamut said that they have an old basestation in the Police Department that could be used. Mr. Haber stated that one is for fire and one for police. He reported that the one they want to replace is the one on the fire frequency. Mr. Haber if they are cut, as they were last year, the Department is not going forward at ali. Mayor Ragazzi stated that the Town was cut last year, and we are feeling it now. If we get cut back this year, we will be that much further in the hole next year. Mr. Lindgren stated that the Fire Board spenf, six !:×ec~tive ~.oard ?~]~utes F. ebruary 25, 1980 months preparing the budget. It is an honest bare-bones budget. He stated the Board does not pad their budget. Mr. Argazzi stated that he agrees that this is an honest budget. Mayor Ragazzi stated that nobody knows more, and is more sympathetic to the Fire Board than the Executive Board. He stated if it wasn't for the job that the firemen were doing, the Town would have a budget twenty five times this size. He stated what the Executive Board is trying to do is to prepare a budget that will be accepted by the people. He reported that we might be facing layoffs, and he does not want to see any layoffs in the Town. It would mean the cutting of services. Mayor Ragazzi stated that he hates to paint a dark picture for the Town, but it is reality. This is what we are faced with. This is why the Executive Board is taking a very hard line with everybody. The Fire Board then left the meeting. Roger Misiaszek entered the meeting to bring the Executive Board up to date on what he has been doing in regard to the Energy Advisory Committee. Mayor Ragazzi explained that Mr. Misiaszek has consented to go to school on his own time, with the courtesy of Emhart Corporation, to become an Energy Auditor for the Town of Berlin. He stated that Mr. Mis~aszek has been doing an awful lot of work on his own time. Mr. Misiaszek reported that since has was asked to be the technical advisor to the Energy Advisory Committee, he has gathered information on conservation, as well as solar energy. He stated that his is making a survey on each town building on an individual basis and is concentrating mostly on school buildings, as this is the largest percentage of the energy costs. He stated that the survey is necessary to apply for federal funding. Towns will be able to get 50% funding from the Federal Government for energy improvements to Town buildings. The survey has to be completed by June 1, 1980. Mr. Misiaczek stated that primarily he ~s proposing the installation of storm windows and additional insulation. On a 50/50 cost basis, Willard School could be completed with a payback of three to four years. Mayor Ragazzi asked what the approximate cost for completing Willard School would be. Mr. Misiaszek replied about $40,000. Mayor Ragazzi asked if the program will run out this year. Mr. Misiaszek replied that on the information he has, yes. He reported that he is going to try to complete the school buildings before the June 30 deadline. Mr. Misiaszek suggested that possibly the Science Staff at the High School could assign some of the tasks involved to their students, such as checking windows and doors for air leaks, etc. This would save a lot of leg work. Mr. Argazzi asked why the custodians couldn't help. Mayor Ragazzi stated the custodians could take a couple of hours of their time. He stated that ~hen Mr. Misiaszek is ready, he can get the custodians. Mr. Misiaszek requested that he be allowed to purchase a light meter and a portable air thermometer. Total cost would be approximately $150.~ Mr. Argazzi asked if Mr. ~isiaszek feels the savings on energy would be that drastic, can we realize $20,000 in energy savings? He stated that the project is certainly worth going forward on. E~ecutive Board Minutes February 25, 1980 Mr. Misiaszek stated that if the Town is really serious about saving energy, it should look into solar heat. If we can reduce our fuel consumption by 70%, you would have to be willing to part with dollars. He reported that there is a lot of money available from the Federal Government, but the people do not know now to get it. The energy school is providing grant information in some programs, but he will be working to locate other available grants. Mr. Misiaszek stated that he does feel that solar heat is feasible in Connecticut. Mayor Ragazzi asked' if it would mean large capital outlays. Mr. Misiaszek stated yes, but he does not know how much right now. Mr. Argazzi commented that this is down the road. Mr. Misiaszek stated that he would be able to get the best possible prices for windows and insulation by buying in bulk. He asked the Executive Board if they would prefer that one school building be completed as a model case, or should he be looking into completing all of the school buildings. Mr. McKeon stated that he would prefer one building as a model. Mr. Argazzi concurred. He stated that he feels the Board of Finance would be interested in what the total cost is and what the payback period is. He feels the Board of Finance would be more willing to consider this approach. Mr. Misiaszek asked what kind of control the Town has as far as the type of streeting lighting used. Mayor Ragazzi reported that Officer Peters is in the process of completing a study of the street lighting. He stated that he would like to go over the report with Mr. Misiaszek "~ when it is received. Mayor Ragazzi thanked Mr. Misiaszek for the work that he is putting into this project, and his company for allowing him to take the time off for the schooling. ~lr. Argazzi stated that it is very nice of Mr. Misiaszek to do this, and the Executive Board will help in any way it can. There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ~z~ ,~,~/~£~ Received For Fi~ing Town C~rk Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bourgo~.n ADI)I:NDDM EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES February 25, 1980 TELEPHONE POLL: February 27, 1980, 3:00 p.m. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to call a special Executive Board Meeting for Friday, February 29 1980 at 1:00 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. ' On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of Mr. Haber in the amount of $46,000 to-Account $51, Gas ~ Oil. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bonrgoin Secretary