1979/12/28MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD December 28, 1979 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi at 12:00 noon. Deputy Mayors William F. McKeon and Robert A. Argazzi were present. Also present were: James D'Errico, Personnel Director; Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer; Gary Clinton, Finance Director; Charles Davis, Director of Social Services; Gerald Charamut, Sgt., Berlin Police Department; Richard McKeon, McKeon Brothers; Paul Burton representing the Berlin Eagle; John Heenehan representing the Hartford Courant; Thomas Shiel representing the Herald. Minutes of December 10, 1979 and December 14, 1979 and the Addendum of December 10, 1979 were presented. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to postpone the acceptance of the minutes until the end of the meeting. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to award the contract for the purchase of a Truck Tire Machine to the low bidder, Fred Jurgen Company, ~n the amount of $3,599.00. Other bidders were: MOTION ~ARRIED. Nutmeg Auto Supply Firestone Stores, New Haven $3,500.00 3,750.00 Mayor Ragazzi presented the December 18, 1979 letter from Chairman S. Samuel Valenti of the Board of Police Commissioners regarding the police cruiser bids. Mr. Valenti reported that the Board, on December 17, 1979 voted to accept the bid of $25,050 for four (4) cruisers submitted by Morande Ford of Berlin. Mayor Ragazzi explained that there will be a short- fall of approximately $5,100 in the budget appropriation for these vehicles. Sgt. Charamut explained that when the Board originally proposed their budget, an allocation was figured on bi4s already received for four cruisers. The Board of Finance felt they should go to compact cars and they "picked" a figure of what they should cost of $22,000. Sgt. Charamut reported that even going to the small engine, the $22,000 was not sufficient. A budget request was made to the Board of Finance for the additional $5,200 but no word has been received from them on whether the additional funds will be appropriated. Sgt. Charamut explained that most'dealers do not want to take trades for cruisers, as they feel they will lose monies due to the amount of mileage. Those that do allow trades, offer only skimpy allotments. Mayor Ragazzi asked if the three cruisers to'be turned in can be sold at auction. Sgt. Charamut replied that they can either be auctioned off directly or arrangements can be made with New England Recovery on Christian Lane. He reported that they charge approximately $50.00 per car to handle the auction. Sgt. Charamut feels each car should bring about $800 or more. Mr. Argazzi asked if the Board of Finance felt that the Police Department cwas turning in four vehicles when they appropriated the monies for the four new cruisers, or did they realize that only three would be turned in. Sgt. Charamut reported that presently there is no transportation for personnel or equipment other than the regular cruisers. Mr. Argazzi asked if the matter was mentioned at the time of the budget appropriation. Sgt. Charamut replied that it was not, but that the bid is with no trade in, so it really doesn't make any difference in cost. Executive Board Minutes D~cember 28, 1979 -2- Mayor Ragazzi stated that he feels the vehicle that the Police want to retain for transporting personnel, the striping machine and other needed equipment is important. Mr. Argazzi stated that the Executive Board can't really accept the bids until the Board of Finance appropriates the additional monies. Mayor Ragazzi agreed that the matter should be tabled. TABLED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the December 26, 1979 Budget Request of Mr. Clinton in the amount of $300.00 for the purpose of providing 50 copies of a final report of the Salary Study Committee to NERCOM, State of Connecticut, plus 25 additional copies for the Town. Mr. Clinton reported that the Town guaranteed the State 50 copies under the NERCOM grant. The additional 25 copies are for the Board of Finance, the Salary Study Committee, etc. Mr. Argazzi asked why not use the Zerox Machine. Mr. Clinton stated that he does not feel it would be more economical. Mayor Ragazzi explained that monies were set aside in the original grant, but when additional study was required in the Engineering Department, these monies were utilized. The Executive Board went on record at that time as telling the Board of Finance that we would be coming back to them for additional monies for printing. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of Mr. Clinton in the amount of $500 for the printing of 75 copies of the final report of the Salary Study Committee. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the November 6, 1979 letter from Mr. Clinton regarding the blue collar union settlement. Attached was a Budget Request in the amounts of $2,544.00 to Account 502; $11,258.00 to Account 602; $5,392.00 to Account 1955; $8,078.00 to Account 5504; $6,786.00 to Account 5802. Mr. Clinton explained that this represents a 10.01% overall increase. .88% represents job reclassifications and 9.13% wage increases. Mr. Argazzi stated that he did not know about the reclassifications. Mr. Clinton reported that after the last union negotiations, the Town agreed to the reclassifica- tions. It had not been done. At the onset of the current negotiations, it was brought up immediately. All of the positions were brought into the reclassification range of Maintainer I, II and III. When the reclassification was completed, five individuals were earning less than the base rate for their positions, and they were brought up to scale. Mr. Argazzi reported that when this was discussed at the signing of the contract, Atty. Jackaway stated that the increase-was 8.5%. Now we are talking 10.5% or 9.25%. Mr. Clinton stated that the package was 8.5%; the increase to 10.5% was due to the reclassification. Mayor Ragazzi reported that the reason the negotiating team felt they would come in line is that the benefits were not being given. This brought it down. Mr. Clinton explained that in the final offer, the longevity was dropped and the wages were increased slightly. He stated that it still falls within the scope of the Presidential Guide- lines when you consider the fringe benefits. The Clerical Union received 55~ per hour wage increase plus $200 longevity pay. The Blue Collar received 40¢ and no longevity pay for the first two years of the Contract. Mr. Argazzi stated that the Executive Board reported that the increase was 8.5%, now the increase is more than that. He stated that he is not arguing because he feels the men deserve it, but 'at the time of the signing, the Executive Board should have the percentages in front of them accurately. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of Mr. Clinton in the above stated amounts for the settlement of the blue collar union contract. MOTION CARRIED. Executive Board Minutes December 28, 1979 Mayor Ragazzi presented the December 20, 1979 letter from Mr. Seelye regarding snow and ice removal. Mr. Seelye attached applications that were received in response to his add for part time truck drivers, and also a list of names of town employees that are interested in plowing on an as needed basis. Mr. Seelye explained that last season the Highway Department was short of personnel compared to a few years ago. He feels this is less costly than hiring additional personnel. Mr. Argazzi asked what the cost per applicant would be. Mr. Seelye reported the cost to be $45.00 per hour. Town employees would be time and one-half. It would be set up so that the Town employees who have expressed an interest would be utilized before outsiders were called in. Mayor Ragazzi emphasized that if the individual was needed within their Department for any reason, they will nct be called in. Mr. Seelye explained that no additional men will be called in unless it is deemed necessary. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to accept the recommendation of Mr. Seelye and to hire the outside applicants on an as needed basis to plow snow for the Town. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget.Request of Mr. Seelye in the amount of $680.00 to Account 622, Maintenance of Installed Equipment for the repair of the high pressure cleaner used to clean Town equipment. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. MCKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to call a Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 1S, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. in the Public Meeting Room of the Town Hall to enable the citizens of Berlin to have the right to provide written and oral comments and suggestions with respect to possible uses of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds in the approximate amount of $350,000 to the £xecutive Board. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi reported that a Public Hearing is also required for the review of the Weatherization Plan before it is submitted to the State of Connecticut to qualify for the Weatherization Grant Program. Mr. Davis explained the Plan as prepared by the Energy Advisory Committee. $5,000 is planned for insulating the ceilings at the Community Center. This is the only public building needing immediate renovation for energy conser- vation. The balance of the monies will be offered to those residents who are of low income, handicapped or senior citizens for conservation renovations to their homes. He explained that applications will be received beginning the 20th of January but none will be approved until after the 1st of February when the monies are in hand. There will be 10% of the grant set aside for administrative costs. Any monies not utilized as of November 1st will'be put back in for utilization on public buildings. Mr. Argazzi stated that he would like a list prepared for the Executive Board of those people utilizing the Energy Assistance Grants. Mayor Ragazzi stated that a report will be forthcoming to the Executive Board. Mr. Davis reported that the applicants will hav~ to submit to a before and after inspection of their homes and the applications will be granted on a ,.first come,first serve basis. They will be required to get written estimates and only vendor payments will be made. Mayor Ragazzi stated that perhaps a cap should be placed for each family applying. He stated that he would like to spread it around and serve a multitude of people. Mr. Davis stated that until the applications are reviewed for quantity, a decision on a cap is being delayed. Executive Board Minutes December 28, 1979 On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to call a Public Hearing for Tuesday, January IS, 1980 at 8:50 p.m. in the Public Meeting Room of Town Hall to enable the citizens of Berlin to have the right to provide written and oral comments and suggestions with respect to the Town of Berlin ~eatherization Plan to the Executive Board MOTION CARRIED. · The proposed Town Fuel Bank was again reviewed. Mr. Davis reported that he has spoken to the Clergy within the Town and they are considering puting monies into the TOwn Fuel Bank as a grant. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr' McKeon, it was voted to accept the proposed Town Emergency Fuel Bank and to approve the Budget Request of Mayor Ragazzi in the amount of $1,000 to Account 140 (Welfare) to appropriate the Fuel.Bank. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to appoint Florence Barrell, Senior Citizen Director, as a member of the Energy Advisory Committee. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the December 6, 1979 letter of resignation from James H. Godfrey who is resigning from the Water Control Commission. Mayor Ragazzi stated that Mr. Godfrey will be very much missed. He is very dedicated and has given an awful lot to the Water Control Commission. I am sorry to see him go. I know he will be sorely missed. Mr. Seelye stated that Mr. Godfrey has served on the Commission since its inception in 1965, and served on the Public Works Commission before that time. Mr. Argazzi stated that Mr. Godfrey has put a lot of work into the Commission and the Town. Mayor Ragazzi commented that he can think of no one more dedicated to the Town. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to accept Mr. Godfrey's resignation with deep regret and to forward a letter to him extending the Executive Board's great appreciation for his sincere dedication. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the November 28, 1979 letter of resignation from David E. Mitchell who is resigning from the Zoning Commission. Mr. Mitchell stated in his-letter that because of constant conflicts with his present work schedule, he has been unable to attend meetings, but would like to be considered as an alternate, to the Zoning Commission. Mr. Argazzi suggested that Mr. Mitchell be considered for an alternate's position, and moving one of the present alternates to a regular member. On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to accept Mr. Mitchell's resignation with regret. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi reported that resignation was received from Sharon Schubert, Clerk in the Mayor's Office. Mrs. Schubert had been hired in early December. He reported that there was no notice given, and that Mrs. Schubert telephoned the switchboard operator to state that she would not be back. On motion bY Mr. ~cKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to post a Notice of Position Opening, and after seven days, to consider the past applications for the position. MOTION C~RRI'ED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the December 26, 1979 letter from ACT regarding the appointment of a Charter Revision Commission. Mr. Doran requested that representation-from ACT be included in the membership of the Commission, and that consideration be given to increasing the membership of the Commission. Mr. Argazzi stated that he did not agree with Mr. Doran's recommendation, and that he feels 11 members are too much is much. - that even seven Executive Board Minutes December 28, 1979 Mayor Ragazzi then recommended the following individuals for appointment to the Charter Revision Commission: Stephen Anderson 544 Savage Hill Road George Soliwoda 147 Oak Ridge Drive Richard Pentore 84 Church Street Ernest Hall 418 High Road Roman Baldyga 90 Cindy Lane Mr. Argazzi recommended the following individuals for appointment to the Charter Revision Commission: Francis Rio, Jr. 97 Farmington Ave. Cynthia Wilcox 121 Sunset Lane On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to appoint the above named individuals to the Charter Revision Commission. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented'the following names for consideration for appoint- ment to the Drainage Committee: Kenneth Fenn 20 Valley Drive Dennis Kern 177 Ridgewood Lane Richard Dalidowicz 180 Ellwood Road Allan Smith 46 Deerfield Drive Francis Rio, Sr. 107 Hudson Street On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. McKeon, it was voted to appoint the above named individuals to the Drainage Committee. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the Recommendations for Gas Conservation which were put together by the in~house Energy Coxmittee, and were reconfirmed by the Energy Advisory Committee, who felt these guidelines should be implemented as soon as possible. Mr. Argazzi commented that he can't argue with that. It was the general consensus of the Executive Board to adopt the Gas Conservation Recommendations. Mayor Ragazzi presented the copy of the letter which was sent to the Board of Finance by the Registrar's of Voters requesting that their salary be increased to $S,000 per year. Mr. Argazzi stated that he knows they are doing a lot more work and spending a lot more time at Town Hall..Mayor Ragazzi suggested that this be discussed with the Board of Finance. Mr. McKeon suggested tabeling the matter and see if an agreement can be reached. TABLED. ,~r. Richard McKeon from McKeon Brothers entered the meeting. Mr. Seelye nd Mr. McKeon again explained the problems occurring on Cole Lane (see the December 10, 1979 minutes of the Executive Board). Mayor Ragazzi stated that he would like to reach an agreement that would be fair with the Contractor and the Town. If there was work that was done and the Town Executive Board Minutes .December 28,.1979 -6- is benefiting, then it should be worked out. He asked Mr. Seelye if he and Mr. McKeon can reach an agreement and present a proposal to the Executive Board at a future meeting. Mayor Ragazzi asked Mr. McKeon if he had done at least 10% more work than he should have done in completing Cole Lane. Mr. McKeon replied that he had. Mayor Ragazzi suggested that the Town could possibly pick up 60% of the cost of repaying Cole Lane instead of the 50% agreed to. Mr. Argazzi asked who is going to pay the rest. He stated that he does not want Mr. McKeon behind the eight ball. Deputy Mayor McKeon recommended that Mr. McKeon and Mr. Seelye come in with a solution at the next Executive B°ard Meeting. Mr. Seelye commented that it is not an Engineering decision, but an Executive Board decision~ On motion by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to call a Special Town Meeting for January 28, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. in the Public Meeting Room of Town Hall for the following purposes: 1. To adopt an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Establishing Handicapped Parking" as approved by the Board of Police Commissioners on December 17, 1979; 2. To adopt a resolution to supplement the Town Meeting Resolution concerning Town Aid funds adopted on January 26, 1976. MOTION CARRIED. There being'no further business to come before the Executive the Board, meeting was 'adjourned at 2:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bourgoin Secretary ADDENDuM EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES December 28, 1979 TELEPHONE POLL: January 9, 1980, 11:45 a.m. On motion by Mr. McKe°n, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to award the contract for the purchase of four police cruisers as recommended by Chairman Valenti of the Board of Police Commissioners to the Iow bidder, Morande Ford of Berlin, in the amount of $25,050.00. Other bidders were: Stephen Ford, Inc. Wilcox Rau $26,386.56 27,678.44 MOTION CARRIED.