1979/10/12~IINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD October 12, 1979 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi at 4:30 p.m. Deputy Mayors Joseph P. Lanzoni and Robert A. Argazzi were present. Also present were Charles Davis, Director of Family and Youth Services; Florence Barrell, Senior Director; James Capodiece, Director of Recreation. Mayor Ragazzi presented the Budget Request of Mr. Capodiece in the amount of $275.00 to be transferred from Account #1905, Wages, to Account #1924, Halloween. Mr. Capodiece explained that these monies are necessary to fund the annual Halloween parties that are held in the grammar schools. The Park and Recreation has discussed this and feel the program is important. He reported that the Account now has $600.00 in it, and this money is used for film strips, snacks and other supplies necessary for the parties. The additional monies are to pay the Board of Education for the use of the school buildings. He reported that a large surplus is expected in Account #1905 due to the programs that are being dropped. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of Mr. Capodiece in the amount of $275.00, to be transferred from Account #1905, Wages, to Account #1924, Halloween. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi read the Memorandum from Mrs. Barrell and Mr. Davis Oregarding the Senior Citizen Bus and Senior Citizen ID Cards. They reported that the Commission for the Aging approved the following recommendations: (1) Calls for Senior Citizen bus service be placed through the Senior Citizen Director; (2) that Senior Citizen ID Cards be issued to persons 60 and over without a means test; (5) that Senior Citizen ID cards be issued from the office of the Senior Citizen Director. ?~r. Davis explained that the bus service calls have been coming in to Park and Recreation, and that Mr. Capodiece and Mr. Roe before him have requested that this be taken out of that office. He stated that regarding the matter of the ID Cards, the federal law states that any person 60 and over are Senior Citizens. Mayor Ragazzi stated that if those are the federal guidelines, Berlin should be in conformity. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. Lanzoni, it was voted to approve the above stated recommendations of the Commission for the Aging. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the letter from the State Jury Administration, and pointed out that the Executive Board signatures were needed on their form calling out the members of the Berlin Jury Committee. The form was then signed. blayor Ragazzi reported that after leaving the last Executive Board Meeting, he addressed the Board of Finance concerning the Personnel Direct.or. He requested that the Board of Finance fund an additional $1,800 for the filling of the position, bringing the starting salary ofrom$16,200 to $18,000. Mayor Ragazzi reported that the three top Executive Board ~Iinutes October 12, 1979 -2- candidates were the people really qualified to do the job and be a credit to the organization. He stated that the Personnel Director is a key position and it is extremely important that the best qualified person be hired. Mayor Ragazzi stated that he is certain if he could have offerred the top three candidates $18,000 the job would have been filled. Mayor Ragazzi reported that the Board of Finance had a lengthy debate on the matter and then voted to pass it. There were two members of the Board of Finance missing; Mr. Miller and Mrs. Delaney. He stated that the question came up as to the other applicants for the position. He stated that they would have been good Administrative Assistant's but not Personnel Director with the qualifications we are looking for. The Board of Finance asked if the Executive Board would consider utilizing him for a Purchasing Agent also. Mayor Ragazz} reported that he told them he would have no objection if the Personnel Director's time was such that he could devote himself to the Town purchasing. He pointed that in the Job Description, the duties of the Personnel Director would include "other duties as directed by the Executive Board". Mayor Ragazzi stated that the Town is in dire need of a Personnel Director. Mayor Ragazzi explained that he has lined up three Personnel Directors; one from Windsor, one from Igallingford, and Mr. Paul Marier, to screen the candidates and come up with the final three candidates. He stated that the Executive Board will function in the same manner as last time and make the final selection. Mr. Argazzi stated that he is going to ~ote' against the motion once again, in view of the budget cuts that were incurred by the Board of Education. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mayor Ragazzi, it was voted to advertise for the position of Personnel Director at the starting rate of $18,000, and to advertise in the Hartford Courant, The Herald and The Berlin Eagle. ~OTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi reported that after the last Executive Board Meeting he directed the Police Department to cOnduct a survey of the Norton Road area between ~illard and McGee Schools. He stated that prior to receiving the Traffic Survey, he lined up the Public Grounds Department to prepare a four foot wide path along the south edge of Norton Road from Willard School all the way to McGee School. He stated that they have the equipment to accomplish this. They will put in screening and roll it. This will provide a suitable walkway.. Mayor Ragazzi also reported that a copy of the Traffic Survey was forwarded to Mr. Vandrilla, President of the Board of Education. Regarding Item #4 of the Survey, Mayor Ragazzi stated that he does not completely agree as there are sidewalks a good deal of the way. The road is marked all the way to ~fcGee with a walkway. He stated that the Town may have to do some remarking of the road. Mayor Ragazzi stated that if the funds are available, he would have no objection as to having an additional crossing guard, but feels this could be circumbented by marking a clear crosswalk and signing it. He stated that the total Survey will be further discussed with the Board of Education and the Police Department. Executive Board Minutes October 12, 1979 -3- ~tayor Ragazzi stated that for the information of the Executive Board, when the Lower Lane Survey was received, it was only two days later that a letter with a copy of the Survey attached was sent to Mr. Ward with a copy sent to Mr. Vandrilla. ~tr. Argazzi stated that the Board of Education should have made it public. He stated that he had no objections to that report being made public. ~iayor Ragazzi stated that he certainly has no qualms about releasing public anything that comes through the Executive Board that can be made public. Mayor Ragazzi reported that he is currently working on guidelines on setting up a Fuel Bank. This can be discussed jointly with the Board of Finance at the meeting scheduled for October 18. He stated that he hopes the State will come up with a solution, but in the event the state does not, the Town will have something to fall back on. .There being no further business to come before the Executive Board the meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. ' Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bourgoin Secretary