1979/09/17 MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD C September 17, 1979 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi at 7:30 p.m. Deputy Mayors Joseph P. Lanzoni and Robert A. Argazzi were present. Also present were: Dominic Scerra, Treasurer; Gary Clinton, Director of Finance; Richard Russell, Superintendent of Public Grounds; Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer; John Pajor, Town Employee; Thomas Shiel representing The Herald; John Heenehan representing the Hartford Courant. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Minutes of September 4, 1979. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to ratify the Addendum to the Minutes of September 4, 1979. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Scerra presented the bids received on the $200,000 Sewer Assessment Notes which run from September 21, 1979 to September 19, 1980. Mr. Scerra recommended that the low bid of New Britain National Bank be accepted. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to accept the recommendation of Mr. Scerra and to award the $200,000 Notes to New Britain National Bank at the rate of 6.54%. Other bidders were: Bank Amount Rate Premium Conn. Bank and Trust Hartford National Bank Colonial Bank $200,000 6.58% -0- 200,000 6.59% 200,000 6.46% -0- MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the budget request of Mr. Russell in the amount of $S2S.00 to Account #5802, Maintenance Personnel. Mayor Ragazzi reported that this amount is necessary to supplement the CETA wages for the Town Hall custodian. He explained that as a result of CETA funding being cut the Town will only be able to carry over three clerical positions and one custodian. The custodian will earn more than the $7,7S4 allowed by CETA therefore the monies are necessary to carry the position to June 50, 1979. He stated that the Town is allowed to subsidize CETA wages up to 10%. Mayor Ragazzi stated that the custodian is absolutely necessary. He also reported that he has written to Senator Ribicoff and Congressman Cotter regarding the CETA situation. CCM was also contacted. Mayor Ragazzi stated that there isn't much hope that Berlin will receive additional funds as it would take a Federal Act. The only hope is an administrative waiver from the Department of Labor. Mr. Argazzi asked if there is any hope that the wage limits set by CETA will be increased. Mr. Clinton stated that they did raise the limit by a couPle of hundred dollars and __the Town is hardly able to work under that. Mr. Argazzi asked why the C~ustodian has to be paid a certain amount. Mr. Clinton stated that CETA employees are locked in under Union Contract. This is the lowest wage paid a blue collar wor~er. Mr. Clinton stated that he also inquired if the Town could reduce the work week of the custodian. The reply from the Executive Board Minutes September 17, 19 79 -2- Labor Department was absolutely not. Mayor Ragazzi stated that the CETA problem is a universal problem. Ail the cities and towns are having the same problem. Mr. Russell reported that even with this custodian, his staff is not being brought up to its capacity. Me reported that this person will be working four hours in the Police Department and four hours xn the Town Hall. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. Lanzoni, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of Mr. Russell in the amount of $525.00 to Account #5802, Maintenance Personnel. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Fishman then entered the meeting. Mr. Clinton explained that he and Mr. Fishman negotiated with Connecticut General Life Insurance Co. on the pension proposal. Connecticut General has agreed to draft the pension contract and a plan for the Town at no cost. Mr. Fishman will then review the draft for the pension content and Attorney Jackaway will review it for the legal aspects. Connecticut General has agreed to enter into an investment contract with the Town. Any services that they provide the Town will be billed separately. Mr. Clinton reported that the Town will continue using certain services of CG such as administeration of the pay outs to pension recipients, printing up of pension booklets and certain other small functions. Mr. Fishman will do the underwriting work and provide technical expertise in that area. Mr. Clinton reported that he and Mr. Fishman are recommending that a Pension Investment Committee be appointed by the Executive Board to handle the clinvesting of funds. He suggested that this Committee be made up of people .such as the Personnel Director, the Town Treasurer, the Finance Director, representatives from each Union and a representative of mid management. This committee could study proposals for investments as the monies, under the new pension contract, would be freed up for the first time. It is felt that this .Committee would be a safeguard. He stated that there have been abuses in investing pension funds in other towns. Mr. Argazzi stated that he does not feel there have been any abuses in this Town. He stated that the concept of appointing a Committee is all right, but that the Committee will have to be chosen carefully., Mayor Ragazzi stated that is why members of the Unions should be on the Committee. It is their money that is being invested. Mayor Ragazzi stated that he feels the Committee is a good idea. It was GENERAL CONSENSUS that a Pension Investment Committee be written into the Draft for the Pension Plan that is being prepared by Connecticut General. ' Mr. Seelye presented the bid results for the construction of brick sidewalks, stairway, landscaping and planting of trees and shrubs at. Deming Park. The Engineering Department recommended that the Executive Board award the bid to Peter Allegretti Construction, Inc., the low bidder for the entire proposal. In their letter of September 12, 1979, the following explanation was made: "The funds for this project are from the $15,000 set aside by the Marjorie Moore Charitable Foundation for the development of this park. In order to stay within the $15 000 budgeted the following measures must be taken: ' 1. Reduce the width of the center walkway from 10 to 6 feet. 2. Reduce the width of the other walkways from 6 to S feet. Executive Board ~.linutes September 17, 1979 -5- 5. Request tree and shrub donations from garden clubs. Any influence the Executive Board has in soliciting these donations would be helpful. Trees and shrubs to be installed by Town Public Grounds Department. 4. Paving and road restoration by Town highway accounts. 5. Stop light relocation by State. By adhering to the above recommendations, the Park will have a completed look and it is a simple matter of adding trees and shrubs as they become available. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us." Mr. Seelye explained that Peter Allegretti construction did the concrete work at Deming Park and have done several other projects in the Town. There has been no problem with their work. Mr. Seelye also stated that other funds could be requested from Marjorie Moore Charitable Foundation if it is found to be necessary. Mr. Argazzi asked if the only thing missing from the park will be tree plantings. Mr. Seelye replied that the lighting will also be incomplete. He reported that the main conduit was. run under the walk and interior lighting would have to be connected to this. He stated that there are differences of opinion as to the lighting, and felt this could be completed at the Town's leisure and additional funding could be sought from the Foundation. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to Caccept the recommendation of the £ngineering Department and award the )bid for the construction of brick sidewalks, stairway, landscaping and planting at Deming Park to the Peter Allegretti Construction Co., Inc., of Hartford, Connecticut in the amount of $7,970.00. Other bidders were: Advanced Landscaping P. Nilsson DBA Southington, Connecticut C. N. Nelson ~ Sons Inc. New Britain, Connecticut N. Zenobi ~ Sons New Britain, Connecticut Connecticut Stone Erectors, Inc. Farmington, Connecticut $ 8,264.00 13,255.00 25,915.00 7,800.00** **The last bid only included item 1 for the $7,800.00; they did not bid on the other items. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Seelye presented the bid results for the construction of 500 feet of sanitary sewer in Overhill Road, and recommended that the contract be awarded to Pepin Corporation in the amount of $7,635.00. © Executive Board Minutes September 17, 1979 -4- On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was. voted to Caccept the recommendation of Mr. Seelye and award the contract for the construction of 500 feet of sanitary sewer in Overhill Road to the low bidder, Pepin Corporation, in the amount of $7,65S.00. Other bidders were: M. Lionette ~ Sons B ~ J Construction Company Suburban Sanitation Service MOTION CARRIED. $ 11,540.00 12~185.00 18,158.00 Mr. Seelye presented the bid results for the repair of miscellaneous pavement patches in Town by use of infrared heating. He reported that only one bid was received, from Felix A. Marino Co., Inc., of Peabody, Massachusetts with a price of $7.55 per square yard, 1,000 yards estimated. Mr. Seelye stated that highly specialized equipment and methods are required for infrared patching, thus the lack of bidders. He stated that the process if less expensive than the traditional cut and patch methods and the finished product is superior. Mr. Seelye stated that the price is consistent with what other towns are paying for the same work. It was Mr. Seelye's recommendation that the contract be awarded to the Felix A. Marino Co. at the bid price. He stated that there is adequate funds for this work in the Highway Department maintenance accounts, and he feels this would be in the best. interest of the Town. C)on motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to accept the recommendation of Mr. Seelye and award the bid for the repair of miscellaneous pavement patches in Town by use of infrared heating to the Felix A. Marino Co. at $7.55 per square yard, 1000 feet estimated, as it deemed to be in the best interest of the Town. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Seelye then presented the results of the bid opening for the proposed S foot chain link fence to be installed at Griswold School. The Engineer- ing Department recommended that the Executive Board award the bid to Central Fence Co. of Milldale, Connecticut subject to a maximum expenditure of the $1,800 appropriation budgeted. The low bid came in at $1,880, and they further recommend that one o£ the following steps be taken to stay within the appropriation: 1. Eliminate the' 4' gate. 2. Let the property owners pay for the gate if they desire a gate. $. Shorten the fence I5 feet, 7 1/2 on each end. The property owners involved have been contacted to get their opinion. so far they have not come to a decision. ' Mr. Argazzi commented that this fence has been requested as far back as 1970. He asked what the residents want the gate for. Mr. Seelye replied that they probably have kids in the school. Mayor Ragazzi stated that e would recommend that the gate be left out unless the residents involved ecide during the time of construction that they will pay for the gate. r. Argazzi stated that he feels this may cause problems for the other home owners surrounding Griswold School and the Town may be faced with other requests for fences. Mr. Seelye stated that the fencing is normally part of the school construction. Executive Board 51inures September 1-7, 1979 On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to accept ..~... the recommendation of the Engineering Department and award the bid for the chain link fence to the low bidder, Central Fence Co., in the amount of $1,880, but subject to the maximum expenditure of the $1 800 appro- priation budgeted, and that the gate be eliminated. ' Other bidders were: U.S. Steel, CyclOne Fence Newington, Connecticut Atlantic Fence Co., Inc. South P/indsor, Connecticut MOTION CARRIED. $ 2,970.50 No bid Mayor Ragazzi presented the September 14, 1979 letter from Mr. Seelye regarding Cardinal Controls, content of which follows: "As you are aware, we have been requested by Mr. Leslie Beatmen, owner of Cardinal Control, to extend the 24-inch storm drain along his north property line from Kensington Road easterly 64 feet. Also, as you are aware, there are no funds this year for storm drainage. "~e presently have in stock enough pipe to make the extension, and the excavation and placement of the pipe could be done by the Highway Department personnel, or by rental equipment from Highway Department Funds. However, as the Highway Department already has scheduled more work than they can complete this fall, and as their rental account is limited, I would recommend that the Town offer to deliver the 24-inch pipe to the site, if Mr. Beatmen would have it installed to Town standards at his cost .... Mr. Seelye reported that Cardinal Controls is adding a large addition to their building and a driveway running to his loading dock will be located right next to the present ditch.. Mr. Argazzi asked how much the pipe cost. Mr. Seelye replied three.to four hundred dollars. Mayor Ragazzi stated that the fellow is a taxpayer and his addition will more than pay for the pipe involved. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to furnish the 24-inch pipe to Cardinal Control for the enclosure of the ditch, providing that they install the pipe to Town specifications. Mr. Argazzi asked if the Town would require permits. Mr. Seelye stated that the Town will supervision the installation of the pipe. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the September 5, 1979 memo from Mr. Capodiece, Director of Recreation Service, regarding the payment to the Lions Club for their portion of the three-pool combination season tickets that were sold this past summer. He reported that there were 99 tickets sold, and that the Lions Club share is $2.00 each. Therefore, he is questing that the Town of Berlin make payment to the Lions Club in e amount of $198.00'. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mayor Ragazzi, it was voted to make payment to the Lions Club in the amount of $198.00 for their portion of the three-pool season tickets. MR. Argazzi Executive Board Minutes September 17, 1979 -6- abstained as he is a member of the L-ions Club. MOTION CARRIF. D. ~ On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to accept the recommendation of Mr. Motyka, Tax Collector, and refund Marie R. Fredrickson in the amount of $7.45 due to an error in the tax Town, providing there are sufficient funds in the account. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. Lanzoni, it was voted to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the Superintendent of Public Grounds position, at 8:20 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. Lanzoni, it was voted to reopen the meeting to the public at 8:4S p.m. MOTION CARRIED. THE FOLLOWING ACTION mAS TAKEN DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION: On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. Lanzoni, it was voted to hire Mr. l~alter Hawkins of Beacon Street, Newington, to the position of Superintendent of Public Grounds. THE VOTE I~AS UNANIMOUS. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi stated that the three final applicants were all excellent candidates; Mr. Ted Hrubiec, Mr. Napiercz and Mr. Hawkins. It was the unanimous decision of the Executive Board to hire Mr. Hawkins based on the fact that he has had 22 years of experience as a Greenskeeper with .~.~ the Hartford Golf Course. The Executive Board also Voted to waive the educational requirements in lieu of the 22 years of experience. Mayor Ragazzi stated that Mr. Hrubiec has served well in his present capacity. In a discussion with Mr. Hrubiec, he stated that he would work with the new Superintendent and Mr. Hrubiec has always performed well.. This appointment is bringing in another level of expertise to the Department. They can work together on any mutual problem that may develop. The discussion again returned to the CETA positions. Mr. Argazzi stated that at some point in time, either this year or next year, the Town is going to have to start hiring some people. Mayor Ragazzi stated that he was hoping that the CETA funding would be cut down gradually and not as drastic at one time. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to schedule the Executive Board Meeting of September 24, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. to allow sufficient time to handle any business before the Town Meeting. MOTION CARRIED. There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ,/ Kathleen ~ourgoi~ Secretary