1979/08/20MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD August 20, 1979 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi at 7:30 P.M. Deputy Mayors Joseph P. Lanzoni and Robert A. Argazzi were present. Also present were: Richard R. Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings Board of Finance members Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche Jo Delaney, John F. Miller, Robert Dacey, Dr. John McIntosh; Sandy Dempsey, Secretary for the Board of Finance; Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Paul Burton, reporter Berlin Eagle; Pat Thibodeau, reporter-Hartford Courant; Gary Laskowski. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Minutes of August 14, 1979, as presented. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi asked if Mr. Argazzi had an opportunity to review the Youth Services Bureau Grant discussed at the meeting of August 14. Mr. Argazzi asked if Mr. Davis was back from vacation. Mayor Ragazzi stated yes, he came back today. Mr. Argazzi said he had no objection to the Grant. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. Lanzoni, it was voted to approve the Youth Services Bureau Grant application. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented a letter from Richard R. Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings, dated August 20, 1979, concerning the bid opening on August 16, 1979 for the Pick-up Truck, Maintenance Department. Mr. Russell and the Chief Mechanic recommend acceptance of the bid from Dworin Chevrolet as low bidder, in the amount of $4,786.00. Other bidders were: Morande Ford M & E Ford J. O'Keeffe Chev. LeBrun Sichler Ford Brainard Ford Wilcox-Rau $4,704.46 4,964.73 4,831.00 4,956.43 4,985.00 4,558.78 (does not meet specifications) (bid on 1980 but gave 1979 prices) Mr. Russell stated the representative from Wilcox-Rau said they bid on a 1980 Truck but gave 1979 prices. Mayor Ragazzi pointed out we would be stuck if the 1980 Truck came in higher. Mr. Argazzi asked how much they are going up. Mr. Russell replied we don't know; he contacted Wilcox-Rau and they could not tell him what the 1980 prices would be. On Motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to accept the bid from Dworin Chevrolet in the amount of $4,786.00, MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented a letter from Richard R, Russell, dated August 20, 1979, concerning the bid opening on August 16, 1979 for a Van Truck, Maintenance Department. Mr. Russell and the Chief Mechanic recommend acceptance of the bid from Brainard Ford as low bidder, in the amount of $5,495.00. Other bidders were: Morande Ford Wilcox-Rau M & E Ford Dworin Chev. Jack O'Keeffe $5,4,96.66 5,447.75 5,675.81 5,542.00 5,879.00 (does not meet specifications) (bid on 1980 but gave 1979 prices) Executive Board Minutes August 20, 1979 -2- Mr. Russell advised that Morande Ford speced a V-8 engine. On Motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to accept the bid from Brainard Ford in the amount of $5,495.00. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi reviewed a memo received from Mr. Russell dated July 31, 1979 and discussed at the Executive Board meeting of August 14, concerning the air conditioning system for the dispatcher's room and radio room in the Police Department. Mr. Russell is recommending an independent unit be installed at a cost of $3,800.00. Mayor Ragazzi advised he called Mr. Myers of Huntress Electronics who stated unless there is a prolonged period of time of 2-3 weeks of above 80" temperatures there is no affect on the equipment. Mayor Ragazzi said as long as it will not affect the equipment he would not look favorably on the request. It may be a little more uncomfortable downstairs due to the heat generated by the equipment but $3,800 at this time ..... I would recommend deferring it for at least one year. Mayor Ragazzi presented the Employee Termination Record of Leon Young and Donald Carlson for approval of the Executive Board. The termination pay amounts are as follows: Leon Young $456.39; Donald Carlson $289.77. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi it was voted to approve the above listed termination pays for processing. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented a Tax Rebate form submitted by Mr. Motyka requesting a rebate to Constance J. Shoplick in the amount of $8.94 which was paid by Ms. Shoplick due to a Motor Vehicle error. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. Lanzoni, it was voted to refund Constance J. Shoplick in the amount of $8.94 providing there are sufficient funds in this account. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi advised, with reference to the Senior Citizens Bus Service agreement which was accepted on August 6, 1979, it is necessary that a motion not to go out to bid be made. We are just extending the agree- ment. Mayor Ragazzi noted there is one bus involved and if we keep a close watch on it we will be able to stay within the budget. On a motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted that we not go out to bid on the Senior Citizens Bus Service for the 1979-80 fiscal year. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented a letter from Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer, dated August 17, 1979, enclosing an invoice from the State of Connecticut representing total costs for installing traffic lights at the Spruce Brook Industrial Park. According to Mr. Clinton, the account was closed out some time ago. The total project cost was $15,287.54 of which $13,400 was paid leaving a balance of $1,887.54. Mayor Ragazzi said he spoke to both Mr. Seelye and Mr. Clinton and Mr. Clinton reported he had talked to Mr. Seelye who advised him all the bills were in so they closed out the account, not knowing this bill was still outstanding. The bill was received August 8. Mr. Argazzi stated apparently the Town paid the $13,400 as part of the Spruce Brook Industrial Park. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi it was voted to request the Board of Finance to transfer $1,887.54 from the General Fund to cover this bill. Mayor Ragazzi presented a memo from Dominick Scerra, Treasurer, advising that at the bid opening on August 14, 1979 Colonial Bank was the low bidder at 5.21% for the Berlin Interceptor Bond Anticipation Notes Series D in the amount of $987,000. It was noted this is for the additional amount necessary for the Berlin Interceptor. Mr. Scerra appeared later Executive Board Minutes August 20, 1979 in the meeting with the thirty-five bonds for the Executive Board to sign. Other bidders were: .BANK' Conn. Bank & Trust Co. Hartford National Bank Hartford National Bank New Britain National Bank New Britain National Bank New Britain National Bank AMOUNT RATE $987,000. 5.39% 500,000. 5.27% 487,000. 5.38% 250,000. 5.37% 250,000. 5.46% 487,000. 5.59% PREMIUM $4.0O 4.00 2.41 While awaiting the appearance of the Finance Board, Mr. Argazzi asked if the Mayor was able to find anything about the air conditioning at the radio station in the High School. Mayor Ragazzi replied he is awaiting receipt of a memo from Mr. Milton Freeman. He advised that the air conditioning is not on just for the radio station; Jeffrey Wayne, Director of Media, works there all year long cataloging. Mr. Argazzi stated we should get the Board of Education's opinion concerning the telephone system discussed during the meeting of August 14, 1979. Mayor Ragazzi advised that Mr. Steven Vandrilla will discuss it with Mr. Freeman and they will take it up with the Board of Education. He has not received a reply as yet. Mr. Argazzi asked what has been done about the tire fire on Christian Lane. Mayor Ragazzi advised he asked Mr. Emil Carlson to contact D.E.P. to learn what control they have and what control we have and, if necessary, we will pass an ordinance or amend the Zoning Regulations to keep a fire lane open and to regulate the amount of tires stored there. He said he wants to find out where the delineation of authority lies. Mr. Argazzi said he doesn't think the Town is powerless if our Zoning Regu- lations are violated. D.E.P. never did anything about the tires stored there. He pointed out the soot traveled into surrounding towns. Mayor Ragazzi said the owners claim it was arson however it has not been proven. Mr. Argazzi said if they are allowed to store the tires, it is going to be a bigger and bigger dump. Mayor Ragazzi said they will not have as large a pile of tires as in the past; there will be a fire lane .... when I think of how hard the firemen had to work in that heat and the. three million gallons of water they had to dump ..... Mr. Argazzi said he would be most interested in the answer received from D.E.P. The Board of Finance entered the meeting for the purpose of discussing the land acquisition at Berlin High School. Mayor Ragazzi reported that he and Dr. McIntosh took a tour around the properties. He added, it was agreed at our last Executive Board meeting I would talk to the Einsteins. I did go down to see them, they made it clear that the price was from a Real Estate agent licensed to do business in the State. However, they are willing to negotiate for the property including the house if we desire. Regarding the separation damages, they made no offer and I made no offer. Dr. McIntosh said he spoke to Mr. Payanis and they have sold the house and he put up the other piece for $45,000 and~whoever comes up with the price can have it. Originally it was $35,000 for 2.5 acres without the house. Mayor Ragazzi said he spoke to State Representative Peter Rosso and State Senator William Curry to determine if there are any funds available to purchase any land. They advise the purchase of the land would not qualify for the grant program. If a project included the construction of a field house it could be eligible for the State grant for the construction and site costs only. We may be able to acquire the grounds for recreational purposes Mayor Ragazzi advised. It would be 50% Federally funded and 25% State funded; basicly the same as Executive Board Minutes August 20, 1979 -4- the Norman Cooley property and the Bicentennial Park. The grounds must be designated for open space. It cannot be used exclusively by the Board of Education. Mr. Clinton and Mr. Capodiece would do some work on this. The Land Acquisition Committee could work with Park & Recreation to see if we are eligible for this. We have to be careful that no prop- erty is acquired until the project is approved. Mr. Dacey said that program is made for something a lot different than what we are talking about. Mrs. Delaney added, if this were the case, all school departments would be looking for the same thing. Mayor Ragazzi advised that Mr. Capodiece contacted D.E.P. today and they feel that we would qualify for it. We should go after it. Mr. Argazzi said you couldn't close it off to the public. It is a matter of scheduling; it would be the same as Sage Park. Mayor Ragazzi pointed out the development of the land would be another grant. Mr. Dacey asked what the total cost is. Dr. McIntosh advised, for the two Klotz properties, the Horbal property and 100% for Einstein, the total is $130,000. Mr. Miller asked if we were talking about Neri and Volz properties. Dr. McIntosh said no; those two properties are not included. Mr. Miller felt we should have a representative here from the Board of Education. Mayor Ragazzi replied they were invited. The Board of Education should come up with priorities 1-2-3 so we can see what we can afford. Dr. McIntosh noted Mr~ Payanis upped the price on their land. It was asked if the Board of Education ever said five acres is too much. They said they would take whatever they can get. Mrs. Delaney said they should get what's available and it looks like less and less is available. Payanis was the only property they could count on; now we cannot count on it. Mayor Ragazzi advised, he talked to the Einsteins about a right of way; we could purchase a piece of property if we want to. Mrs. Delaney stated the land is $40,000 and the damages are $40,000. Mayor Ragazzi said they would be willing to negotiate the price. First we should make a determination to find out whether we qualify for the land acqui- sition from the State. Mr. Dacey asked how much land will they (the Board of Education) acquire. Mayor Ragazzi replied they should outline their priorities 1-2-3 and the amount of land necessary for the priorities. In the meantime, we should see if we qualify. Also, the Board of Education would have to agree it will be open to the public. It must be dedicated as open space forever and ever. Mr. Dacey asked how much would the development of the land cost. runs $100,000--it would be astronomical. If it Mr. Miller asked if we have a Statement of Need. Mr. Ward replied yes, but not a total number of acres to be acquired. Mr. Miller pointed out Executive Board Minutes August 20, 1979 -5- we don't know whether they can get utilization of the acreage. Mayor Ragazzi said he would write to the Board of Education. Mr. Dacey commented, personally, I am not thrilled with this; it is going to cost a great amount of money. Mayor Ragazzi replied, we will pursue the grants. Mr. Dacey asked how we can get around the restrictions. If it is open land, how do we keep it open. Mayor Ragazzi replied, it would be a matter of scheduling 'with the Park & Recreation Department. Mr. Dacey said if you have a track, you have to keep off it. Mr. Miller asked if improvements can be made on open space land. Mr. Argazzi noted the Golf Course is an example. Mr. Ward added, the only restriction was on the Bicentennial Park; no buildings. Mr. Miller asked who put the restriction on it. Mr. Ward replied, the Conservation Commission because of the acquifer. He added, I don't know what's going to come of this in so far as what would be the bare necessity. I'm not sure it can be put on 5% acres. Mrs. Delaney commented, I cannot see paying this kind of money for this; we need it so they put the price up. Mr. Ward replied, we are right back to...I don't like to use the word; someone added - condemnation. Mayor Ragazzi said there was an agreement we wouldn't use condemnation. It was an agreement on the shake of hands. Mr. Dacey asked if the price was uniform between all homeowners, Dr. McIntosh replied Horbal and Klotz are asking for $20,000 an acre and Einstein is asking $26,000 per acre. Mr. Dacey pointed out we talked about fencing and that is going to cost money. Mr. Ward added, proper screening and fencing have been mentioned. Once you get involved with D.E.P. they will want appraisals and if these appraisals are out of line then you pursue it further and it becomes a matter of State approved appraisals or cost of acquisition whichever is less. On the Bicentennial Park we were locked into it; some went to court through condemnation and some through negotiations. It can be turned down by the Commissioner; he can ask for another appraisal or bring someone in from the State to have it done. Once you begin then you are locked into it. We have put in $2,000 - $3,000 on options already. Mayor Ragazzi said it is better if we can pay 25%' rather than 100% if we qualify. Mr. Dacey said the development of the land is a separate grant; you have site preparation and facilities ...... Mr. Argazzi pointed out if there is no grant then it comes out of Town funds. I would rather give them the $12,000 for a sports program. Mayor Ragazzi advised the Board of Finance, he would be in touch'with them for another meeting as soon as he has some answers. There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Respectfull~ submitted, UActing Secretary ADDENDUM EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES August 20, 1979 TELEPHONE POLL: August 27, 1979, 10:30 a.m. On motion by Mr. LanZoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to accept the recommendation of Chief Mechanic Edward Haber, and award the contract for new tires and tubes to Firestone Stores of New Haven. Ail low bids on each tire size are shown on the attached sheets. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bourgoin Secretary (Firestone TOh~N OF BERLIN MAYOR' S OFFI CE BID I:OR NEW TIRES · Goodyear, General, U.S. Roy and B.F. Goodrich, or equivalent) All tires must be fresh stock· first line, 100 level or better, 78 series. Bias-belted construction.. 0 Passenger_ C-78-14 · C- 78-14 G-78-15 G-78-15 H~78-15 H- 78-15 L-78-15 L-78-15 G-78-15 H- 78-1S L-78-15 4 ply tubeless, reoul~ Trade ~ame .. .................... 4 ply tubeless, snow tread 4 ply tubeless_ re~ula~ 4 ply tubeless, snow tread Trade Name. . 4 ply tubeless., regular trea~ Trade Name ................... 4'ply ~ubeless, snow tread ~''' 4 ply tubeless, regular tread i 4 ply tubeless, snow tread Trade Name.. ' ......... . Radial Steel B lted T Trade Na.e.. ~ r Radial Steel Belted Tire Radial Steel Belted Tire Trade Name .... · .................... \ Full Buginess Nam~i__of Bidder -- O AddreSS Signature'and Title TOh~ OF BERLIN ]~¥OR'S OFFICE All 78 BID FOR NE~ TIRES (cont'd) (Firestone, Goodyear, General, U.S. Royal and F.B. Goodrich, or equivalent.) tires must be £resh stock, first line, 100 level or better, series. Bias-belted construction. 6.50-16- 6 ply Trade tube ty~e.,.regular tread Name ' 6=50-16 6 ply tube type, snow tread Trade Name 7.50-16 8 ply tube Trade Name 7.50-1'6 8.75-16-5 Truck 7.50-20 7.50-20 8.25-20 9.00-20 10.00-20 11.00-20 9.00-20 ,_.0.00-20 type. regular tread .d,~ /7/ ............ ,5 ~;~ 8 ply tube type, snow tread Trade Name ....................... 8 ply tube tubeless, regular trea~ Trade Name ....................... , 10 ply, regular tread Trade Name ....................... 10 ply', snow tread Trade Name ....................... 10 pYy, regular tread Trade Name ....................... 10 ply, regular tread '11 Trade Name ............... 12 ply. regular tre~ ! ~ ~._~.,. Trade Name ................. I Trade Name. · lO ply, on o££ the road 7~e trea Trade Name ............ ',~i 12 ply on ~.o££ the road type trea~. Trade Name ....................... ~. ~.~ TOt~N OF BERLIN ~tAYOR~ S OFFICE' BID FOR NE~ TIRES (Cont*d) (Firestone, Goodyear~ General, U.S. Royal, and B.F. Goodrich, or equiYalent.) Truck 11.00-20 15-22.5 11.00-22 11.00-22 12 ply on ~ off the road type tread Trade Name ................... 4 1 ply regular tread Trade Name ................................... 12 ply regular tread Trade Name ...... 12 ply on ~ off the r.oad type tread Trade Name FUli Business b£ Bidd'er Address Signature and T~tle TOWN OF BERLIN MAYOR'S OFFICE BID FOR NEI~ TUBES All tubes must be heavy duty, ;long stem 6.50-16 7.S0-16 7.S0-16 8.25-20 9.00-20 10.00-20 11.00-20 Trade Name .......... Trade Trade Name ............ Trade Name. ................. · raa~ ~e ........... FUll B~'siness Name of B'~dae'r Address S'ignature and" Titl'e O