1979/05/07 MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD May 7, 1979 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi at 7:50 p.m. Deputy Mayors Joseph P. Lanzoni and Robert A. Argazzi (8:15 p.m.) were ~present. Also present were: Commission for the Aging members Leland Rich, Charles Graham and Joseph Murphy; Florence Barrell, Senior Director; James Capodiece, Director of Park and Recreation; Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer; Joseph Paskiewicz, Deputy Director of Public Works; John Heenehan representing the Hartford Courant; and Ralph Cobuzzi. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mayor Ragazzi, it was voted to approve the minutes o£ April 25, 1979 as presented. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mayor Ragazzi, it was voted to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the vacancy in the Upson House. MOTION CARRIED. (7:40 p.m.). On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mayor Ragazzi, it was voted to come out of Executive Session at 7:55 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. ACTION TAKEN IN EXECUTIVE SESSION ~On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mayor Ragazzi, it was voted to ' accept the recommendation of the Commission for the Aging and approve the Lee Soucey family for the vacant apartment in the Upson House. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Seelye was present to discuss the Savage Hill Pump Station. He reported that $15,000 has already been allocated for the construction of a pump station to alleviate the water pressure problem on Savage Hill. Mr. Seelye explained that he was going to put the total project out to bid to different manufacturers and suppliers to try and put the thing together using components we (the Engineering Department) know work. He reported that most of the items will be put out to bid, but is requesting that the electrical components not be put out to bid. Mr. Seelye stated that he feels it would be in the best interest of the Town if he is allowed to negotiate prices for the complex electrical components needed. He reported that some of the specialized equipment is only available from one supplier. Mayor Ragazzi asked if a price comparison can be accomplished. Mr. Seelye reported that on some items this could not be accomplished, as there is only one supplier. Mayor Ragazzi asked if Mr. Seelye feels this will be less expensive and of ~-hthe best quality. Mr. Seelye replied that it will definitely be of top quality. Mayor Ragazzi then asked if Mr. Seelye will be able to stay within the allocated budget. Mr. Seelye replied definitely. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mayor Ragazzi, it was voted to i/~accept the recommendation of Mr. Seelye as long as the budget is not · exceeded. MOTION CARRIED. Executive Board Mintues S/7/79 Mr. Paskiewicz was present to discuss the Refuse Disposal Contract for the 1979/80 Fiscal Year. (see attached) The overall increase is 6.5% over last year. The total cost of the Sanitation and Leaf Collection, Account #722, is itemized as follows: Item A (1) $ 4,690.20 Item A (2) 81,972.00 Item B 2,910.60 Est. Fuel Account #722 This cost reflects a 6.5% increase and an additional 96 units. total fuel allotment is 25,800 gallons. The The City of Hartford has increased their tonnage charge from $5.50 per ton in the 1978/79 fiscal year to $7.00 per ton for the 1979/80 fiscal year. Albreada's cost for hauling refuse to Hartford has increased by 6.5%, from 55¢ per ton to 57¢ per ton. Therefore, the Refuse Disposal Account #720, is itemized as follows: Hartford -$7.00 x 7800 estimated tons - $54,600.00 Item C - Albreada, $4.44 x 7800 estimated tons - 34,652.00 Account #720 '$89,232 00 Mr. Paskiewicz reported that the Extension of the Contract for the ~f-~Fiscal Year 1979/80 has been reviewed by Attorney Jackaway and approved for accuracy. Mayor Ragazzi stated that there have been very few complaints from anyone concerning the service of Albreada. Mr. Paskiewicz stated that the service has been excellent in the past. Mr. Lanzoni stated that he was in complete agreement. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mayor Ragazzi, it was voted to extend the contract of Albreada for a period of one year from July 1, 1979 to June 50, 1980, with the above listed increases, and with the provision that we will supply the gasoline. It was also voted to accept the increase proposed by Albreada for hauling refuse to Hartford for dumping. It was deemed in the best interest of the Town to extend this contract with the increases rather than bid it out in that the proposal is reasonable and the service of Albreada has been excellent in the past. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Capodiece then presented the listing of the individuals that the Park and Recreation Commission is recommending to fill the sUmmer jobs. He reported that the same process that was utilized in the past was again used. He stated that they are looking for people with qualifications. The more qualified they are, the more interested the Commission is in hiring. Everyone interested was asked to fill out a written application. Each individual was then interviewed, with the exception of those previously employed, and have done good jobs. Each person was then rated. Experience, age, and previous summer work was taken into consideration (See attached list of individuals) . · . Mr Capodiece reported that upon approval of the Executive Board, these individuals will be notified and given until June 1 to either accept or refuse the positions. The alternates on the list will then be progressed as they appear to fill a refused position. The Park and Recreation Executive Board Meeting 5/7/79 -3- hires people that are going to college or high school. He reported that in the areas of directors which require more responsibility, they do not necessarily have to be going to college. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to ~ 'approve the recommendation of the Park and Recreation Commission and hire the individuals listed on the attached sheet. 'MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Clinton, Finance Director, presented Amendment #9 of the Pension Contract. He pointed out the changes that were made. He noted that the amendments were reviewed by Attorney Jackaway. Mr. Argazzi asked if this amendment was suggested by Connecticut General. Mr. Clinton replied yes, and that this is what we(the Town) wanted in order to allow the people to buy back. Mayor Ragazzi stated that there is presently a grievance pending. Mr. Clinton replied yes. Mr. Argazzi asked why Item I was needed. Mr. Clinton replied that it was not actually needed, but felt it should be addressed because this is the problem most people had with the Plan. The people submitting a grievance are.grieving Item I. Mr. Argazzi asked what happens from 1972 to the present time. Mr. Clinton replied that the people that are grieving bought in within the first six months of the option. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve Amendment #9 of the Pension Contract. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Clinton presented a proposed "Employee Termination Record" that ~'~he prepared. He reported that at present the person is treated as an employee from the time he starts working to the day that he is last phid, Ne reported that he would like a formalizedrecord which is signed off by the Personnel Director and would be approved by the Executive Board. It will help eliminate any problems. Mayor Ragazzi commented that no one will be paid until the Executive Board approves it. Mr. Argazzi stated that he wishes we (the Town)had this before. Mayor Ragazzi stated that it is alleviating a lot of problems. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Employee Termination Record as prepared by Mr. Clinton. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Clinton then reported on the status of Sage Park. He explained that a motion from the Executive Board is needed to accept the Sage Park so that the package can he completed. Park and Recreation has indicated that everything is in order. Mr. Clinton reported that Mr. Landry had indicated that everything was in order. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to accept Sage Park as completed, upon the return of a letter to be sent ~'~to the Architect for his signature, stating that the work has been totally completed. MOTION CARRIED. Executive Board Minutes s/?/?9 Mr. Clinton reported that according to a new Federal Law, all employees are required to be covered'for maternity benefits. This has to be covered either by the Town or by CMS and Blue Shield, under the semi- private plan. He presented a form from CMS and Blue Shield that is to be completed and returned to them. They will then put the maternity- benefits in effect retroactive to April 30, 1979. The Town will not be charged until July 1, 1979. Total cost will be $3.S2 per month per individual, a little over $40.00 per year per individual. This totals approximately $4,000 per year cost for the Town. Mr. Argazzi asked if our insurance benefits are contributory. Mr. Clinton stated that the only insurance paid by the employees is Major Medical for dependents. Mr. Argazzi asked if the new rider had to be put on all employees, even if they are over child bearing age. Mr. Clinton yes. Mr. Clinton reported that the Town is not set up to be able to provide the coverage direct. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. Lanzoni, it was voted to sign the form to allow CMS and Blue Shield to provide maternity coverage to Town employees. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the Budget Request of the Design Review Committee in the amount of $50.00 to Account #175. Mrs. Macfarlane, in the attached letter, reported that these funds are necessary for the Committee to run thru June 30, 1979. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of the f-~Design Review Committee in the amount of $50.00 to Account #175. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented Mr. Clifford A. Landry's letter of resignation dated April 50, 1979, which follows: "Please accept my resignation from the position of Administrative Project Director and other assigned duties as of the close of business on Thursday, May 3, 1979. As you are aware, I have accepted a position with the Department of Transportation, State of Connecticut. As soon as I have established myself, I will inform you of how I may be contacted so that I might assist you during the transition period. Best wishes for the future. It has been challenging and enjoyable working for you and the Town of Berlin." On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to accept the resignation of Mr. Landry with deep regret. MOTION CARRIED. ~Motion was made by Mayor Ragazzi, and seconded by Mr. Lanzoni, to appoint Gary M. Laskowski to fill the vacancy of Nicholas DiMaggio on the Berlin Board of Police Commissioners. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Cobuzzi asked permission to address the Executive Board. He stated that he had hoped Mr. Laskowski would be present so that he could show him his support. He apologized to the Mayor for earlier remarks. Mayor Ragazzi told Mr. Cobuzzi that he is sure Mr. Laskowski would appreciate hearing from Mr. CobUzzi. Mr. Cobuzzi then left the meeting. Executive Board Minutes 5/7/79 -5- Mayor Ragazzi then presented the names of Mr, Nunzio Rosso for reappoint- ment to the Central Connecticut Regional Planning Agency, and Miss Carol Gandolfo for appointment to the Agency, to fill the unexpired term of Miss Kelly O'Reilly who resigned. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. Lanzoni, it was voted to reappoint Mr. Rosso and to appoint Miss Gandolfo to the Central Connecticut Regional Planning Agency and to bring the appointments before the Annual Town Meeting. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi reported that a letter was received from Mr. George Lubin, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission, stating that they are in complete agreement with the recommendation of Mr. Martin, President of the Berlin Savings Bank, in naming the park at the intersection of Main Street and Kensington Road in honor of Mr. Henry C. Deming. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to name the park at the intersection of Main Street and Kensington Road, Kensington, Connecticut, in honor of Mr. Henry C. Deming in recognition of his many years of service to the Town of Berlin. The park will be known as Deming Park. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi read the April 20, 1979 letter from Mr. Edward O. Gaffney of 44 Canterbury Road, Berlin. Mr. Gaffney is requesting permission to put up a basketball hoop in front of his house at the end of a cul-de-sac. Mayor Ragazzi reported that Attorney Jackaway has reviewed this and has prepared a waiver that could be signed by the participant '~ ~ or parent/guardian alleviating the Town of any liability in case of injury. Attorney Jackaway did not feel there would be a problem. Question was raised as to whether ::or not permission has to be received from the Zoning Board. Mayor Ragazzi is to check into this. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to allow Mr. Gaffney to install the basketball hoop providing that all participants sign a waiver relieving the Town of any responsibility and return the signed copies to the Town. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented a copy of the legal notice placed in the papers for the sale of the Town property on Stockings Brook Road. This was for informational purposes only. Mayor Ragazzi reported that Mrs. Carolyn Criniti has resigned the position of Clerk in the Assessor's Office, and requested that a Notice of Position Opening be posted to fill the vacancy. Mayor Ragazzi explained that Mrs. Criniti came into the Mayor's Office on 4/30/79 and she stated that she just could not stay. He asked her to stay because there was a possibility of there being an opening that she would qualify for tin another Department). He told her he would try to do something for her in any other way. Mr. Landry brought her a pink slip at her home. Mayor Ragazzi stated that he did every~in~he c0uld possibly do to assist Mrs. Criniti. She had just gotten to the point that she did not want to stay any longer. Mr. Argazzi stated that he feels it ~-~ would have been better to give her the position in the Building Department. He felt that Mrs. Lindgren could have been put in the Assessor's Office. Mayor Ragazzi stated that he took the recommendation of the Department Head (in filling the position in the Building Department). Mrs. Lindgren Executive Beard Minutes ,5/7/79 -6- was the preference of the Department Head. Mayor Ragazzi stated that ~s how the decision was made. Mr. Argazzi asked what Mrs. Lindgren xs presently doing with the Board of Finance. Mayor Ragazzi replied that her intentions are to terminate with them after the Budget Meeting. ..She said that she has discussed this with Mr. Ward. Mr. Argazzi stated that he thinks it is unfortunate that Mrs. Criniti left. Mayor Ragazzi stated that Mrs. Criniti is a very capable person. If she would like to apply for a future position, we would give her every consideration. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to authorize the posting of a Notice of Position Opening for a Clerk in the Assessors Office, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mrs. Criniti. The position will pay $3.76 per hour. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi reported on the Welfare fraud that has been occurring. He stated that due to the efficiency of Mrs. Bourgoin in handling the Welfare Roll, she has managed to have two arrests made on fraud. Mrs. Bourgoin then explained that both individuals involved gave false addresses. ~hen it became apparant that the addresses could not be verified the Police were called in to investigate. Both persons were placed under arrest. One person pleaded guilty in court and the other did sign a confession, but has not yet gone to court. Mayor Ragazzi presented the following names to be presented at the cAnnual Town Meeting for appointment to the Berlin Public Health Nursing Service Board of Directors: (Mrs.) Sally J. Friedland (Mrs.) Cordelia K. Johnson (Mrs.) Margaret N. Moorad (Mrs.) Ella F. Perkins {Mr.) Donald F. Hubert On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to accept the above listed names for appointment, upon ratification at the Annual Town Meeting. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to add the following items to the call of the Annual Town Meeting to be held May IS, 1979: 1. To elect five members to the Board of Directors of the Berlin Public Health Nursing Service. Z. To prOvide by resolution for the appointment of a representative to the Central Connecticut Regional Authority for a three-year term, which term expires in 1RS1. 5. To provide by resolution for the appeintment of a representative to fill an unexpired term to the Central Connecticut Regional Authority, which term expires in 1980. ' MOTION CARRIED. Executive Board Minutes 5/7/79 Mr. Argazzi asked if the budget would be going to Referendum. Mayor Ragazzi stated that Mr. Doran indicated that he is going to present petitions to the Town Clerk to bring the budget to Referendum. Mr. Argazzi stated that he feels it is a good idea to see how the people ..feel about the tax increase. Mayor Ragazzi stated that he feels it is a good budget even with the additional items, as it is a 1.74 increase. If it goes to referendum, he feels in his own mind that it will pass. Mr. Argazzi stated that he is not so sure. Mr. Argazzi asked for a review of the Albreada Contract as he was not yet present when the Contract was voted on. The Contract was again reviewed. Mayor Ragazzi explained that it works out with a 6 1/2% increase over last year's contract. Mr. Argazzi stated that it is not a substantial increase and that Albreada does a good job. Mayor Ragazzi stated that they have provided good service. Mr. Lanzoni asked if the Town receives many complaints. Mayor Ragazzi replied no. Mr. Argazzi reported that Dick Benson indicated to him that he had spoken to Mayor Ragazzi about another Federal program for the bridge (Pasco Hill - Berlin Street Bridge ). Mayor Ragazzi stated that the fund will not be available until October; DOT is still trying to free up our funds. Me are still checking into a temporary bridge. If the funds are forthcoming, we may not need a temporary bridge. Mr. Argazzi requested that the Executive Board Meetings scheduled thru the Little League Season be scheduled for 8:00 p.m. as he is a Coach for a team. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr Lanzoni, it was voted to schedule the Executive Board Meetings for 8:00 p.m. thru the month of June, 1979. MO'TI'ON 'C~RRIED. There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting'adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bourgoin Secretary EXTENSION OF CONTRACT In consideration of the mutual covenants expressed therein, the contract between Albreada Refuse, Inc., a Connecticut Corporation of Torrington, Connecticut, acting therein by Donald Albreada, duly authorized, and the Town of Berlin dated June 6, 1975 which was extended three times for periods of (1) one year from July 1', 1976 to June 30, 1977, July 1, 1977 to June 30, 1978 and July 1, 1978 to June 30, 1979 is hereby again extended for a period of (1) one year from July 1, 1979 to June 30, 1980 on all of the same terms and conditions as are set forth in the base contract, which conditions are made part of this extension as if fully set forth herein, excepting that the Town will supply fuel as stated in Alternate #2 of proposal dated June 27, 1978, units collected shall be 4950 with one update of units on January 1, 1980 and the prices bid for Items (A),'(B), and (C) of the Contract Proposal and the three previous extensions shall be as follows: Item A (1) Ail schools, Town Hall, Park & Recreation garage and three dumpsters at the recylcing center $390.85 per month and for each additional dumpster requested by the Town there shall be an extra charge of $25.00 per month. Item A (2) Item B Item C $1.38 per unit per month .049 per unit per month .35 per ton mile. 12 mile maximum Note: A maximum of 25,800 gallons of fuel will be supplied by the Town. Dated at Berlin, Connecticut, this In the presence of: day of 1979. Albreada Refuse Inc. By Duly Authorized By Town of Berlin O NAMES PLAYGROUND PERSONNEL 1979 ADDRESS TEL.# DIRECTOR: Diane Paris FEMALE SUPERVISORS: 2. 3. 4. ') 5. 6. 7. 8. Laurie Medvec Judith Karp Susan Manzo Patricia Gaffney Sally Martinelli MaryBeth Lang Donna Lubin Karen Brester MALE SUPERVISORS: 1. Michael McCann 2. Clay Kirsch 3. Ste ~n Bonaiuto 4. David Farrell 5. Paul Briganti 6. Scott Parsons 7. Scott Reed 8. Frank Sataline SPECIALISTS: 1. Angelo Tamburro, MUSIC 98 Sterling Dr. Kens. 718 High Road, Kens 236 Christian Lane 34 Harding St. 41 Kenton St. 689 Demi ng Rd. 145 Stockings Brk Rd. 50 Westview Ter. 80 Sterling Dr. 30 Tanglewood Ct. 64 Madison Dr. 1452 Farmington Ave. 550 Lower Lane 85 Hickory Hill Rd. 30 Woodruff Circle 73 Sterling Dr. 78 Galpin Lane 490 Lower Lane 828-5170 8-6019 8-3025 8-9855 8-5559 8-5856 8-4373 8-6442 8-0638 8-6180 8-5815, 8-0074 8-9918 225-7104 8-3666 8-5326 8-4218 8-4392 2. Carolyn Conti, Arts 233 Dayl Dr. 224-0084 NAMES DIRECTOR: Lynn Kropf ASST. DIRECTORS: Todd Marble, Percival Karen Ward, East Berlin Denise Magnoli, Memorial HEAD GUARDS: Nancy Baccaro, Percival Wendy Jedd, East Berlin Roger Austin, Memorial LIFEGUARDS: 1. Eric Nielsen 2. Fred Criniti 3. Elizabeth White 4. Marilee Kern 5. Constance Jones 6. Edward Klotz 7. Raymond Revoir 8. Suzanne Jorsey g. Mark Kiniry 10. Andrea Hart 11. Patricia Pigott 12. Susanne Marzi 13, Walter Murdock 14. Kent Collins 15. Hope Klein 16. Michael Miller POOL PERSONNEL 1979 ADDRESS TEL~ 48 Everett St. 828-6245 1343 High Road 43 Oak Ridge Dr. 1232 Farmington Ave 8-4235 8-4544 8-6791 208 Edgewood Road 2346 Chamberlain Hwy 36 Glenbrook Road 8-5469 8-6494 8-95/9 1363 Kensington Rd. 29 Sbona Road 112 Simms Rd 7 Rockledge Ct. 496 Edgewood Rd. 380 Lower Lane 75 Lawndale St. 33 Main St. 35 Harvest Hill 148 Hartland Ter. 53 Glendale Ave. 178 Butternut Lane 255 Lincoln St, 32 Cedarwood 136 Oakridge Dr. 200 Crater Lane 8-5665 8-4490 229-2133 8-5268 8-4325 8-5369 8-5425 8-9919 8-3780 8-3034 8-6690 223-8912 223-8524 225-3025 8-3973 8-5828 1979--- PERSONNEL -- Pool continued NAMES ADDRESS #2 TEL.# LIFEGUARDS: 17. Julie Maloney 18. Jill Sunshine 19 Debra Bandzes 20 Elaine Wetmore POOL MAINTENANCE: !. William Yukna 2. Jeffrey Vibert Copper Beech Ct. 87 Mildrum Road 774 High Rd. 1210 Kensington Rd. 84 Boyer St. 95 Main St. E.B. 8-0784 828-6049 8-6797 8-0122 8-6227 8-3162 POOL ATTENDANTS: 1. Marc Criniti 2. Kevin Sargis 3. Matt Odishoo 4. Bruce Westman 5. Doreen Naples 6. Martha Ba~caro ?. Beth Kucharczyk 8. Karen E. Kelleher Smoky Hill Road 716 Lower Lane 37 Garden Drive 74 Sterling Dr. 98 Winesap Rd. 198 Edgewood Rd. 66 Overhill Dr. 126 Robindale Dr. 8-0836 8- 6607 8-6607 8-4355 8-4632 8-4443 '8-3650 8-0668 ADDENDUM EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES May 7, 1979 f'N TELEPHONE POLL: May 1S, 1979, 4:00 p.m. On motion by Mayor Ragazzi, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to set the date of May 23, 1979 for the Budget Referendum. MOTION CARRIED. TELEPHONE POLL: May 16, 1979, 9:12 a.m. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of Mayor Ragazzi in the amount of $1,969.00 to Account #101, Mayor's Salary, and to submit to the Board of Finance for their approval. MOTION'CARRIED. TELEPHONE POLL: May 17, 1979, 12:55 a.m. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. Lanzoni, it was voted to accept the recommendation of the Park and Recreation Commission and hire Mr. Laurent J. Fournier of 92 Cottage St., East Berlin, to fill the position of Ranger at the Golf Course. MOTION 'CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to submit a letter to the Board of Finance requesting reconsideration be given to allocate $2S0.00 to the Housing Authority for Secretarial Services. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Secretary'