1979/04/02PUBLIC HEARING EXECUTIVE BOARD April 2, 1979 The Public Hearing on the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund was called to order by Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi at 7:50 p.m. Deputy Mayor Robert A. Argazzi and Deputy Mayor Joseph P. Lanzoni were present. Also present were: Attorney Jackaway and seven townspeople. Mayor Ragazzi presented a listing of proposed capital item purchases planned for the Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. He explained that most of the vehicles that are being replaced are 1971 and older and the cost of keeping ~ese vehicles on the road has been excessive. Mr. Gary Laskowski asked what the total amount of estimated funds amounts to. Mayor Ragazzi replied $560,000. Mr. Argazzi asked if there is any possibility that these funds be put against the tax rate, seeing that our tax rate is going to be high. Mayor Ragazzi replied that this is something that he is sure will be considered by the Board of Finance. Mrs. Delaney, a member of the Board of Finance, reported that the Board had taken this into consideration, but felt it would not be in the best interest of the Town to subsidize the operating budget. The Board of Finance feels it should be used for capital items only. There being no further business to come before the Public Hearing, it was adourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bourgoin Secretary MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD April 2, 1979 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Orlando P. Ragazzi at 7:00 p.m. Deputy Mayor Robert A. Argazzi and Joseph P. Lanzoni were in attendance, On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, the minutes of March 19, 1979 were approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, the minutes of March 26, 1979 were approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the Budget Request of Morgan Seelye in the amount of $1500 for the Department of Public Works Overtime Account. He explained that Mr. Seelye previously requested $5500 to this account, and tLe Board of Finance only allocated $2000 at that time. This account was depleted on March $, 1979. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to refer the Budget Request of Mr. Seelye to the Board of Finance. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the report on the meeting held with Cahn Engineers on March 25, 1979. Mayor Ragazzi reported that the Contractor for the Belcher Brook Interceptor was in Town Hall today but had not shed any more light on the problem. Mr. Argazzi asked how much more they are looking for. Mayor Ragazzi reported that they have not come out with an exact figure, but it is somewhere between $550,000 and $400,000. He stated that if we don't pay them the job shuts down. They don't have any money. They are getting together with the Federal people, DEP and Cahn Engineers. Mayor Ragazzi stated that he is going to attend the meeting also. Mr. Argazzi asked if it is:' Cahn Engineers or the Contractor that needs the money. Mayor Ragazzi stated that it is the Contractor. They lost 40 feet of pipe due to it falling 9". Apparantly this is a system that they used nation wide. They have to dewater it every 50 to 75 feet. They put the sheathing over the water level, lay the pipe and back fill before the water gets back into the trench. They claim it stabelizes the soil. They said it is the most expensive sewer system they ever put in. Mr. Argazzi asked how the matter was left. Mayor Ragazzi stated that he is going to meet with the soil people. Cahn Engineers will then 'come back with a cost factor. It will go to the Board of Finance and if they approve it it will have to go to Town Meeting. With the time frame what it is, it will have to go to the Annual Town Meeting. Executive Board Minutes 4/2/79 Mr. Argazzi asked if the contract was open ended. Mayor Ragazzi replied that it is not, but it is now on a cost plus basis. They come up with a figure and if there are any changes you have to pay for it. Mr. Argazzi asked if the Town was precluded from going on a fixed price. Mayor Ragazzi replied that from what he understands no Con- tractor would accept it on a fixed price. It is a standard contract drawn up for this type of project and approved by Federal and State. Attorney Jackaway then entered the meeting. Mr. Argazzi then asked Atty. Jackaway if the contract is strictly cost plus with the Contractor. Atty. Jackaway replied that they have a contract but they have a provision for emergency or unforseen things that happen. What we were concerned with was the first time around we understood the soil condition. The test borings revealed stable soil yet when they took out fifteen feet of earth it suddenly turned to jelly. Test borings is the approved method. He stated that the thing that bothered them was when they came back the first time we asked some hard questions and were assured that the extra money was going to take care of everything. I was thinking in my own mind that whatever the amount was we gave them it was going to take care of it. He stated that they reviewed the contract intensely at that time. He stated that he told Cahn Engineers that they might stand in a different position at this time. Attorney Jackaway stated that he is not prepared to make any recommendations or judgements yet. He explained that he has to talk with Morgan Seelye, but he thinks it is different the second time around. Based on their (Cahn Engineers) recommendation, the towns- people approved the money. Suddenly it is not enough money and it makes everyone look foolish. He stated that this is what the Town hired an Engineer for. Mayor Ragazzi then presented a letter from United Cable Television Corporation of Connecticut dated March 29, 1979. The letter states that they will start work on the installation of Cable TV June 1, 1979 and the project will not be completed until the end of this calendar year. He reported that they do not plan installation south of Spruce Brook Road or south of Norton Road, because it won't be economically feasible. Mayor Ragazzi also reported that United Cable Television Corporation has not received approval from their Board of Directors, but they report they see no reason why it won't be approved. It was noted that anyone with underground utilities will not be able to receive Cable TV. Mr. Argazzi asked if there has been a reply from the Board of Finance on the projected mill rate for the 1979/80 fiscal year. Mayor Ragazzi reported that the Board of Finance did not meet Thursday. Mr. Argazzi asked if the letter was sent to the Board of Finance by the Mayor. Mayor Ragazzi stated that a letter was sent the following day (3/27/79). Attorney Jackaway reported on the Union Negotiations now in progress. He stated that the second meeting was held this date. He stated that the union presented a whole package of demands. Some of the more Executive Board Minutes 4/2/79 -5- interesting ones were: An agency shop where everyone who does not belong to the Union would be required to pay a fee equal to that of Union dues. He stated that the feeling is that everyone is benefiting from the Union but not all are paying Union dues. He stated that Management is not prepared to grant this at this time. _There is no statute to prohibit or to permit this. Attorney Jackaway stated that the Union is looking for a two year contract instead of a three year contract with a 75~ hourly increase across the board each year. They are also looking for a longevity payment after five years (the first payment). An increase in CMS and Blue Cross coverage along with a Dental Plan and an Eyeglass Plan is also desired. They are also demanding extended vacations, two additional holidays, life insurance for retired employees, sick leave, funeral leave, time off in lieu of sick leave. He stated that right now Management is saying no to everything. Mr. Argazzi asked if Management has put in an offer. Attorney Jackaway replied that Management is having a meeting where they will determine what they want to offer the Union. He explained that before negotiations began, the Mayor met with all the Department Heads to see what their problems were. They reported no problems with their employees. He reported that there have been no Union Grievances that have hit his office. Attorney Jackaway stated that he does not know if negotiations will be completed before June. Mayor Ragazzi stated that he is hoping that they will. Atty. Jackaway stated that this union usually wrapps it up in three or four meetings. He stated that once these negotiations are ended, Management has to negotiate with the Clerical Union. It was general consensus to hold the next Executive Board Meeting on April 16, 1979 at 7:50 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:2S p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bourgo'in Secretary