1979/03/19MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD March 19, 1979 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Orlando ?. Ragazzi at 7:00 p.m. Deputy Mayor Robert A. Argazzi was present. Deputy Mayor Joseph P. Lanzoni was absent. Also present were: Salary Study Committee Members Clifford A. Landry, Jr., Morgan Seelye; Board of Finance Members Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Robert Dacey, Blanche Delaney, Joseph Bernardi; Dominic Scerra, Treasurer for the Town of Berlin; Judith Lindgren, Secretary to the Board of Finance; John Heenehan representing the Courant; Edward E. Fishman and Sally Barlow from Pension Investment Corporation. Personell Study Committee. Mr. Landry reported that the latest information on the grant is that it will probably be forthcoming in the next three weeks. While awaiting the grant, the Committee has been discussing compensating time and overtime. They have also reviewed the Salary Study that'was completed last year. Mr. Landry reported that the Committee is unable to address themselves to specific issues until they are in receipt of the final report from CCM. Mr. Argazzi asked if the Committee anticipates having a final report completed for inclusion in this year's budget. Mr. Landry answered that for the current budget process, no, but hopefully a set aside with this budget. Mr. Clinton reported that the study will take approximately six weeks to complete after the receipt of the grant. The information will not be ready for the Annual Town Meeting in May. He reported that there is a set aside by the Board of Finance for both the completion of the Union negotiations and salaries. Mr. Argazzi stated that this is going to make the whole budget difficult and we should go with the steps we have now and wait until next year (for implementation). Mr. Clinton stated that there is really nothing this year. The salary steps have been shot full of holes. There are people in between steps and there has been discussion that elected officials should not be included. Mr. Clinton stated that he feels it would be better to go with a set aside and come in with something more realistic for addressing the problems for next year. He stated that he feels the results of the salary study can be implemented on the first of July, 1979. He stated that if the numbers are too large, they will have to be phased in over a two year period. Mr. Landry stated that this problem is not a new problem. Currently the town is addressing itself to two union negotiations. The contracts are retroactive to July 1. He feels whether the dollars are small or large it would be best to bring the salary schedule into focus. Mr. Argazzi stated that he feels it would be a difficult job for the Board of Finance to determine what to set aside. Mr. Clinton reported that a lump sum has already been set aside and that he would be happy to discuss this with Mr. Argazzi at a later time. Mr. Argazzi stated that in view of the time schedule, due to no one's fault because of the grant, it would make since to shoot for the next budget instead of this current budget. ~ Mr. Landry stated that the Committee will work in a timely fashion and submit the figures as soon as they are completed, before July 1, 1979. What the Executive Board does with the figures, they will have to decide. Executive Board Minutes 5/19/79 Mr. Heenehan asked if all the salaries in the budget will be blank at the time of the Annual Town Meeting. Mr. Clinton replied yes, with the exception of the Police. He commented that there were similar circumstances with the Board of Education budget in the past. Mr. Seelye asked about the setting up of a Code of Conduct for Elected Officials. Mr. Landry stated that it would not be part of the overall plan of the Committee. Mr. Seelye stated that it is the feeling of the Committee that the Elected Officials should set up their own policies. Mr. Argazzi stated that he feels the Finance Board and the Executive Board should work out the policies for Elected Officials. Mayor Ragazzi stated that it is up to the Executive Board to set the policies, but that the Committee can come in with a recemmendation if they want to. The Salary Study Committee then left the meeting. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mayor Ragazzi, it was voted to approve the minutes of March 12, 1979 as presented. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mayor Ragazzi, it was voted to approve the Budget Request of Chief Scalora in the amount of $500.00 to Account #1806, Education. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi presented the schedule for Monday evening, April 2, 1979. Scheduled are: Executive Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor's Office; Public Hearing on Federal Revenue Sharing Fund, 7:50 p.m. in the Public Meeting Room; Town Meeting, 8:00 p.m. in the Public Meeting Room. Mayor Ragazzi presented a letter from the Board of Finance, requesting that the following resolution be presented at the Annual Town Meeting.: To authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $180,000.00 through the issuance of bonds and notes for the reconstruction of Norton Road. Mayor Ragazzi stated that before the Executive Board goes ahead with this expenditure, along with the monies for the Pasco Hill Bridge, he would like to put this off until the Tax Rate is known for the 1979/1980 Fiscal Year and how this expenditure will affect the Tax Rate. Mr. Argazzi was in agreement. On motion by Mayor Ragazzi, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to appoint Judith M. Lindgren to the position of Senior Clerk in the Building Department effective March 26, 1979. Mrs. Lindgren is replacing Florence Murphy who is retiring in April. MOTION CA'RRIED. Mayor Ragazzi reported that Mr. Bolles of the Housing Authority has in- dicated that he is willing to continue serving, but feels a five year term would be too long. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mayor Ragazzi, it was voted to rescind the resignation of Mr. Bolles and to reappoint him to a five year term on the Housing Authority. Term of office to expire 5/51/84. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Ragazzi is to write to Mr. Bolles, explaining that' the Executive Board will fully understand if he does not wish to complete this term. C Mr. Fishman and Ms. Barlow, along with the Board of Finance members, · entered the meeting. DISCUSSION - Mr. Clinton explained that the Town contracted with Mr. Fishman to do a study on the Town's Pension Plan. Executive Board Minutes 5/19/79 -5- Mr. Fishman presented a report on the Town of Berlin Pension Plan dated March 1979 and prepared by Pension Investment Corporation. He requested that everyone present read the report and then ask any questions they might have. Mr. Ward asked Mr. Fishman if they are recommending that the Town continue the Pension Plan with Connecticut General. Mr. Fishman replied yes, that the town could not get out of CG with all of its money. 5% of the total portfolio could be lost along with the $400,000 reserve fund. Mr. Fishman reported that he has written CG and asked if they would change the contract, which they agreed to do. There would be no commission involved. ~r. Fishman stated that with a change of contract, the pension could earn very close to 9% of its money. He stated that this Pension Plan has to be negotiated with Connecticut General. They are in the business to make money and you are in the business to hold down expenses. Mr. Dacey asked where the town would draw its expertise from in negotiations. Mr. Fishman replied that there are two or three actuarial firms, including his own, that could handle this. He stated that the administration of the Pension Plan should be someone other than the holder of the Pension Plan so that you are certain that the best interest of the town would be looked after. Mr. Dacey asked Mr. Fishman if h~s firm was hired, how often they would audit the plan and how much the Services would cost. Mr. Fishman replied that the cost of administrating the plan should be no more than is presently being charged by CG. He feels the charge would be approximately $8,000 per year. He also reported that[if the contract is revised to the contract type that he is recommending, th~ The recommended contract would f: would show the dollars spent on ~ spent. Mr. Ward asked how this ~ Mr. Fishman replied that those mt a plan, CG would get some of the have the option of investing the earn a higher rate of return. Mr. Scerra asked if the charges over the investment of new funds would reduce their fee to the co~ Mr. Fishman stated that his repo~ save a great deal of money, but He stated that his firm would be As far as administration is concE counciling, letting those people are getting it. The town would auditing would be relatively easy. · ee up the dollars. The fund statement ~dministration and how the monies were rould affect the people already retired. ~nies would also be freed up. Under such new monies to invest, and the town would balance of the monies as they see fit,to ~ould be reduced by CG if the town takes Mr. Fishman replied that hopefully they Ltract charge of between $2,000 - $5,000.. 't is not suggesting that the town will :hat it will get a better accounting. looking for the interest of the town. Irned, there would be pre-retirement know what they are getting and why they Lave more input for the same cost. Mr. Dacey asked if Mr. Fishman's firm would supply the employees with a booklet to explain the benefits and something to keep them updated as to what the current figures are. M~. Fishman stated that this could be provided. The answers could be ~ade available on a once a year basis. Discussion was held on the possibility of setting up a contract which would guarantee the employees a ¢:ertain percentage of their annual salary between the payment of Social Se¢:urity and Pension. This could be accomplished by "grandfathering", where the c~.rrent employees would maintain the present set up and new employees coming nto the plan after a set date would be Executive Board Minutes 3/19/79 -4- subject to a provision that would combine both benefits. This would have to be negotiated with the unions. Mr. Fishman suggested that this could be done by offering a little more for current employees. Mr. Argazzi asked what the chances of success would be for having a grand- father clause with anyone coming under the current plan. Mr. Fishman stated that more and more municipalities are doing this and he feels it could be negotiated. Mr. Ward stated that the contract would be signed by current employees and feels they would not be worried about the future employees. Mr. Ward asked if Mr. Fishman could advise the Mayor for negotiating this. Mr. Fishman replied that his firm could help advise. Mr. Dacey suggested that another plan could be incorporated where the pension payment would be reduced by 50% of the employees Social Security income. Mr. Ward asked how the Mayor would feel about trying to work out a new pension plan. Mayor Ragazzi replied that he would like to consider it and feels the grandfather clause could be a good one. He feels no one will be hurt by it. He reported that there have been many problems with the service of CG, and feels an outside service could be beneficial. The salary of one position internally could be saved. Mr. Fishman explained that by offering current employees a little more in their Pension Plan, the cost of the plan would be slightly higher over the next few years, but the percentage would then drop off as new employees were hired. Mr. Ward replied that if it is going to cost the town a little more now and the cost comes down in five years, the town might be better off. Mr. Ward stated that he would like to see something negotiated into the present union contract. Mayor Ragazzi stated that it might be to late for this contract as they are well into negotiations. Mr. Clinton stated that he would like to have a study done to give the employees two or three offers. Mayor Ragazzi stated that he.feels the town is not ready to propose something like this at this time with nothing to back it up. Mr. Fishman reported that when he takes over a plan, it takes approxi- mately a year to complete the package. Mr. Fishman and Ms. Barlow left the meeting at this time, as did the Board of Finance members. DISCUSSION Mr. Argazzi asked the Mayor why the Board of Education hired an attorney. Mayor Ragazzi stated that Mr. Vandrilla and Dr. Giondomenico requested a charter change. Mayor Ragazzi could see no reason for a charter change at this point. He stated that ,there is a right of petition, that even in the legislature a bill can be repealed. The Town Meeting is the legislative body of the town. He stated that he sees no reason for a charter change at this time. Mr. Argazzi asked where the Board of Education got the monies to hire an attorney. Mayor Ragazzi replied that he does not know what funds they used. He reported that Atty. Jackaway was quite upset because they did not consult with him. Mr. Argazzi stated that Atty. Jackaway rendered an opinion stating that ne town meeting was proper (of March 15,1979). The Board of Education hired an attorney to say this was wrong, and paid the attorney from their funds. Mayor Ragazzi reported that he went over the matter with Attorney Jackaway again and both are in agreement that no charter change is necessary at this time. Mr. Argazzi stated that he is in agreement. Executive Board Minutes $119179 -5- There being no further business to come before the Executive Othe meeting adjourned at 9:57 p.m. Board, Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bourgoin Secretary