1963/12/17December 3, 1963 - cont. s. Osk Hidge Drive - entire - Franklin Park Estates b. Thompson Road - entire - Franklin Park Estates c. Butternut Lane - portion - Oak Dsyl d. 0ekwood Drive - portion - 0ok Deyl e. Stockings Brook Rosd - portion (Section 2) f. Roblndale Road - portion In the voting on Stockings Brook Road Mr. Wtnterbottom disqualified himself. 6. SterlingRoad - Mr. Curnow s tsted thet this rood does not meet the requfremenl of the road specifications. It was Voted on motion of G. Gerrity, seconded by A. Casttglloni, that we not recommend this road for ecceptance until all requirements by the Engineering Dept. ere net. 7. On motion of H. Winterbottom, seconded by G. Garrlty, it was Voted to purchase a file for the Engineering Dept. to hold Subdivision Plans - 36-tube. 8. On motion of A. Casttgltonl, seconded by G. Gerrity, ltwas Voted to ~ecommend oayment of two bills to the Herald Publishing Company for Legal Notices., $4.20 end $3.99, Schultz Court snd Christien Lane. 9. On motion of H. Winterbottom, seconded by G. Garrity, the Minutes of the November 19 Meeting were approved ss written. 10. Frazzette Propety - Item 5 - Nov. 19 - nothing new. ll. Plsnned Industry - Woodlawn Road - Item6 - nothing new. 12. Stete of Connecticut Legislature Bill regarding appointing Alternates to the Zoning end Plennlng Commissions -. consensus wes that we should being this Bill to the attention of the board of Selectmen. 13. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. 14. Next Meeting scheduled for December 17 et 8 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~~etary 1. Regular Meeting berlin Town Planning Commission, December 17, 1963 at 8 P.M. Members present: Robert Bennerup, Nunzfo Rosso, George Garr~ty, Henry and Aldo Castigltoni. Also A1 Curnow, Asst. Town Engineer and M~rgaret Gooby. 2. Deuson Property - see September 24 Minutes - Item 7 and November 5, Item 2. The Deusons brought in the original map with red lines showing a frontage of 107' on the lot next to Hamilton's. This Commission still csnnot approve th~.s subdivision beceuse the lot size does not come up to Zoning Requirements on front footage. It was suggested by the Commission thst we discuss this matter with the Town Counsel for his opinion, and also discuss with the Assessor the fsct that thls lot is being taxed as a building lot. 3. 0xyoke Village - Mr. Earl Wicklund appeared snd also e representative from the New Britain Water Dept. who showed us a map showing the area around lower Hart's Pond which the City of New Britain is proposing to pUrchese to protect their water rights. This erea will involve about 14 acres a majority of which is in 0xyoke Village. If this purchase were to go through it would necessarily change the design of the subdivision, and for that reason the Planning Commission cannot st this time give preliminary approval to the map which Mr. Wtcklund has presented. ~. Mr. Curnow presented en information map showing a proposed industrial sree on the south side of Orchard Road east of the R.R. tracks. "Topo - Property of Simeone Realty Co., 0rchsrd Roedz Berlin, Conn., November 1963, 1"=40' George S. Jernwlfnskl, Reg. L.S." The map was turned over to the Engineering Dept. for review and report at our next meeting. 5. Frazetts Property - December 3 Item l0 - Mr. Bennerup has reported thst the Zoning Board of Appeals has approved this map. On this basis a motion was made by Mr. Garrfty, seconded by Mr. Casti~llont, that final approval be given to the map as presented at our Nov. 5 Meeting, Item 8. So Voted. Map was signed by members present. 119 Decmeber 17, 1963 - Cont. 0ak Dayl - Mr. Curnow presented the following maps for signature which show the roads as they appear in the deeds for property on these rosds. a. "Oakwood Road - Berlin, Conn., July 1962, J.D. Williams, C.E. Horiz. 1"=40' Vert. L"=6', Revised Aug. 27, 1962, Revised Oct. 1963" b. Butternut Lane - Berlin Conn., Oct. 1960, J.D. Williams, C.E. Hortz. 1"=40', Vert. 1"=6' Revised Mar. 22, 1961, Rev. Aug. 27,1962". (Section 2) c. "Butternut Lsne- Berlin, Conn., July 1960, J.P. Williams, C.E. Horiz. 1"=40', Vert. 1"=6', Revised July 1962, Revised Aug. 27,1962 Revised October 1963". (third section). A motion wes mede by G. Gsrrlty, seconded by N. Rosso, that finsl spprovsl be given to these maps. So Voted. Msps were signed by members present. 7. Maple Manor - Sterling Drive and portion of 0ekwood Drive - Mr. Curnow reported that Mr. Schultz has asked for a reduction in the bond we are holding on these rosds. Upon recommendation from the Engineering Dept. that the roads have been completet to s point where a $1,000 would be sufficient, a motion was made by A. Castlglionl, seconded by N. Rosso, that the bond be reduced to $1,000. So Voted. 8. L~Marre Property - The Engineering Dept. reported that the road has been improved to the point where only curbing and psvlng are necessary end recommende¢ that the bond be reduced from $22,000 to $8,000. Mr. Rosso made a motion to this effect, seconded by Mr. Gsrrity,So Voted. 9. On motion of G. Garrity, seconded by A. Castlgllont, the Minutes of the December 3 Meeting were approved as written. 10. Webster Streets - letter received from the Board of Selectmen stating that they had received s request ~hat the name of one of the two Webster Streets in Berlin be changed and asking for our sction wes tabled until our next meeting. ll. Mr. Bennerup thanked Mr. Winterbottom for his interest, time, and cooperation as he completed his five-year term on this Commission. 12. The next meeting is scheduled for Jenusry 7, 1964. Respectfully submitted ~s~tary 1. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Comm~sslon, J~nuary 7, 196~ Members present: Robert Bennerup, Nunzto Rosso, George Gsrrfty, snd Aldo Csstlgllont. Also A1 Curnow, Asst. Town Engineer, and Margaret Gooby. 2. Simeone Property - see December 17 Minutes, Item 4. This map was erroneously described previously as a proposed industrial area. The map is being submitted for approval ss an excavation map. Approval by the Planning Commission is required on such mspa per the Zoning Regulations. "Topt Map - property of Simeone Realty, Orchard Road, Berlin, Conn., Nov. 1963, Scale 1"=40' George S. Jsrnwlfnskt, Reg. L.S." This map was presented along wit~ an overlsy map showing proposed new contours after wxcevation. This overlay also shows proposed new, strs ighter, course for brook, snd an access road from Orchard Road into the property. Mr. Garrity mede a motion, seconded by N. Rosso, that this Excavstfon Map be approved and that notlflcstlon of action be sent to the Zoning Commission. So Vot 3. ~euson Property - see Minutes Dec. 17, Item 2. Mr. Rosso reported that the Town Counsel hss not submitted a written opinion. Mr. Rosso suggested t~at we contact Mr. Wm. Msxwell, State Planning, asking his opinion. 4. W~bster Streets - see December 17 Minutes - Item 9 - Mr. Rosso stated that he and the Town Clerk have studied old maps of the Webster St. which runs between Dem~ng and Seldon for something or someone of historical signfflcsnce for which the rosd could be nensmed. At one time there was sn old Elm Tree bordering the road known ss the "msmoth elm". After a discussion a motion was msde by N. Rosso, seconded by G. Gsrrity, that this Webster Street be changed to Elm St So Voted. Names of early settlers in this sres were discussed and discounted because most of the names have already been used in naming streets in Town. 5. On motion of G. Gerrity, seconded by A. Castiglioni, the Minutes of the Decmeber 17 meeting were approved ss written. 6. Oxyoke Village - Dec. 17, Item 3 - nothing ~ew.