1963/09/24 September 24,1963 13. Sept. 3 Minutes - Item 7 - Winchell Drive Lot #25 nothing new, Mr. Curnow was rem~nded thst we would like to have the Zoning Commission's approval on this lot in writ 14. Christian Lane - Item 10, Sept. 3 Minutes - nothing new. 15. Tfmko Property - Item 11, Sept. 3 Minutes - Mr. Rosso reported that the Town Counsel has discussed with the Town Heslth Director end has stated thst Timko should be given a building permit for his property. 16. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. 17. Next Meetlng - October 1, 1963. pectful~tted, y, Acting ~ec 'y. 1. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission, October 1, 1063 et ~ P.M. Members present: Nunzlo Rosso, GeorgelGarrtty, Henry Winterbottom, sod Aldo Castfgllonl. Also, A1 Curnow, Asst. ~'own Engineer, and Msrgsret Gooby. 2. Mr. Rosso was appointed Acting Chairmen and Mr.~Gsrrfty Acting Secretary. 3. Glenview - Mr. Schultz appeared end presented the following profile msps of Clover Hill Place and Hsrvest Hill Road. As the Engineering Dept. hss not hsd a chance to go over these maps they were left with Mr. Curnow for review snd report st our next meeting. "Glenvlew - Plan & Pro~file - Clover Hill Place, Berlin, Conn., dated Dec. 1962, revised Sept. 1963 to show rosd and ~ewer grades., Scales 1"=40', Horiz. and 1"=6' Vert., J. D. Willisms, C.E." Glenview - Plan & Profile -Hsrvest Hill Rosd, Berlin, Conn., dated December 1962, revised Sept. 1963 Scsles,Horiz.l"=~0' Ver't. 1"=6', J.D.Will~e . . ms, C E" ' 4. Mesdowbrook - Mr. Curnow presented the following map whlcb he stated Mr. Csrte~ Town Assessor said ks the map that wes orlg~nelly presented by Mr. Dob rowolskl and the one by which Mr. Carter ssstgned block and lot numbers. Mr. Carter ss~d that s~nce this m~p was presented soother map showing s new rosd has been received wh~ch will change the block sod lot numbers. The clerk will check bsck on the M~nutes .to see .tust which m~p w~s the one originally presented for preliminary ~pprovel. "Peck Estates - Chsmberlsin Highway, Berlin, Conn., owned by Home National Bank sod Trust Co. of Meriden, Trustee. Developed by H. Dobrowolski, 31 Forest St., New Britain, Conn., Aug. 1961, Scale 1"=60', J.D. Willlsms, C.E." 5. Mr. Curnow presented the following map of Winchell Drive "Revised Map Portion of Section #3 Wfnchell ACres, property of Adolph W. Schultz, Berlin, Conn., 1"=40', September 1963, J.D. Willlsms, C.E." This map wes returned to the Engineering Dept. for report et our next meeting. It was noted that we st~ill do not have e letter from the Zoning Commission regarding their approval on Lot #25. See Minutes of 9/24/63 Item 12. 6. Cress Street - East Berlin - Mr. Curnow presented a sketch of property st the intersection of Mill St. and Cross St. This property was originally one parcel of lsnd which wss f~rst divided into two lots, sod now into four lots. Two lots front on Mill Street sod two on Cross St. One lot on Mill St. now hss a house built on it snd the owner of the second lot would like to build s house on that lot. This second lot does not hsve the necesssry frontage on Mill St. They hmd presented this question to the Zoning Bosrd of Appeels who in turn have asked for our recommendation which is necesssry before they csn act on the mstter. Our recommendstion to the Zoning Board of Appeals Nhould state whether or not we spprove the concept of the Subdivision. It w~s our recommendstlon thsts notatl, should e?pesr on the map that parcel E will not be considered ss e bu~lding lot until Cros~ Street is improved to the minimum town standards, sod until it has been taken out cf the Flood Pleln. This recommendation should go to the owners with e copy to the Zoning Board of Appeals. 7. On motion of A. Csstlglioni, seconded by H. Wtnterbottom, the Minutes of the September 24 meeting were approved as written. 8. Planned Shopping Ares - Mill & Berlin Streets - Item 4, 9/22, nothing new. 9. Tim_ko Property - nothing new. 10. Next meeting 0ctober 15, 1963. ~~~ Re P~ctfully submitted, George Gerrity, Acting Secretsry