1977/03/21 MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD March 21, 1977 The meeting was opened by Mayor Arthur B. Powers at 7:30 p.m. Deputy Mayors Lanzoni and Dickinson were present. Also present were: Joanne G. Ward, Town Clerk and Paul Ohanesian rep- resenting the Berlin Eagle. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to ac- cept the minutes of the meeting of 5/14/77 with the following correction: Page 1, paragraph 7, first sentence: Mr. Dickinson said that sentence should read as follows: Mr. Dickinson...said he could not.go along with the minutes as he felt there was'information in the minutes that were not accurate. MOTION CARRIED. It was discovered that the item which was tentatively put on the call for the 5/28/77 Town Meeting regarding a $12,000 transfer to Account #5511, Utilities, has been changed by Mr. Russell to a figure of $10,000. Mr. Russell appeared before the Board of Finance and reduced the amount at that time. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to place on the Call for Town Meeting the following: (Town Meeting of 5/28/7, To transfer a sum of $10,000 to Account #5811, Utilities, as recommended by the Board of Finance. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Powers read a Certification of Petition from Town Clerk Joanne G. Ward, in which she advises that she has checked the twenty petition pages {presented to Mayor Powers on 5/21/77 by Mr. Philip D. Doran} for the purpose of calling a Town Meeting to reject the Teachers Con- tract filed in her office on 5/15/77. Mrs. Ward informs the Executive Board that she has certified 506 names on the petitions as persons being eligible to vote in town meetings and she finds the petitions in order. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to place another item on the Call for Town Meeting (to be held on 5/28/77) as follows: To reject the Teachers Contract on file in the Town Clerk's Office, dated 5/1S/77. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Dickinson pointed out an error in the Annual Report written by Mayor Powers. The error is in the date of the override of a veto by the Gen- eral Assembly. The date should read 1975, not 1976. Mayor Powers said we must do something about selling the Old Percival School. He referred to a letter from Morgan Seelye in which the Town Engineer advises that if we don't reserve passway rights the problem is resolved and the property can be sold. However, school children woul~ Executive Board Minutes 3/21/77 -2- have to walk down Sbona Road. There are no sidewalks on Sbona Road, but as Mayor Powers pointed out there are none on Percival Avenue either. The Mayor said it is quite a problem. We don't want to take away the walkway the youngsters are using now, but unless we do we won't be able to sell the property.. A suggestion has been made that the sale be carrie¢ out with the provision that the dwelling be removed. The Board felt that it would be impossible to sell it with that provision. Mr. Dickinson asked if Mr. Seelye really felt that the building could be converted into! a dwelling. Mayor Powers said he gets that impression. Mayor Powers sai~ I know the building is of historical significance but we cannot continue ! to just hold onto it. Mr. Dickinson suggested contacted Harold Dunn, I principal of the school to see if he had any ideas. He also suggested that we find out just how many youngsters use that walkway. Mayor Powers said this was a good idea and he would write to the Board of Education to get their comments and also to see if we can get a count on the number of children using the walkway. This received the general consent of the Board. Mayor Powers announced that Mr. Robert Seaburg has moved out of town and is no longer representing the Town on the United Cable Television Board. The Mayor asked that the members of the Executive Board bring in some names of someone willing to serve on that Board. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to award the contract for Lighting Fixtures for the Town Hall to the low bidder, Downey Electric Company at their bid price of $5,468.00, pro- viding this is within the appropriation. This award is made on the recommendation of Richard R. Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings. Other bidders were: Ace Electric $8450.00 Ruepp 7180.00 Capstan 5828.00 Viking 5990.00 McPhee 8270.00 MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to award the contract for a Fireproof Safe, for the Finance Department, to the low bidder, Adkins Printers at their bid price of $1763.86. The only other bidder was Gustave Fischer at $1956.53. Both prices are over the $1700 appropriation according to Finance Director Gary S. Clinton, who recommended the low bidder, It was agreed by the Board to award to the low bidder, Adkins, provided the Board of Finance approve~ the additional $63.86 . MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to sign tax refund forms, as requested by Tax Collector Francis J. Motyka, in the amount of $46.62 to Joy Orecchio, 42 Park Drive, Kensington. Refund is based on excess payment of taxes. This will be paid out pro- vided there are sufficient funds in Account #164, Tax Refunds. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to sign tax refund forms, as requested by Tax Collector Francis J. Motyka, in the amount of $53.50 to Theodore Zelek, 285 Seymour Road, Berlin. Refund is based on "Serviceman having Disability Rating". This will be paid out provided there are sufficient funds in Account #164, Tax Refunds MOTION CARRIED. ,.Executive Board Minutes Mr. Dickinson inquired about the trailer on the Florence Cams property in East Berlin. He said it is still sticking out. Mayor Powers said that Mr. Hodgeson of Triage had promised to move it but the weather had been so bad that they couldn't. However, the Mayor said he would get in touch with Emil Carlson and get him on it. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to appoint Mr. Donald Harris, 625 Lower Lane, to the Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission for a term of three years. His term to expire on 31 January 1980. Mr. Harris will replace Mr. Bergstrom who did not seek reappointment. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Powers said he had asked Corporation Counsel for an opinion on whether or not an organization such as ACT can continue to use Town- owned facilities for their meetings. There have been some comments that since they have some very strict rules and regulations on membership, that they should not be meeting in public buildings. The Mayor said it has always been our policy to allow town organizations.to meet in town owned buildings and at,this point cannot see how we can refuse ACT. However, we will await a legal opinion. Mr. Dickinson asked if they had used any other meeting places. It seems that meeting at Town Hall has become a regular practice. The Mayor said he thinks they have met once or twice at the Community Center. It has always been our policy, said the Mayor, to allow town organizations to use the facilities, however, if a Town Board of Commission has already reserved the room, then it is on a first come, first serve basis. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. P~tricia A. Casella Secretary ADDENDUM i TUESDAY~ 22 MARCH 1977 On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted, by tele: : phone poll on.~/22/77, to place the following item on. the Call for Town Meeti~ to be held on 3/28/77: To act on an appropriation of $2600 to Account #202, Audit and Accountin as recommended by the Board of Finance. MOTION CARRIED.