1977/02/07 MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD February 7, 1977 The meeting was opened at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Arthur B. Powers. Deputy Mayors Lanzoni and Dickinson were present. Also present for part o£ the meeting were: Richard Howard, Assistant Town Engineer and Richard R.~Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to rescind the action taken at the 1/$1/77 meeting in which the Board voted to call a Town Meeting on 2/7/77 at the Town Hall. There was not enough time to get the legal ad in the newspaper. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to call a Town Meeting for 2/14/77 at 8:00 p.m. at the McGee School for the following purposes: 1. To authorize an expenditure o£ $5,000 £rom Federal Revenue Sharing Funds £or Snow and Ice Removal. 2. To authorize the expenditure o£ $5,000 for Snow and Ice Re- moval, Overtime (this item must be approved by the Board of Fi- nance at its meeting of 2/8/771. (The Executive Board is also re- questing that the Finance Board transfer $2000 into this account). MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to accept the minutes of 1/31/77. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Powers read a memo from Finance Director Gary S. Clinton in which he advises that an additional $11,958 is needed in Account #120, Insurance. Mayor Powers said that he feels we must look seriously into other companies to see if we can get better prices. We should also consider cutting back on some of our coverage. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to write to the Board of Finance regarding the need for $11,958 in Account #120, Insurance and if the Board o£ Finance approves the request, to bring the matter to Town Meeting. MOTION CARRIED. Richard Howard, Assistant Town Engineer, was present to request the Ex- ecutive Board to award the contract for repairing the Berlin Street Bridge to Berlin Steel Construction Company. Mr. Howard said that Mr. Michael Marino, of the Cromwell Department of Public Works, has reviewed Berlin Steel's proposal and has also examined the report from the State Department of Transportation's recommending repairs be made immediately. (The bridge has been closed for several months). Cromwell would pay on a proportionate The total cost o£ the contract would be basis (based on population). Berlin would pay $2,27S and Cromwell would pay $1,225. On motion by Mr. Lanzo~i, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to award the contract for repair_:of~the Berlin Street Bridge to Berlin Steel Con- struction Company at their quoted price of $$S00. Berlin is to pay $2275 and Cromwell will pay the balance of $1225. 'It was further voted to waive ~.xecutive Board Minutes 2/7/77 -2- normal bidding procedures in that it was felt that it was not in the best interests of the Town to put this contract out to open bid in that working drawings would have to be prepared; a bidding contract and specifications and proper advertising would cause a long delay in getting the repair work done; the bridge was originally built by Berlin Steel Company and they are familiar with it; they are a local firm and Mr. Seelye has stated that the price is a fair one. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to sign the Deed finalizing the sale of the old Police Station to John D. Frink, et al, on the recommendation of Corporation Counsel Harry N. Jackaway. MOTION CARRIED. O On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to sign a Supplemental Agreement from the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment releasing an additional portion of Lot 63 which is added to the old police station lot in order that the lot conform to zoning regulations, on recommendation of Corporation Counsel Harry N. Jackaway. 'MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Powers informed the Board that our Corporation Counsel, Harry N. Jack- away, had successfully defended the Town's position against the State Deparl ment of Transportation when they challeneged our appeal and filed for a Motion to Erase. The Judge denied the Stati's request for a Motion to Era~ Now Mr. Jackaway is recommending that we hire our engineers immediately in order to substantiate our claim, that the traffic projections made by the State are low. Ne have negotiated a price with Luchs and Beckerman of Glastonbury, of $5900, to do the survey and gaiher the necessary data io that we can be prepared to go into court. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to reques the Board of Finance to make $5900 available in order that we may hire Luch and Beckerman of Glastonbury to do a traffic survey to substantiate our claim that estimates of traffic flow from the Saw Mill Brook Race Course(on Route 72) are low. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Jackaway has already written to the Commission on Special Revenue to put them on notice of our intent to file an appeal.in-the above matter. Mayor Powers announced that he would be meeting with Mr. Russell Brenneman, President of the Central Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority, on Mon- day, 2/14/77, in order to discuss CRRA's plans for the future, particularly in light of the Metropolitan District's interest in providing solid waste services in the Greater Hartford area. At this point, the Executive Board met with Mr. Richard R. Russell, Super- intendent of Public Buildings, to discuss his budget. Mr. Russell is askin that he be allowed to hire one additional man, this man to be a ~mMxxxm~x journeyman electrician licensed to work in Connecticut. He feels that in hiring an electrician he can cut four or five thousand dollars from his contracted services budget. Mayor Powers said he was not sure that this was the year to ask for additional help, but to work with Mr. Clinton to get figures for the kind of salary needed.for aucertified electrician. In account #3811, Utilities, Mr. Russell said he feels that what he is aski for is a very close figure to what.the costs will be this year. Kensington Grammer School, which is now the Community Center, is getting more use than it did when it was a school and the utility costs are running high. Executive Bpard Minutes 2/7/77 At this point, Mayor Powers said he had looked through the capital expenses requested by Mr. Russell and was alarmed to see that such things as chalk- boards and drapes were being requested from the General Government budget. Mayor Powers said he felt that these items should be in the Board of Edu- cation budget. At one time, the Board of Finance felt it was best to have Mr. Russell take over all public buildings. Mayor Powers said this was a good idea, however, just because Mr. Russell is in charge of maintaining the buildings doesn't mean that the General Government budget should be charged with paying for capital improvements within the school. It was never our intention that the Town would pick up the tab for these items. The Executive Board concurred with this thinking. ~ The Executive Board felt it had no objection to the budget for the Community Center (KGS). The Executive Board agreed that the whole budget be analyzed by the Board of Finance and to advise the Board of Finance that this Board rejects all those items involving capital improvements in the. schools as it feels these are Board of Education expenses. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:tS p.m. Respectfully submitted, Patricia A. Casella Secretary