2023-03-16 TOWN OF BERLIN Timberlin Golf Commission 230 Kensington Road • Berlin, CT 06037 Thursday, March 16, 2023 6:00 p.m. Location for in person: Town Hall, Engineer Conference Room, #118 Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86715978838?pwd=SCs5MUZwN2Z0VUFDVDF3Vm53TWpNUT09 Meeting ID: 867 1597 8838 Passcode: 060858 Via Phone: 929 205 6099 US (New York) Commissioners Present: Nancy Berger, Peter DeFazio, Jim Green, Gail Lemieux, Jim Norton, Joe Pulcini, Bill Richards, Seb Senia Commissioners Absent: none Staff Present: Marc Bayram – Golf Pro Sol Guerrero – Director of Golf A. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Norton called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. B. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS None. C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 16, 2023 Commissioner Green moved to approve the February 16, 2023 meeting minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Pulcini. Those voting in favor: Commissioner Berger, Commissioner DeFazio, Commissioner Green, Chairman Norton, Commissioner Pulcini, Commissioner Richards, Commissioner Senia Vote being: 7-0. MOTION CARRIED. Commissioner Lemieux abstained as she did not attend the February 16, 2023 meeting. Mr. Richards asked to amend the second paragraph to say that the concern about the clock was by Commissioner DeFazio and not by him. Commissioner Lemieux made a motion to add restaurant coupons as an item in old business. Seconded by Commissioner Richards. Those voting in favor: Commissioner Berger, Commissioner DeFazio, Commissioner Green, Commissioner Lemieux, Chairman Norton, Commissioner Pulcini, Commissioner Richards, Commissioner Senia 1 Vote Being: 8-0. MOTION CARRIED D. OLD BUSINESS 1. Donations and USGA Senior Amateur Director of Golf Guerrero said the three donations to Berlin High School are going to Town Council on Tuesday. The fee waiver for the USGA Senior Amateur qualifier is being delayed on the agenda. Town Manager Jayawickrema had some concerns about the cost and will bring it up to the Council to get their feelings on it first. Director of Golf Guerrero asked Golf Pro Bayram if there is a chance to get any green fees out of it? Golf Pro Bayram said we can ask. The carts are optional, they pay for the driving range and practice rounds can be the regular fee. Commissioner DeFazio asked how many of these do we do a year? Golf Pro Bayram said it is usually one a year. Commissioner Lemieux said there is a difference between the CSGA and the USGA. It is prestigious to be offered a USGA event. If we don’t waive the fees, they will go to another course. Director of Golf Guerrero said that Town Manager Jayawickrema is aware of all of that, but he just needs a few more weeks. Commissioner Lemieux asked when does the USGA want to know by? Director of Golf Guerrero said they have not put any pressure on us. The tournament is in August. 2. Ordinance Proposal Update and Public Hearing Chairman Norton said he would like to welcome Commissioner Richards to the committee. Commissioner Richards was recently added as a new Golf Commission member and he belongs to the Senior Men’s Club. Commissioner Lemieux said there is a public hearing on March 21 before the Town Council meeting. Section 2-49 in the ordinance did not spell out who the people are, it just said 8 members. The proposed sentence to add into the ordinance is: The public golf commission shall be composed of 8 resident electors of the town. No more than four members shall be from the Men’s Club, one from the Senior Men’s Club, one non-golfer, one from the Ladies Club and one from the Lady Niner’s. Chairman Norton said he disagrees with that. Commissioner Lemieux said this is what is being proposed. It came up at the Ordinance meeting as a result of the Town Council meeting which Commissioner Richards attended and people spoke about the need to have representation from the seniors. They also talked about considering to add another member. Commissioner Lemieux said is the Town Council considering to add a member and replace Jim Bugella who resigned, or is the recommendation going to be to have a senior member to represent the Men’s Senior Club and keep it at 8 members. The next step is the public hearing. The recommendation is to add this language. I’m fine with supporting it. Commissioner Lemieux said we are putting it in writing. This is coming before the Town Council and came before the Ordinance Committee that we are supporting it. Director of Golf Guerrero said I’m good with it. Commissioner Pulcini said the Town Council has to approve all commission members and ask which entity or organization are you with. Golf Director Guerrero said yes, they are going to do that. Commissioner Lemieux said I’m okay with it. Golf Director Guerrero asked are we at those numbers now? The commission members said yes. Chairman Norton said suppose that I want to join the Senior Men’s Club, does that mean that I can’t be a member of both? Director of Golf Guerrero said it only matters if there are other people trying to get in. Chairman Norton said you are boxing yourself in. Commissioner Berger said what 2 if no one on the Lady Niner’s wants to do it? Commissioner DeFazio said the ordinance would force a member from the Lady Niner’s to be on the commission. The seat can only be filled by a Lady Niner. Commissioner Lemieux said and if there are no Lady Niner’s then it will be 7 members. Commissioner Senia asked if there was any mention to revise the financial wording? Commissioner Lemieux said no because it is not on the agenda for that Ordinance meeting. Commissioner Senia said he might bring it up. Director of Golf Guerrero said you could be in Audience of Citizens. Someone needs to front run it. Commissioner Lemieux said she wants to make people aware of the change. They asked if this was fair representation and we said that the Men’s Club has the largest membership. The other groups are smaller and will have only one representative. Mr. Richards said the Senior Men’s Club is about 109 members. Commissioner Berger said should something be stated that indicates if there isn’t representation from one of the groups that it remains vacant? Commissioner Lemieux said that can be a suggestion. Chairman Norton said he will talk to Town Manager Jayawickrema. Commissioner DeFazio said this commission started at 7 members and then went to 8 members because there was no senior representation. There is still no Senior Men’s Club representative th appointed. They want representation and wanted to add a 9 member. Commissioner Lemieux said maybe it a can read “the composition of the commission shall be represented of the various member groups”. If Town Manager Jayawickrema is in agreement then we could propose that on March 21. Commissioner Pulcini asked why can’t it be residents of the community can be a member of the commission and the Town Council votes on your participation? Commissioner Lemieux said because of what has happened with the seniors. Mr. DeFazio said twice now a Senior Men’s club member did not get appointed. Commissioner Pulcini said it’s important to say representation from all of the groups that have a vested interest in Timberlin. Commissioner Richards said I received the letter in regards to my term and it said 2026 (3 years). When I came in for my swearing in, the card they gave me had 2024 on it. Town Clerk Wall said that is because you are replacing a person that resigned and serving out their term. Mr. DeFazio said you will get a letter in the mail asking if you want to re-up. 2. Restaurant Coupons Director of Golf Guerrero said Remzy and I picked Wednesday and Friday, but don’t know if I want to do both days. There is a $5 coupon for anyone paying for a green fees and a cart and Remzy gets a kickback if they use it. I will need the coupon and receipt to maintain accuracy. Commissioner Lemieux said she is fine with doing both Wednesday and Friday. Chances are they will spend $10 or $12 when they come in. You can start with Wednesday and Friday and monitor it for a few months. Director of Golf Guerrero said the coupon is only good for that day and we would use different color coupons. They are raffle tickets with numbers printed. The numbers would be in my Excel file and then I’d see what Remzy gives back to me. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Vice Chairman nomination. Chairman Norton said we need to nominate another Vice Chairman. 3 Commissioner DeFazio nominated Commissioner Pulcini for Vice Chairman and no further nominations were made. Seconded by Commissioner Green. The commission voted unanimously (8-0) to elect Commissioner Pulcini as Vice Chairman. 3. Booking multiple tee times Director of Golf Guerrero said this is just a topic of conversation for future changes that we may do. Commissioner Lemieux asked what is the current policy for tee times? Director of Golf Guerrero said a person can make up to 4 tee times either in-person or by phone. Online you can make one. Golf Pro Bayram said to make 5 or more tee times that person would have to contact me because then it is considered an outing. They would pay an outing price. Golf Pro Bayram said I felt strongly that we need to make as much money as we can because our budget is way higher and we need to come up with creative ways. You have made money the last few years in terms of profit. Things have been running smooth. We are projecting all of our rates as higher. I think this year you should leave it as is because you have made money. If we don’t meet that number then there is leverage to change something. Commissioner DeFazio said our projected revenue vs. expenses are in the plus. We are projected to make $40k. Golf Pro Bayram said we don’t need to change it yet. Maybe look in July and then you will really see. At that point you make an announcement, not a complete policy change on the days in advance. It is just that you can’t book 5 tee times vs. one. Commissioner DeFazio said this is about money. It is about revenue. This year we are projected to make money so why stir the pot? If you want to make money, say that you want to make money. When these people make 2, 3, or 4 tee times, a lot of those players are out of towners. Golf Pro Bayram said what we have been doing has worked enough to make money. I don’t think that making profit right now is even a good idea. Until you have a Special Revenue Fund where you keep it, then why would you want to make $40k? The goal should be to break even. Commissioner Lemieux asked if there are that many people that make 3 or 4 tee times? Golf Pro Bayram said there are probably 3 groups of people and they are either 12 players or 16. One of them will book the 3 times or 4 times. One might play Sunday and the other two might play on Saturday. It is not all three at one time. Commissioner Lemieux said so this is really not happening that much. Director of Golf Guerrero said you are not affecting a lot of people. If there is a change it would affect 16 people. Commissioner Lemieux said it is working now and we don’t really have any issues. We are projected to make some good money this year. Director of Golf Guerrero said we are just having a conversation and not changing anything. I’m here to make money for the town. Commissioner Senia said I don’t disagree, however we are the only entity in town that has to make money for this town and that is totally wrong. Director of Golf Guerrero said if we were able to keep the funds that we get, would our strategy change? Commissioner Senia said we are never going to get the money. Chairman Norton said it goes back to what Commissioner Pulcini said about coming in with a group of friends and I can’t get in because they are all booked. It is the same guys booking the same things week after week. Is that fair to the other residents who can’t get a time? Golf Pro Bayram said if you call at 7:15 a.m., the times are gone. Commissioner Green said you have to get up and call for your tee time like everybody else, or drive to the Pro Shop. Commissioner Lemieux said we did go up on the rates which we all supported. Maybe people will shop around this year and play at other courses. 4 th Commissioner Senia said we asked the Town Council for $4k for the 50 anniversary clock. We are making money and not even getting the money to resolve that issue. That bothers me a little bit. We should be able to resolve that and get it done. Commissioner Lemieux said she supports Director of Golf Guerrero for wanting to make money, but if we are making money for the town, the town has to recognize our needs for the course. Commissioner Berger said the Lady Niner’s League day is on Thursday’s. The last Thursday in September is our last week day. The ladies want to keep playing on Thursdays, so I have gotten 6 tee times a week. Is that going to be a problem? Director of Golf Guerrero said no, it does not seem like we are changing anything right now. That is why we are talking today. We could put a limit on weekend vs. weekday. You could book 3 tee times and have another Lady Niner book the other 3 tee times. Golf Pro Bayram said we should keep it the exact same way, the only thing that I would like to see different is that in-person is still 15 minutes after the Pro Shop opens. Director of Golf Guerrero agreed and said we all voted on it at the last meeting. Chairman Norton said down the road we will push people to go online. If you go that route, would you give them 30 minutes before? It would free up staff time. Golf Pro Bayram said Stanley does that. When you do that, you can only book one tee time. Commissioner DeFazio said the revenue won’t change hardly at all if you make one tee time or four tee times. Director of Golf Guerrero said if you are saying it does not matter if we change it or not. Why not just change it? How are we going to move to online only if you are not open to these things? When you can only make one tee time. a. Weekends and holidays. Discussed in booking multiple tee times conversation. b. Weekdays Discussed in booking multiple tee times conversation. 3. 24-hour cancelation policy. Commissioner Berger asked if the policy is in effect now? Director of Golf Guerrero said no, I don’t see anything about our cancellation policy or fees. Chairman Norton asked how many people cancel less than 24 hours ahead of time? Golf Pro Bayram said we rarely have no shows. If they call less than 24 hours in advance we have no problem filling it. Chairman Norton said it is not an issue. 4. Opening day ceremony. Director of Golf Guerrero said March 23 would be the earliest date. It depends on my point-of- sale system and how we take money and get it transferred to the bank. I will have a better idea on Monday. Commissioner DeFazio said I was out there today and the course is wet. Commissioner Pulcini asked if it is not just the POS system, but also the condition of the golf course? Director of rd Golf Guerrero said yes, looking at the weather, we feel the 23 is the first day that we can open. Chris Edge wants to do a ribbon cutting. Golf Pro Bayram said typically we have done a 10:00 a.m. start, first come, first serve. Shot gun start is best because you get a lot of people there for the opening day ceremony. Director of Golf Guerrero said Superintendent Salvio and I reassessed the rd course today and we feel like the 23 is the first day that we can open early. Commissioner Senia asked if we are taking season passes yet? Director of Golf Guerrero said no, I have not taken any money yet. 5 5. CIP plan for this year and bridge update. Director of Golf Guerrero said in the past Superintendent Salvio spoke about doing metal bridges, but we reevaluated it and we can do 3 wooden bridges for the price of 1 aluminum bridge. The bridges at #18 and #14 would probably be done first. We are trying to get bids and quotes on it. They are talking about doing all of the bridges with the funds that we have. Chairman Norton asked what we have planned for the CIP money? Director of Golf Guerrero said we want new trash receptacles. Maybe that’s a donation from some of the clubs. We are also stth looking into a divot bottle holder for the 1 or 10 hole. Chairman Norton asked about sand traps? Director of Golf Guerrero said sand traps are a really big project. We will start our yearly sand trap maintenance where you add sand and restructure where the sand is. That is part of opening procedures. Future projects would be bunkers, the pavement in front of the golf shop, some cart paths and things like that. Chairman Norton asked if there is a formal plan? Director of Golf Guerrero said we are just trying to finish up our projects. After the bridges we will access what we have in the bank. Director of Golf Guerrero said the most important thing is how the golf shop looks outside, the pavement around the shop, the cart paths and bunkers. Golf Pro Bayram said something to look at nd would be the 2 hole where they took out a lot of trees. The plan was to grow grass there and now it is just rocks. At some point we need to address it as a capital project. That area needs attention. Director of Golf Guerrero said during the summer we should walk around and get some ideas. Director of Golf Guerrero said we had a meeting about the clock and there are a lot of other alternative ideas where maybe it would not cost as much to do the clock. Commissioner Lemieux said the idea was to do that whole corner and make it pristine and redo the retaining wall. Do we really need all that or could we do less of a base and less of a retaining wall and then at a later date do a bigger footprint. The answer is probably yes. Superintendent Salvio and Director of Golf Guerrero are looking at options to do less of a site and mainly try to get the clock up. Also, Golf Pro Bayram will try to sell more tee signs. Town Manager Jayawickrema and Finance Director Delaney were open to discussing it again in April or May. Commissioner DeFazio said tee signs have $9k in cash. 6. Timberlin February FY23 P&L Commissioner Lemieux said I have two documents, one is year to date February financials with 3 columns, year 2023, year 2022 and the variance. Then we were sent the FY23 budget vs. actual and it has all of the line items in more detail. On the first one, year to date fiscal year 2023, we are looking at revenue of $693k and expenses of $787k. Then the other one, year to date expenses is $850k. There is a $82k difference. Also, I’m not sure why electricity is under fringe benefits? I think it should be under Professional and Technical. Workers’ Comp should be under fringe. On the town budget, the department head is under wages and salaries, but on the year-to-date report it is under Professional and Technical. You should have consistency. Overall year to date we are doing well. Our revenue is up $60k over last year to date. Our expenses are not up year to date. Chairman Norton asked where the files came from? Director of Golf Guerrero said both of these files come from two different folks in the Finance Department. Commissioner Lemieux said there is a discrepancy. Director of Golf Guerrero said he will follow-up on it. Golf Pro Bayram added that we appear to be up $70k over the previous fiscal year. 7. Open Discussion Commissioner Pulcini said we should see what we can do to get the POS system fully operational. Director of Golf Guerrero said he will talk to Town Manager Jayawickrema. 6 8. Account Balances: • Tee sign account ($9,439) • CIP Budget balance ($34053.13), encumbrances ($11295) 9. Reports: • Directors Report, to be given at meeting  Director of Golf Guerrero said we are getting a new Kubota because it is the same price as used. There is a 10-month lead time on receiving it.  The facility is ready and we just need to put some sod down.  We are changing to Frontier at the golf shop to get better performance and save money too. Commissioner Berger asked if the shower can be taken out in the women’s locker room and replace it with storage? Golf Pro Bayram said you should have a shower in there. Commissioner Lemieux agreed and asked if we need more storage? Commissioner Berger said it would be nice to have extra storage and was not sure if anybody uses the showers. Commissioner Lemieux asked about furniture for the Women’s locker room. We need a couple of decent chairs and a table. Director of Golf Guerrero said he will follow up with Facilities and noted there will be new bulletin boards. Director of Golf Guerrero said he is getting with Superintendent Salvio and Billy about how they do cup cutting and green speed. Chairman Norton asked if they are rolling this year? Director of Golf Guerrero said yes, it is more than just rolling, we are looking to get a brusher for a brush effect before you cut and roll. Commissioner DeFazio said our cups used to have the white rings around the top, can we think about putting those back? Director of Golf Guerrero said he can ask. Commissioner Senia asked if you will complete putting the 150’s up for each hole? There are some holes that don’t have the 150 markers out there. Director of Golf Guerrero said he will look into that. Commissioner DeFazio said they came in late. Commissioner Senia asked what is the timeframe for putting up the tent for Remzy? Director of Golf Guerrero said we have to get to a certain degree weather-wise because the vinyl needs to be stretched out and not break. Our timing is May 1. Commissioner Lemieux asked if anyone checked with Remzi if he booked anything sooner than that? Director of Golf Guerrero said he has an Easter brunch, but May 1 is what we told him. If we get better weather before then I can ask Superintendent Salvio to do it sooner. Golf Pro Bayram added that the YMCA will be hosting their tournament on May 2. Chairman Norton asked if those participating in the high school tournaments could replace the divots? It is basic etiquette and that is just not happening. Golf Pro Bayram said we will make sure that we mention that to everybody. The outings are guilty of it too. Chairman Norton said maybe we could charge a clean-up deposit fee. Commissioner DeFazio added that the trash cans are not that big and can be sometimes overflowing. Golf Pro Bayram said that having a Ranger policing will help. Director of Golf Guerrero said that we will have 3 Rangers. Commissioner Lemieux asked what is the budget for Rangers? Director of Golf Guerrero said there is an expenditure line for Rangers, Starters and Cart Corral staff. Commissioner Senia asked if there is any training that has to take place or are they experienced. Director of Golf Guerrero said we will put them through training. • Golf Pro Report, to be given at meeting 7 See report attached below. • Superintendent Rep F. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Green moved to adjourn at 7:59 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Pulcini. Those voting in favor: Commissioner Berger, Commissioner DeFazio, Commissioner Green, Commissioner Lemieux, Chairman Norton, Commissioner Pulcini, Commissioner Richards, Commissioner Senia Vote being: 8-0. MOTION CARRIED Submitted by, Alina Brown 8 9 10