1991-03-18COMMISSION FOR THE AGING BERLIN SENIOR CENTER F_01_� Ff"1 1?46- TOWN OF BERLIN '901 1 - I 4AY 2 - PIJI 1: 33 COLONIAL DRIVE * KENSINGTON, CT 0695M CLEi'�K-1 T&IMI CUM' OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR March 18, 1991 The Commission For The Aging was called to order at 7:02 P.M. by Chairman Gene Chartrand. Members present: Halina Bilosz, Dorothy Breski, Lorraine Clark, Agnes Maier, Joseph Murphy and Francis Spires Also present: Director Ellen Burbridge, Assistant Director Pat Amenta I. A Motion was made by Chairman Gene Chartrand and Seconded by Joseph Murphy to accept the minutes of the February 11, 1991 meeting. All in Favor Motion carried. II. Audience of Citizens - Nothing to report. Iff. Survey of area Senior Centers - DirectorA Ellen Burbridge has not as of thl's March meeting put together the survey for the Berlin Senior' Center-. IV. Review of NCAAA - The details of the roundtable were presented at the meeting. A copy of the report can be obtained at the Berlin'Senior Center. - New Business Review From The February, 1991 Meeting 1). In reference to the individual suffering from Alzeheimers disease. Director Ellen Burbridge gave the gentlemen some other alternatives to look intoregardingthe care of his mother. (Mount laurel and Brittany Farms were two places suggested.) 2). In reference. to the gentlemen falling out from his wheelchair. Director Ellen Burbridge is to have the nursing department follow up on his condition. Their have been no further incidents regarding -him. 3). In reference to Non -Berlin residents entering the Senior Center to join our activities. It has been reported that this area has not become a problem as of yet. Chairman Gene Chartrand has asked that a watch be kept on the amount of Non -Berlin individuals requesting to join our Berlin Senior Center activities. 4). In reference to the Handyman. Any request for handyman work to be done will be handled by refering them to the New Br'itain Senior Center. ' This is the way it is being handled now and will continue to do so. The New Britain Commission of the Aging Meeting March 18, 1991 Page Two Senior Center has a specific individual whom handles these request from Seniors. New Business Wheel Chairs - It' has been reported by both Director Ellen Burbridge and Assistant Director Pat Amenta that within the last several months there has been a rise in the number of request for wheel chair transportation. Chairman Gene Chartrand has asked both,, Ellen and Pat to keep a log/survey of the number of request being made for this type of transportation. A careful watch will be kept on this subject within the next couple months. Trips - Agnes Maier has raised the question as to whether or not other sponsors were allowed at the Senior Center to promote their trips. Director Ellen Burbridge addressed that question with "at the present time the Seniors were comfortable with the individual they had planning their trips", but she did not discourage the individual mentioned by Agnes Maier to come to the Senior Center to promote her trips. Chairman Gene Chartrand adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Llt". 9. ci�wza6,52-1 D bbie D. Fiumara Secretary A