1987-03-914 COMMISSION FOR THE AGING BERLIN SENIOR CENTER TOWN- OF BERLIN 33 COLONIAL DRIVE * KENSINGTON, CT 06037 March 9, 1987 The Commission For The Aging meeting was called to order. at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman.Mildred Foster. Attending were Elsie Lunt, Joseph Murphy, Ellen Burbridge, Alice Fleming, Agnes Maier, Helen Murphy, Rhea Boscola. Absent: Norman Johnson, John Cacciola. Minutes of the previous -meeting of January 12 were distributed and read by all present. A motion was made by Joseph Murphy, seconded by Alice Fleming and Helen Murphy, that the minutes be accepted as presented. All in -favor. Motion carried. Chairman Foster received a letter from the mayor reminding her that election of -officers has to be -initiated by the first of February. As we had no meeting in February, that will be the first item on the agenda tonight. Nominations were open for Chairman. A motion was made by Helen Murphy, seconded by Elsie Lunt, that the present officers be retained. All in favor. Motion carried. Mildred Foster is the Chairman; Norman Johnson is the Vice Chairman. A discussion followed of the $120.00 cost for the new glass top for the meeting room table.. The work was done by Kensington Glass Co. OLD BUSINESS: Status of�Senior Center staff: Mrs. Foster went to Town Hall with Joseph Murphy, John Cacciolo and Norman Johnson. All met with Jim D'Errico, Personnel Director. First asked for was a Clerk. The Personnel Director said if we came up with 35 hours possibly a administrative secretary could be hired by March 23. She would perform many of the duties that Ellen and Florence are now doing. Could be coming aboard to commence end of March. The job of Adminis- trative Secretary I has to be posted, at least five applications have to be submitted; opened to the public. Chairman of Board of Finance Doc McIntosh recommended eliminating the Assistant Director. Members of the Commission and the Director met with the Finance Board on 2/26/87 to present reasons why the �osition of Assistant Director should be reinstated. The Finance Board had voted to eliminate it. The Mayor and Personnel Director also attended this meeting and the position was restored.. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 130 PAGE 2 Florence will act part time until late Match - possibly the the 16th, then she will be on leave to April first. Wished to retire in May. Could consider helping later on a part-time basis. Her final date is October, shooting for July first. r NEW BUSINESS: Ellen reported there should be guidelines set up for the Senior Center, as there are none defined at present. Items discussed were - l. A first-aid plan - looking for help and suggestions to develop. Might confer with public health nurse, Jean Conway. Have a small first aid kit with minimum supplies on hand. Ellen could administer CPR treatment with another person present. CALL 911. 2. Front desk secretary - having no front desk receptionist at present, people can enter the building with no staff on hand. Ellen told of an example where a gentleman came in, was about to help himself to wood in the wood shop. The shop is usually locked - was'not locked on this particular day. Ellen stated having a receptionist onboard would help to avoid such situations. 3. Central Answering System - Jack Ross was assigned to investigate the present phone system. It needs to be reviewed and updated. because the Town complex is expected to go to a new system 7-1-87. Too many times when the all-purpose room is being used, and because of the noise level at the receptionist desk area, a phone ringing is not heard, when one does and gets to the recep- tion area, the party has hung up. There is no extension in the all-purpose room. Jack Ross could advise appropriate changes. There will be a redesigning of the front area, as it is not large enough. The Commission went to the'area to view and discuss possible changes. Ellen said she would get in touch with Mr. Russell after the new. secretary/receptionist has been on board for two months and has had a chance to work in the present area. A Town financial budget meeting is scheduled for Monday, March.30. Chairman Foste,7.,1`sked if anyone would go with her. Agnes Maier, Rhea Boscolla, offered to attend. Chairman Foster read the list of the terms of officers. Helen Murphy corrected hers to 1992. r Elsie Lunt questioned smoking on the new bus. Asked what could be done to make certain there would be no smoking. Current practices of restau- rants, business offices, etc., were cited. Are there specific laws to cover? Present programs as well as future programs for the Center were discussed: As the men are having a breakfast on Wednesday, March 12 to invite new men to the Center, the women are asking fora similar affair. Sponsor a golf team at Timberlin. PACE 3 LHold another December dinner-dance. Developing setback tournament. Stencilling class to continue. Painting class - if enough interest, Pat Szetela would donate his time..' Income-tax preparers. Programming calls would turn people away. Meeting was adjourned at 8:08 P.M. by Chairman Foster, seconded.Vy Elsie Lunt. Next board meeting April 20, 1987. Cancelled as of 4/15/87.- Respectfully submitted Dorothy'AAatrick Secretary Pro Tem I