1987-01-12COMMISSION FOR THE AGING BERLIN SENIOR CENTER TOWN OF BERLIN 33 COLONIAL DRIVE e KENSINGTON, CT 06037 January 12, 1987 I. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR The Commission for the Aging held a meeting at the Berlin Senior Center on Monday, January 12, 1987 at 7:00 P. M. Attend- ing were Chairman Mildred Fostet#'Vice ChairmAn Norman Johnson, Alice Fleming, Agne's Maier, Rhea Boscolo, Elsie Lunt, Josephy Murphy, John Cacciola and Senior Center Director Florence Barrell along with her assistant Ellen Burbridqe. Not present was Helen Murphy and Dorothy Val Munson. Copies opies of the minutes of the meeting of December 15, 1986 were distributed to those present. President Foster asked if there were any omissions or corrections. A motion was made by - Joseph Murphy, seconded by Vice President Johnsonj that the minutes be accepted as presented. Motion carried. Old business Discussion of serving health needs in past: a need for a examination table; Director Barrell has not'looked into pur- chasing such a table., She spoke with the nurse practioner at the December health screening.. There is such a table available. If there is maintenance personnel available,* there would be no need for such.equipment. Cost - approximately $600. Mrs. Barrell thinks it is not really necessary. The portable health screen- ing unit provides equipment necessary, :.They are not a public or a non-profit but a private organization. In existance for two years. Does complete screening for required donation of $15.00. Have people who want urine checked, etc. The nurse practically does the entire examination - reports come back through St. Mary's Hospital. Nurse takes routine examinations, primarily used for that problem in health treatment room. A couch was originally required in connection with food program. Vice President Norman Johnson thought funds could come from Marjorie Moore funds while still available. Elderly Health Screening Program is a titled re-graht. Dir. Barrell discussed with Mr's.. Conway. Anyone over 60 years is eligible to participate in the program. All in agreement that it is not necessary to order a examining table. Budget Proposal: Director Barrell met with the executive board on the Budget bid for fiscal year 1988. 1 C _12T Major questions: 1 - The tenative increase in.dues'and conferences $500 to $1200? 2 - Do we or do we not need a receptionist/clerk?. Director Barrell presente some statistics - in all that is involved in a clerical transaction by -herself and/or the Assistant Director. Director Barrell then presented backup information to substantiate need fora full time clerk. Vice Chairman Johnson made a motion that we reiterate our need'for a receptionist and/or clerk at 40 hours required. Seconded by Rhea Boscolo. All'in favor. Motion Carried. New business A letter of resignation from Dorothy Val -Munson, Secy. Pro Tem, was read by Chairman Foster. Dorothy has served from June 185 to Dec. 1-86. biscussion was given on --the duties of the secretary. Chairman Foster read a list.. Nancy Gentry's name was offered as a possible replacement.. She had worked for the commission before. She presently has a secretary's position at CCSU. - but Chairman Foster will contact her. Dates of the commission meeting (third Monday of each month) Feb. 16 - is in conflict with -holiday - changed to February 23. The following commission members advised of their pending absences: Rhea on a. cruise and Norman in Florida. Director Barrell passed.to all present a copy of her memo of- January 12, 1987, regarding '.her proposel for future Center operations-. At the meeting in December,.discussion of, her pending re- signation from the Commission., She talked with Mayor Ward re- garding working on -a part time basis'. He advised her. she would have to put it in writing.and Director Barrell submitted this proposal. Director Darrell next discussed the hours -as listed in her proposal. She and E. 11en-presently,. over a month.ls period, spend respectfully: 15 -- 20 hours plus for Florence and 35 hours for Ellen, who does work some extra hours. Chairman Foster advised we would have to go.into•executi,ve session to further- disc uss this matter, so Florence and Ellen were ex- cused from the meeting. Tame: Approximately, 8:15 P.M. IWZ 12-8 Further discussion was held on the replacement of personnel, required by February 1, 1987;' Commission needs by Feb. 1., full time people, chairman and receptionist/clerk. 1. Proposed appointing Ellen as Acting Director as of Feb. 1, 1987. Begin advertising for a director and/or a�assistant director. This should be accomplished by,March first. Make an appointment by March first and we will hold full resignation of'Director'Barrell. She will check back March first will'ask her to forbear with. us until -March first. - Immediately we will need the'35-hour receptionist/clerk as of 2/l.- must advertise . iinmediatel.y. It was also proposed that'Chairman Foster and John - Cacciola meet with Mayor Tom Ward together to make a plea. It was so agreed. John Cacciola.had received'and'read-a letter requesting use of the Senior. Center for a." ti'remerit party for a local politician. Discussion reaffirmed our original. policy - the Senior Center hall is not to bO usedfor any -other purpose except senior citi.zen.affairs: Matter closed. Chairman Foster advised.she would have'for our next meeting a List of terms of officers. A motion was made by Chairman Foster, seconded by John Cacciola, the meeting be adjourned at''8:33'P.. M. Motion carried. -3- Respectfully submitted Dorothy A. Patrick Fecretary Pro Tem J