1986-09-22Iil COMMISSION FOR THE AGING BERLIN SENIOR CENTER TOWN OF BERLIN 33 COLONIAL DRIVE * KENSINGTON, CT 06037 OFFICE OF September 22, 1986 THE DIRECTOR The Commission for the Aging held.a meeting at the Berlin Senior Center on Monday, -Sept. 22, 1986 at 7:00 P.M.. Attending members were Chairman Mildred Foster, Norman Johnson, Elsie Lunt, Agnes Maier, Joseph Murphy, and Senior Center Director Florence Barrell. Not present were Rhea Boscolo, Alice Fleming and Helen Murphy. OLD a - U$1NE$5: Minutes of the August 25th meeting were read by Elsie Lunt and accepted. The Sunday Sept. 21st Free Breakfast for Berlin Seniors given by the Berlin Democratic Committee was discussed; 'Agnes Maier said she had attended and 'it'was & well- received affair. The custodian had reported the kitchen kas left )in'good order and the building in general was in good condition. Mrs-. Barrell distributed copies of the lettet.she had sent to 'Mrs. Lunt, Executive Director of the Berlin Housing Authority regarding use.of the Senior Center after-hours policy and of the letter she had received from Mrs. Lunt in response. A discussion on the.contents of both lettersfbllowed, after which Mrs. Barrell read a portion of the agreement from the Housin'g'Authority refer- riog to the lease with 'the 'Center, dated January*31,.1983. t etas leiterbe'sent to the - Executive Board re- i.n �I nd. the*polling place in the Center-. gardJnqi4rarxce a C k Mrs. Barrell reported there is still a need for the second mini -bus driver, and that the Van has been-operating.for about a. week and a half on a priority basis for Doctors and Hospital visits, including Mondays & Fridays in addition to the regular three-day bus schedule, which is much relief for the bus driver. It was noted that two benches are located outside the center; one at the upper level parking lot and one in front of the building near the bus stop. Also, that the Van will be used as an alternate back-up for breakdowns of the bus. NEW BUSINESS: October 1, 1986 will be the start -of the donation plan for seniors using bus transportation. Mrs. Foster reported on a Question and Answer period of the first Senior Center Luncheon held Sept. 16th that the amount of .25� for one-way and .50� for round trips was acceptable to -the seniors. Small pre -numbered envelopes will be given to. passengers, requiring the exact amount of change. Mrs. Foster also stated the monthly Center lunches would be very popular and that more committees and programs should be * initiated, such as evening affairs. The target date for the second - 2 - Senior Center- monthly lunch is October 14th. Mrs. Maier will inquire from a friend of hers as to the cost and services -:of catered meals for these lunches, in addition. to Teresa's,catering which has been very acceptable to all attending seniors thus far. The Center Policy regarding outside users and cost is still pending. i Mrs. Foster. distributed copies of a letter she received from Ann-Dandrow, candidate for the 30th district General Assembly Representative for use.of the Center to host a free -brunch on October 26, .1986 for Berlin seniors, from 11.00 A.M:.to 1:00 P.M:" on that'Sunday, with -free transportation available. She will refer her letter,to the Executive Board and inform Mrs. Dandrow of the procedure -to follow regarding her request. Mr. Johnson suggested having both political candidates appear at the Center on the same day for an 'X -amount! of time to speak to the seniors. Mrs. Barrell also distributed copies of the.proposed Policy Statement regarding Program Monies &.Center -Goal -s for 1986587, and the Senior Center Activity Account list from June -Sept. 1986. 'She informed the members of the choice of Ellen Burbridge as the new Assistant Senior Center Director and told of her qualifications and experience. She is to assume her duties as of October 3, 1986 at which time Rae Ann Rutkowski, the temporary receptionist will be leaving. Mrs. Barrell said free bus transportation for Berlin seniors from the Center to the-Berlin:Fair Grounds on Friday., Oct. 3rd was being considered., Mr. Johnson was to clear with the $erlin Republican Town Committee the details before the announcement is made.. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.. Respectfully submitted, Dorothy V. Munson Secretary Protem DVM:s FI,