1984-02-27e&-WOT 011R.,n -rbP,,,.t0, FLORENCE R-BARRELL The meet-ing.of at 4:30 :30 P.M. bi Blanche Mahan.. Thomas Heavren. TOWN OF BERLIN COMMIIIiOn 901L gfif- CVq9i129 TOWN HALL 0 BERLIN. CONN. February 27, 1984 the Commission for the Aging -.was ca.Zled toorder Mr.,..­ Murphy, Chairman. Present were;-. Helen Murphy, Alice Fleming, Charles Davis, Charles Graham and Minutes of the November 1983 meeting were presented and reviewed. Motion was made and seconded and the minutes were approved.- . Mr. Murphy reported that at the last town meeting, $220,000. was. approvedfor the senior housing. The construction flowchart listed September. or October as the potential completion date of the. center and housing Clerk of the Works., Mr. Joseph Henry, reports- daily on the activities of the construction. Mrs. Barrell reported that the Administration requested -department heads to submit budget tiering. If we had to reduce 25% it would amount to $6.,095. The Mauor has reviewed thebudget tiering and the mini -bus was the highest priority item for retention. Mrs. BarreZI had sent a memo concerning the senior bus indicating that had reductions been made, the bus could only be used 1 112,days a week instead of three days a week. The Town could not apply for UMPTA (Urban Mass Transportation .Planning Act) funding that would have been available for a replacement 'vehicle. When the time comes, we will have to look to other funds or al.tern-a-t-e�transportation. Mr.' Murphy asked for volunteers to ' draft *-ideas *and.poZic-z'es.far use of the senior center. For instance: -the hours -and days it will be in use; will the center be available to other groups when seniors are not using it; who will manage -it; there will have -to be volunteer committees etc. One of*the members present asked what would be done with the Upson House after the new center is built. Mr. Murphy reported that the Executive Board at the right time will return it Rack to -the Marjorie Modre.Foundation and they will sell and the".funds may go to help the center. Mrs. Barrell added that if we do enter,. -into revenue enhancement, it should be done at the time the senior center becomes operational. It was agreed -future meetings would be at 7:00 P.M. Motion made, seconded and approved to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 P.M. Linda Abrahamson, Secretary