1/20/1982I YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD .,January 20, 1982 Meeting called to order by President, Debbie Matta, at 8:00pm. Present: Chuck Davis, Debbie Matta, Joe Suranna, Peter Middlemass, and Kris Motherselle.. Joe Suranna moved to accept the minutes of December 15, 1981, and of November 18, 1981.*'' -Kris Motherselle 2nd the motion. Items of Business:. Betty Tedeschi has been recommended to Mayor Ward to replace Mary Wilcox. New. -Officers= Debbie Matta was re-elected as President. Doug -Bray was elected as Vice -President. Budget Review:- Chuck Davis - gave . an over-all-reviewof the budget. Request for the third quarters monies for state money has'.been made. All processes to receive grant money will be done, with the assumption that there is still money in the -budget. In preliminary cuts the town axed the Youth Outreach Worker, and clerical help. They also cut down Dues and Conferences and Supplies. Everything else was kept,,th-e same. The Finance for met with Chuck Davis and agrees that there is need for clerical aide. They will,. - write a letter to -the mayor expressing.their feelings. Terms o,f Office- It -was decided -that the 'terms would begin and end in January. :Each member w-ill.,hold.office for the following amount of years:--. Peter Middle mass 1 year Joe Suranna Ayear- Bill McKome 1 year Doug. Bray 2"years D.ebb1_e­-.Matta-'2­ - 2" years... Kris Motherselle 3 y -ears Betty Tedeschi 3 years (When she becomes. -in offi By Laws- A committee, consisting of' Kris Mother*selle,. Do'ug Bray, 'Peter Middlemass,.and Bill McKomewill draw up a rough draft by March of 1982. The Wilderness Program is in ---a bind. becaus-e Bill. Michaud, who runs the program, has acquired a full-time position somewhere else. He will help Doug'Bray-find a replacement that is subject the Youth Advisory Boardts approval.. .Next meeting: February 24, 1982 at 8:00pm. Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm. Respectfully submitted, Dana Bosco