4/16/1980e Youth Advisory Board March 18 postponed to April 16, 1980, Meeting called to order by chairman, Debbie Matta, at 7:32pm Present- Mike Klein, Barbara Brown, Chuck Davis, Douglas Bray, Gerald Charamut, Debbie Matta,. and Joe Suranna. Budget Review- Chuck Davis gave an over-all review of the budget. Items of Business: Juvenile Review Board formation was discussed. Gerald Charamut moved to send the proposal written.by Mike Sangeloty, with revisions, to the executive board. Joe Suranna seconded the motion. Grant Proposal- Chuck Davis led'discussion. Need for meeting with Charter Revision Board for inclusion was discussed. Next years budget- Chuck Davis filled everyone in on the changes made for next years' budget which will be submitted to the town. Alterations in requests for next years budget are as follows: Dues and Conferences changed from $188 to $78 Supplies changed from $600 to $500 Sect. changed from $360 to $250 How to spend balances left in accounts - a) Radio dispatching of calls instead of beeper (advised to use fire frequency)- saves money b) Supplies (stationary, envelopes, stamps) will be purchased to send out notices telling when the board meetings will be held. Cut in budget- discussed how it affects vandalism. Letter to Peter Rosso discussed. Contract between Youth Advisory Board and YMCA signed by Debbie Matta and Doug Bray. Next meeting- May 21, 1980. Meeting adjourned at 8:58.. 0