2023-03-14 CONSERVATION COMMISSION TUESDAY MARCH 14 2023 at 6:30 P.M. The Town of Berlin, Conservation Commission held its regular meeting in-person and by remote video conference call on Tuesday March 14, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. This meeting was held in person in the Engineering Room, #120, Berlin Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road, Berlin, CT and remotely by ZOOM video and telephone conference as provided on the agenda. _________________________________________________________________ MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Michael DeLorenzo, Vice Chairman Guy Hoffman Rob Ramsey, Karen Pagliaro, Thomas Heisler, Mary Kathryn Larose MEMBERS ABSENT Karl Lewis Peter Zarabozo, Alternate STAFF Maureen Giusti, Town Planner – Dylan Willette, Asst. Town Planner – Jim Mahoney, Economic Development Coordinator CALL TO ORDER Chairman DeLorenzo called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Pagliaro moved to approve the February 14, 2023 minutes with the following corrections: - Last line of first full paragraph on page 3, change wording to “A map showing the project area was reviewed.” - Page 4 under Comments on Pistol Creek typographical correction changing “amin” to main. - Page 4 same paragraph change “detoured” to deterred. Seconded by Commissioner Ramsey. Passed unanimously. Commissioner Hoffman made a motion to temporarily suspend the meeting due to technical issues. Seconded by Commissioner Ramsey. Passed unanimously. Commissioner Ramsey made a motion to restart the meeting at 6:45 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Hoffman. Passed unanimously. PZC APPLICATION COMMENTS Zone Change - Lot 27, 27A, 27B, Block 106 Berlin Turnpike, West Side - Ralph Y. El-Hayek A proposal was received for a zone change to a former gas station on the west side of the Berlin Turnpike south of Route 9. As an application for development was not received the Commission can only voice generic concerns at this time. The property owners are looking to change from a BT-2 to BT-1 zone which allows for automobile uses such as fueling and service stations. Dylan Willette stated that during pre-application meetings with the applicants it seems that their plan is for a fueling station. The drawing the Commission received shows a stream running through the property. Commissioner Hoffman stated that it appears to be a well-defined stream with a defined channel, but it may be an intermittent stream. The Commission also viewed the wetlands overlay for the property via GIS. Commissioner Hoffman expressed concerns with the wetlands and changing the zone to one which would allow more uses on a property with wetlands. 1 Commissioner DeLorenzo stated that the plan the property owner submitted shows an intermittent stream which is not on GIS but mimics the wetlands area shown on GIS. Commissioner Pagliaro inquired about the possibility of there being an underground tank still located on the property as there had been a fueling stating there in the past. Commissioner Ramsey stated that that is typically something that is looked at during the sale of the property. COMMISSION BUSINESS POCD Discussion Economic Development Coordinator Jim Mahoney stated that he was checking in with the Conservation Commission to see if there were any additional comments they wanted to pass on to the POCD, adding that previous concerns and comments have been passed on to them. They are currently working on a Town-owned properties map showing properties as facilities, parks, deed restricted open space, and other properties that are not deed restricted. He will be sharing that with the Commission soon. Run Ragged Race Commissioner Hoffman moved to add the Connecticut Trail Mixers 2023 Run Ragged Race proposal to the agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Pagliaro. Passed unanimously. Commissioner DeLorenzo stated that a proposal for the 2023 race to be held on Ragged Mountain was received. This is a 24 hour race and as in past years the race will be limited to 50 participants, runners must stay on trails and not disrupt vegetation, no pets are allowed, parking is limited with shuttle service offered from off-site areas, organizers will provide portable restrooms which will be delivered the day before and removed the Monday following the race weekend, the event will be cup-less, and volunteers will clean up after the race. thst The race will run from 8 a.m. Saturday May 20 through Sunday May 21. The organizers will coordinate with the police department and provide EMT services. Commission DeLorenzo stated that they have no issues with this race in the past and received no negative feedback. Commissioner Hoffman stated that he believes this race will be held the same weekend as the bike race, but they are st not in close proximity to one another, and the bike race is scheduled for Sunday May 21. Commissioner Hoffman moved to support the Run Ragged Race on Saturday May 20, 2023. Seconded by Commissioner Heisler. Passed unanimously. USE OF TOWN LAND Community Garden Applications were expected to go live today. The opening date for the garden is April 1, 2023 and it will close the first weekend of November. Signage Jim Mahoney stated that the signs should be ordered now. Prices have gone up so at this time he suggests ordering as st many signs as the budget allows and more signs can be ordered after July 1. Commissioner Ramsey moved to appropriate needed funds for signage with quantity and type of signs to be determined. Seconded by Counselor Heisler. Passed unanimously. 2 Trail Mowing Chamberlain Highway Commissioner Hoffman stated that Heidi Brierly of the Connecticut Botanical Society has contacted Grounds Superintendent Steve Wood regarding a study of grasses that the Society is doing. They will be studying the area around the bog bridge on the former Chotkowski property on Chamberlain Highway now owned by the Town. A section of the trail heading east will also be included in the study. The Society has requested that the Town not mow along the trail before the study is done in mid-June and they are looking for support from the Conservation Commission. Commissioner Hoffman moved to support Heidi Brierly’s request to have a defined section of the Chotkowski Conservation area along the bog bridge not be mowed until the Connecticut Botanical Society’s study occurs in mid- June. Seconded by Commissioner Ramsey. Passed unanimously. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Councilor Hoffman stated that the house near the corner of Spruce Brook Road and Savage Hill Road still has a large pile of dirt on the property with no silt fence. Mr. Willette stated that he had spoken with the property owner and his brother owns the property next door therefore no complaint had been received from the neighbor. However, silt fencing should still be in place and he will bring up this issue with the Zoning Enforcement Officer, Pauley Morbidelli and Deputy Director of Public Works, Jim Horbal. COMMUNICATIONS A public forum on whether cannabis establishment uses should be allowed in Berlin will be held on Thursday March 30, 2023 at Berlin High School at 6:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Ramsey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:14 pm. Seconded by Commissioner Heisler. Passed unanimously. Submitted by, Lisa Bush Recording Secretary 3