1975/10/20 MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD October 20, 1975 The meeting was opened at 7:30 p.m. at the Mcgee School by Mayor Arthur B. Powers. Deputy Mayors Lanzofii and Dickinson were present. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to ac- cept the minutes of 10/5/75 as amended as follows: page 1, paragraph 8; Mr. Dickinson wanted to add to sentence #2 (for purposes of clarification) the following: "I am not opposed to the position 'from a need standpoint'; page 2, paragraph 2., 3rd sentence: the senetence should read that the Democratic Town Committee would do it, not Mayor Powers and page 2, last paragraph, 4th sentence should read "Mayor' Powers said he would like to see a referendum on election 'day' ..... MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to sign a tax abatement form, as recommended by Tax Collector Francis J. Motyka, in the amount of $1,610.92 to the Carnation Company, Los Angeles, California, due to excess payment, provided funds are available. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Powers reported that the Park and Recreation Commission and Lawrence Graham, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation has indicated a desperate need for additonal police protection at Timberlin Park. It was sugges£ed that an ordinance be drawn up prohibiting the use of motorcycles in public parks. Upon advise of Corporation Counsel Jackaway, it was noted that we ~,,cannot prohibit the use of.motorcycles in the park in that the land i.s set aside for public use for recreation. This comes under the Open Space Act regulations. Mayor Powers said that in light of Counsel's opinion he has written to the Board of Finance asking that additional monies be made available in order to afford more police protection at Timberlin Park. Mr. Dickinson read from the Charter, Section 4-8, Other Powers .... which states that the Executive Board shall administer any gift of land or ' easements ..... or any other gift made to the town ...... Mr. Dickinson sug- gested that this might be an "out" for the sculpture donated to the Town by the Architect. Mayor Powers said it was a gift to the Public Building Commission more or less in that they commissioned it. We accepted the Town Hall as the Public Building Commission presented it to us. Just because someone might not like a water fountain in the Town Hall would be no reason to just turn down the entire building. He continued that this was not a flagrant acceptance of something that is unacceptable to people. We accepted an entire building from the Public Building.Commission. Mayor Powers reported that he had received a letter from Mr. Bengston, Chair- man of the Inland Wetlands Commission, in which he was concerned that the Executive Board, in insisting on the provisio that areas that are already filled in be placed on the map without the property owners having tO make application, would be putting the burden on the Commission and not the pro- perty owners. Mayor Powers said he had written to the Commission saying that we are only asking that filled in areas which are already in existence be changed on the map so that the map will be up to date. If it is an area that is not already sub-divided or filled in, then it Will be up to the property owner to make application to the Commission. We are in no way shifting the burden onto the Commission. Executive Board Minutes lo./ o/Ts -2- ~'~ayor Powers said that in his letter he asked Mr. Bengston 'to now proceed With acceptance o£ the map and regulations. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Town Meeting fOllowed. Adjournment of regular meeting was at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Patricia A. Casella Secretary NOTE: 10/2.7/7.5: On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to Call a Town Meeting for 17 November 1975 at McGee SchOol for the £ollowing purpose: To seek permissiOn from the Legislative Body to seel the Old Town Hall, Police Station and Selden SchOol (the latter based on whether the Finance Board provides funds to open and operate the KGS building). 'MOTION CARRIED. NOTE: 11/14/75: On motion bY Mr. Lanzoni, seocnded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to award the contract for $1,350,000 in Sewer Bond Anticipation otes to the following: Connecticut Bank ~ Trust $800,000 @ 3.93% w/ $7.00 premium New Britain Bank ~ Trust $200,000 @ 4.11% New Britain Bank ~ Trust $200,000 @ 4.19% New Britain National Bank$150,000 @ 4.32% Other bidders were: First National City Bank $1,350,000 @ 5.57% Union Trust 500,000 @ 4.59% Union Trust Connecticut Bank ~ Trust Hart£ord Nat'1 Bank Hartford Nat'1 Bank New Britain National Bank New Britain National Bank New Britain National Bank 850,000 @ 5.74% 550,000 @ 4.53% w/$3. premiumi' 650,000 @ 4.65% 700,000 @ 4.75% 400,000 @ 4.35% 250,000 @ 4.38% 400,000 6.4.49% Awarded to the low bidders. MOTION CARRIED. NOTE: 11/5/75: On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to award the contract for 2 way radios to the low bidder, Communication Specialists (G. E. Radio), at their bid price of $696.60, installation in- cluded, total for four radios, $2,786.40, as recommended by Edward Haber, Chief Mechanic. Other bidders were: Motorola @$765.00 each, plus instal- lation charge o£$280.00, total cost $3340.00; General Communications {RCA Radio) @ $3280, installation included. MOTION CARRIED. Executive Board Minutes 10/20/75 -3- NOTE: 11/7/.75: On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it ,was voted to award the bid for Weather Advisory Service £or the winter season to Travelers o£ Hart£ord, our present contractor, for their low bid price o£ $$50.00, based on the recommendation o£ Morgan Seelye, Di- rector o~ Public Works. One other bidder was Northeast at $550.00. MOTION CARRIED.