1975/05/13MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD MAY 13, 1978 0 The meeting was opened at 7:30 p.m. at McGee School, by Mayor Arthur B. Powers.. Deputy Mayors Lanzoni and Dickinson were present. Also present was Susan B~own, Berlin news reporter represen- ting the Hartford Courant. On mo~ion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson it was voted to accept the minutes of April 28, 1978, and May 1, 1978 MOTION .CARRIED. ' Mr. William Roe, Director of Park & Recreation Services presented a bulletin board with a listing of playground and pool areas in town, along with a listing of the names of the prospec- tive employees to the Executive Board. He fUrther explained that there were approximately 200 applicants for 84 summer Job openings. There are 18 positions available for new applicants, however, the remaining positions will be filled by returning applicants from last summer. Mr. Roe explained the procedure he followed regarding the interviews. On all applications 28% of acceptance was placed on the interview, 28% based on recommendations, and §0% was based ac- cording to what was written on the application. This was compiled and aided Mr. Hoe in making his decision. He also stated there were very few changes made by the Park & Recreation Commission. Mr. Roe further stated that last year the Park and Recreation Dep- artment had to hire life guards from out of Town, but this.year there were enough applicants to hire from within the town. Ail applicants were hired on the basis of qualifications. Need was a factor considered, but only when the applicant was fully qualified. Mr. Roe said the letters of acceptance will be mailed on May 14, 1978, notifying the applicants, if the Executive Board accepted his recommendations, and made no changes. Mayor Powers asked Mr. R,e if there was~ any political pres' sure applied. Mr. Roe said the~e was absolutely none. Mayor Powers then stated there never really was a problem before, but he wanted this clear for the record. Mayor Powers also stated people should know that there was no political pressure placed on him, Mr. Roe, or the Park and Recreation Commission for summer job placements. 0 Executive Board Minutes May 13, 1975 -2- On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to accept the recommendations put forth by the Park and Recreation Services regarding summer employment. MOTION CARRIED. A request for abatement on taxes for Mr. Robert House, of 31 Peter Parley Row, Berlin, in the amount of $16.40 was recom- mended by Francis J. Motyka, Tax Collector for the Town of Berlin. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to refund excess payment to Mr. House. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Powers read a letter from Joseph Scheyd, Chief Asses- sor regarding a letter he received from Irvin Krantz, Connecticut Zone Manager for Addressograph Multigraph, Hartford Branch office, saying they were interested in purchasing the Addressograph Equipment in the old Town Hall. According to the letter from Mr. Scheyd, two verbal offers were made: One of $200.00 which would include Model 1957 #812B09, and the Model 6480 #785471, and an offer of $250e00 which would include the storage cabinets. Mayor Powers recommended to accept the offer of $200.00 which would be for the Addressograph, however,'the storage cabinets will not be included. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to accept the offer of $200.00 for the Addressograph equip- ment. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Powers requested the acceptance of Massirio Drive as a town Street be placed on the call to the next Town Meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. A Town Meeting immediately followed. Respectfully submitted, Beverly Symonaitis Acting Secretary 'POOL EMPLOYEES SUM~ER 1975 # Position Di rector Perc. Asst. Oir. E. 8. " " Lions " " Perc. H.Guard E.B~ " # LJ ons John Rayan, Jr. S. David Silver Martbeth McCarthy James Klotz Oenise Magnoli Michael Mayer Karen flacNul ty Rosanne Crinitt Matthew Fagan Col 1 een Ool an Leslie Satal the Lynne Benvie Lynn Kropf Robert Turner Jo-Ann Wentland Joseph Accarpto Linde Fiori Charles Davis Lynn Skene Sheltey Valentine Fredrick Turner Ricky OeGroff James O'Brten Karen Ward Ktm Keller Address 56 Briar Lane K. 49 Briar Lane K, 118B Worthington Rdge. 380 Lower Lane, B. 1232 Farmtngton Ave. 91 Dayl Drive 160 Carriage Dr. 29 Sbona Rd. 34 Woodruff K. 151 Meadow Lane, B. 78 Galpin Lane g7 Madison Dr. 48 Everett St. 40 Winchell Or. 42 Dayl Or. '50 Kenwood St. 45 Homecrest Dr. 197 Toll Gate Rd, ~-72 Deming Rd, 83 OAK Ridge Or. 66 Kenton 506 Chamberlain Hwy. 129 E1 lsworth B1 vd. 43 Oak Ridge Or. 35 Fox Hill Lane Tel'. 828-5452 8-4516 8-9600 8-5369 8-6791 225-4810 8-0279 Continued on )age #2 8-449O 8-5423 8-4967 8-4218 8-5049 8-6245 8-5131 229-1009 8-3686 8-4619 8-9264 8-3927 8-6731 8-0148 8-0168 8-6136 8-4544 8-3649 SalAry Pagq #2 POOL EMPLOYEES ~SUI~ER,, ,1975 # Pos ttt on 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. Attendant # Il Il Mai ntenance II Nan~ Dawn Gutte Betsy Pultto Donna Lubtn Patti Kochunas Roger Austin Brlen Veley Mark Lenzt ¥tchael Marzt Mark Wnuk Wtlltam Scaltce Address Tel. 763 Worthington Rdge. 737 Lower Lane , B 85 Garden Dr 59 Beechwood Lane 36 Gl enbrook RI). 33 Garden Or. 605 Lower Lane 178 Butternut Lane 297 Grove St. 110 BiShops 'Curve 8-9448 8-3043 8-644~ 84460 8-9579 8-6149 8-9815 723-8912 8-6261 8-9581 Salary 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Pos t ti on rector Supervt sot # # II # # II II # # # II II II II II PLAYGROUND EMPLOYEES ~SUIdt~ER 1975 Name Robert Ulkus Rosemarte KowalSkt Barbara Nygren Doreen Parts Barbara Fapptano Kathleen Urban RosemaryHumphrey Kelly O'Retlly Joyce Waters Sharon Yartantan Geoffrey Kahn Thomas Zesk James Mahoney Paul Sadin Paul Helenskt Nell Tordanato Peter Nieman James, Greco ' Oavtd Parad$ s R~dress 49 Woodhaven Dr. K 46 Madison Dr. B 140 Robbtns Rd. K. 98 Sterling Or. K 22 Robtndale Dr. 'K 63 Baxter Ave. K. 83 Homecrest Or. K. 48 Cornwallwall Or. K. 1356 Farmtngton Ave. B 33 Meeting House Rd. 410ayl Or. K 166 Harvest Hill Rd.K 8B Hath St. K. 295~Alltng St. 221 Lincoln St. 48 Home,rest Dr. 35 Lower Lane 37 Leather Lane 32 Candlewick Lane Tel ' 828-4636 8-3749 8-4337 8-5170 8-4033 8-9472 8-4590 225-8811 8-9873 8-4665 229-6669 8-4708 8-4O84 8-4805 225-' 4239 8-4725 8-9834 8-4010 8-6022 Sal.ary