2022-07-13 TOWN OF BERLIN BERLIN-PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY BOARD BOARD ROOM WEDNESDAY JULY 13, 2022 6:30 PM JULY 13, 2022 6:30 pm ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTENDANCE: Members Present Chairman Donna Moore, Vice Chairman Robert Lewis Chris Fasciano, Elaine Borselle, Lillian Ulan, Karen Pagliaro Staff Present Kim McNally Members Absent Carol Welz, Gail Marino, Sharon Powell Call to the Order Chairman Moore called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Audience of Citizens None Review of the Minutes Karen Pagliaro moved to approve the minutes, June 8, 2022 seconded by Lillian Ulan, passed unanimously. LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: Director McNally reported summer reading is off to a great start. 198 adults signed up for summer reading. The library has been full of children. There has been wonderful feedback about the programs. The Juneteenth program was a success. The town was very supportive. 65 people attended. The food was fantastic. The Berlin Equity Action Team and Amistad had great speakers. The front patio has been fixed. Steven Wood, Public Grounds and his team did a great job. There are two small changes in procedures. Claims return will be used for people that insisted they have returned items. There will be a record kept on this. Also, replacement items will be accepted in leu of the re- payment. The books can be purchased on Amazon, etc. These materials must be like for like. Covers and tape will be used to reinforce the books. Connecticut Library Consortium is considering negotiating contracts and making eBook vendors follow procurement laws. This will help libraries with a pricing break. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Chairman Moore conformed that member have a complete copy of the library policy. Helen (previous library director) has reached out and said hello to the board. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS: - Policy and Personnel Committee – None - Finance & Foundation Committee - None - Outreach and Advocacy Committee - None - Seed Library - None NEW BUSINESS: - Book Removal Colchester Public Library/ Book Challenges - The Colchester public library temporarily pulled a children’s biography about LBTQIA+ icon, entertainer and drag queen RuPaul from a display after First Selectman Andreas Bisbikos said a parent complained the book contains sexual imagery that is inappropriate for young readers. Director McNally passed out the Library Bill of Rights to the board. Making books available to everyone is very important in the Berlin Peck Memorial Library. The bill is a set of guidelines on library services. The library has a duty to challenge censorship. A person’s right to use the library should not be denied because of origin, age, background or views. There are different interpretations to the Library Bill of Rights. The ALA puts the responsibility on the parents of what their children are reading. The library staff is prepared to talk about all topics. They are prepared to listen and help patrons understand book challenges. The library staff must remain neutral. Books can be re-shelved to different sections but not removed. ADJOURNMENT: Vice Chairman Lewis made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:31pm, seconded by Elaine Borselle, passed unanimously. Marlo Matassa The Recording Secretary