1975/02/24MINUTBS EXECUTIVE BOARD February 24, 1975' The meeting, held at McGee School, was opened at 7:30 p.m. by Mayo: Arthur B. Powers. Deputy Mayors LanzOni and Dickinson were present. Also ~:esent were: 'Miss Sacqueline Fitzgerald, representing the New Britain Herald and Ms. Susan Brown, representing the Hartford Courant. The minutes of the previous meeting were unavailable for cdmment. Mayor Powers read the bids for the Stand-by,Generator: 1. Diesel Electric Inc., Fayville, Massachusetts $4,890o00t plus $130.00 freight. 2. M G Electric, Bristol, Connecticut $$,100.00. 3. Truck & Deisel Equipment, Springfield, Massachusetts $5,125.00. 4. U.S. Motors, Manchester, Connecticut $4,549.20. 5. Kinsley Power, Hartford, Connecticut. $5,200°00. Tentative approval was given to U.S. Motors, although nothing is to be decided until Bdward Haber, Chief Mechanic, has an opportunity to examine the bids. Motion was made to tentatively accept U.S. Motors as low bidder by Deputy Mayor Lanzoni, and seconded.by Deputy Mayor Dickinson. ~OTION CARRIED. " Due to a misprint in the call of the TOwn meeting, the newspaper printed the date as May 21, 1974, and it should have read November 25, 1974. The Executive Board, therefore, on advice of bonding counsel decided to ask Town meeting to table this resolution until the next Town Meeting. On motion by'Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to grant the l~ensington Fire Oisttict permission to apply to the appropriate State or local agencies to conduct a regulated activity within an Inland Wetland o: Water Course Area, i.e. permanent easement or right of way 20, feet wide along with a temporary easement or tight of way $0 feet wide on Town owned property to the rea: of' the new Municipal Complex and ad- jacent to the YMCA property. MOTION .CARRIED. The Board of Finance voted to ask the ~xecutive B~mrd to call a Town Meeting at the~ McGde'School, on March 10, 1975 fo: the following purposes: ' 1. To appropriate the sum of $5,000°00 from the General Fund to Account #174 Bi-Centennial Committee. 2~.To appropriate a sum not t° exceed $5,000.00 from the Gene:al Fund to account #140 Welfare. 3. To recommend acceptance of B~rkez Lane,.off Edgewood Road, as a Town street. On motion by M:. Lanzoni, it wa~ Seconded bY }lt,~ Dickinson to call Town Meeting. M?.T,ION CARRIi!D. ..~,,,'... , ~ayor Powers mentioned that in fairness to Public Welfare Worker, Patricia Casella, any criticism from the Board of Finance is unwarranted, as she studies carefully the clients, even so far as going to the house to be certain they are eligible for assistance. Mayor Powers mentioned he would send a letter to the Service Clubs in Town to see if the,y could use the old Town Hall Building. Mayor Powers also mentioned the Bi-Centennial Committee could work with the Historical Society in rehabilitating the old WOrthington School building. The Bi-Centennial Committee could apply for funds for assistance. Mayor Powers read a letter from imil Carlson, Building Official to attend the Building Inspectorts School at 'Grossingerts Conference Centert in New York on March $, to March 7, 1975. Total cost is $73.00. On '~otion by Mr.Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson it was voted to send Mr. Carlson to Building Inspectorts' School. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor powers read the Bond ^nticiPation Notes, dated March 3~ 1975 due September 10, 1975. Low bids were as follows:. $$00,000.00 at 4.11% CBT $200,000.00 at 4.14% N.B. Bank & Trust $1~000,000.00 at 4.15% HNB - HTC of NY $350,000.00 at 4.17% Fe,d=NBN $300,000.00 at 4.18% Fed=NBN $~00~000.00 at 4.20% HNB - HTC of. NY Two'million eight hundred fifty thousand dollars improvement Bond Anticipation Notes. On motion by Mr'.Lanzoni~ seconded by Mr. Oickinson. it'was voted to accept the low bids. MOTION CARRIED. Corporation Counsel Harry N. Jackaway questioned why Mr. David Doolittle~s claim was not paid. Mayor Powers said there was not enough evidence to warrant payment, and that he felt perhaps it was not · legitimate claim. Mr. John Nappi, Sr., Mr. Joseph Alix, Mrs. Ernest Hall, Mr. Albert Nieman, and Mr. Edward Bolles, ~ere present from the ~ousing Study Committee. Mayor Powers mentioned that the Housing Study'Committee must determine whether there is a need for housing for the elderly. If a need is established members will then decide on the means of funding the project. Mayor Powers said that if.a Housing Authority was established it would have broad powers and could not be restricted to the development of housing for the elderly~ exclusiVely~ according 'to state law. Mayor Powers. also said, that the Study Committee could choose between State and local funding. The HOusing Study Committee should report their findings in 30 to 60 daysi to the IL~ecutive Board, at which time the Board will act appropriately. ,© Mayor Powers read a letter from George Skene, Jr., Secretary of the four volunteer Fire Departments, regarding the "Fire Lane Ordinance". Mayor Powers talked with Chief Fire Marshall. Mr. Rosso is going to report on the Fire Lane installations to the Mayor as soon as possible. Deputy Mayor Loren Oickinson said he received a complaint from a resident of Huckleberry Lane, regarding a stt~rm sewer which was placed up on the hill. The problem is that when the storm sewer fills~ it runs down the hill onto an adjacent property owner's land, and washes the soil away. Mayor Powers said he would talk to Morgan Seelye, and the owner of the property, Robert Johnson, on this matter. Another item brought before the /xecutive Board by Mayor Powers, was a letter received from William Oiskin, Chairman of Economic Development Commission, regarding Land Utilization and Marketability Study. The W.T. McCarthy Company, of Milford, Connecticut, was recommended by the Department of Commerce, and the local Economic Development Commission. Mr. Diskin also stated that after contacting approximately seven engineering firms who would bid for this con,tact, six of these firms would have a conflict of interest in the future development of the proposed Industrial Park, in that these firms would also be eligible to do ~the design and planning work on the property. The firm of W.T. McCarthy does Marketability Studies exclusively and would not be interested in the planning and development work, if the Marketability Study is favorable. The proposed In~usttial Park, is property that was formerly.known as the Eastern Brick Company. On motion by Deputy Mayor Lanzonl, and seconded by Deputy Mayor Dickinson, ~t was voted to accept the proposal of W.T. McCarthy Company at a price of $3,000.00, which is $$00.00 less than the amount allocated by the Board of Finance. MOTION CARRIED. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 the Executive Board then attended the Town ~eeting which i~ediately followed. Respectfully submitted, FIRST CONNECTICUT'BANCORP~ INC,., N~NICIPAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT TOWN OF 'BERLIN 2,850,000 ImProvement Bond Anticipation Notes , Dated 3/3/75 - Due 9/10/75 .... BIDDERS "'~' ~6UNT COO'PON 'PREI4IU~ ..... No I.C. ' ~ 3~~ .~ .~ · ~- ~o. t.?.,~,,~ q ~ ~ ,,., ~.~ " ' ~ "~.~ ...,.~ .,,,.,..-,-.. ~,-,..., . .....